The Hidden Moves

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"Hey Rodriguez, please let me see the books" Sebastian asked to one of the account guys, taking a chair and sat next to him, the young man stood and look for the books that Sebastian was asking for as quickly he could.

"Here sir, anything else?" Nervous Rodriguez asked cautios.

"No, just this." He answered and left to his office and he rolled the sleeves of his white shirt and began to check every book. He was bored to see numbers, but it was something he has to do, then an familiar name appear before his eyes.

The same number of bank account that Charlotte gave to him, received a payment for some service, it was a little amount, and he began to check more. He found more amount to the same bank account, he look further and those payments and he checked the time when they begun.

"Shannon, call Rodriguez to my office please."

"Yes Mr. Carmine, did you called?"

"Rodriguez, come here. I want you to explain me this." Sebastian pointed the payment to the strange company service.

"Mr. Carmine, I remembered that a little company work for us once, with some maintenance but it was only once, I don't know how..." Rodriguez was nervous explaning to his boss, the man felt like his head was in a silver plate, because Sebastian was observing him coldly and dangerous.

"Who was in charge?" Sebastian asked upset, but yet he was holding himself.

"I don't know Sir, but Griffin were the last one on check the digital books and print them."

Victor, some how Victor's appeared to be involved into this, and the bank account made it the first and one suspect. But instead that call Victor and ask for an explanation, he choose to investigate the companies with the same payment.


Charlotte was looking to the papers that Sebastian showed her, she couldn't get all the information that he was talking about, but she remained quiet, and he call her attention.

"Will you look further, I need to find more account numbers like the one you gave me" She look him to his eyes, and she decided to speak.

"I don't get it, you're telling that Victor is hmm- doing this?"

"You know what it is? This is fraud Charlotte, Victor is stealing a lots of money, he deserves go to jail."

She stood and grabbed her head. She never expected this from Victor, he was always so proud and he always wanted more.

"Fine. Let me see what else I can get for you. I never knew... I..." She covered her mouth, unknowing what to feel, she didn't know if she had to cry or be mad, or both. Her chest felt some of a twisted pain.

"I'm counting on you. I had my doubts, but this confirm it."

"I will seek for more proves" She took her purse and left Sebastian's place.


She arrived home, and opened the door, looking for Nina and Marvin. They weren't home. She put the bag in a little table and sat in the couch. Charlotte began to think about how her life change in just a few months and everything was for the money. Her happy life as a married woman was just a lie, even her friends didn't now anything about her situation. She was surrounded by darkness lost in her thoughts.

The door opened and Victor turned on the lights, then he was scared of seen the woman in the darkness.

"Holy sh*t Charlotte, you scared me!!" He walked towards her, and Charlotte ignored him. "Did something wrong happened to you?" He asked her, but she only stood and walk to the kitchen, took a glass cup and served wine.

"I'm fine, I just have a little headache" She drank and offered. He slowly got near to her, and took away the cup and tried to kiss her. "No, I can't" She remove herself from that place and he followed her.

"What are you playing? You think that I am just your sex toy, I have to satisfy myself too!" He pulled her hand, and try to kiss her again, she turned her head, feeling disgusted by him.

"Let me go, you are hurting me!" She wanted to scape from him, that wasn't the Victor that she knew before.

"No. I want you, I really need..."

She slapped him, ready to burst in tears, she was furious, desperate, she only wanted to beat him until her arms lose their strength. "If you are so horny, why don't you go to your private slut and let me go! I'm tired of this, I'm tired of you!! I don't even enjoy sex with you anymore, but you are my last choice!!"

He stepped backwards denying her words.

"F*ck you Charlotte. You're right. That's why I have her, because you were just a frigid doll, you aren't even good for that."

She moved, giving him more space, and he walked to their room. Minutes after he reappeared.

"I'm leaving, don't wait for me." He walked out and shouted the door behind him. She only stayed there for a few minutes.

"We're home!" Nina made her announcement and Marvin ran to hug his mother. Charlotte took him on her arms and smiled to him. She hugged him softly, caressing his head.

"Hey, sorry I should brougth him earlier but, we were playing with other kids, and... Charlotte, are you okey?" Nina asked at the same time she touched Charlotte's shoulder.

"I'm fine, boy look at the hour, you have to go to school, and I must prepare the dinner." Charlotte put Marvin down and walked away from Nina.

"But, I saw Victor leave... I think he was..."

"He went to get something for dessert.. he... he will be back" Charlotte looked Nina over her shoulder, then she grabbed a knife and she went blank.

"He has to come back." 

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