Chapter 6- Worst Day Ever

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"Come on, let's begin the class with your introduction. Don't be shy, come on" She said with an encouraging smile.

What is this? Middle school?

Oh no! Why was this happening? All the heads turned back to look at me. The first benchers leaning front and back to have a glance. I shyly stood up and started walking towards the stage when I heard a boy say "nice butt". I ignored him and proceeded. 

I smiled at the teacher and then turned to the class.

"Good Morning.  I am Ally Ricosta. " People were giggling and commenting. It was so embarrassing.

I turned to the teacher and nodded my head as if to say I am done.

"Oh okay. You'll have fun with us Ally. I will be teaching you English. You may call me Miss Kate or Miss Adams. Now please head back to your seat so we may begin with today's class."

Sure! I almost ran back to my seat. The entire hour passed in a blur with someone always turning back to look at me and then talk about me to their friends. This never happened in my old school. People didn't even bother to know who the new admission was. The bell rang and I hurriedly went to Miss Kate for her sign on the slip and my books. Once I got those, I thought I might have to use the locker now. I fished out my keys and headed to the locker hallway. I was putting in my books when I was interrupted by the red head. Wait what was her name?

"God here you are! I've been searching for you in the entire building." She said breathlessly.

"And why is that?" I asked.

Before she could reply a boy replied.

"Because she is attracted to girls. She is infatuated with you already. " He joked. Or so I hoped.

"Shut up Jule." She shoved his arm playfully.  "I wanted her to meet you guys."

"We could do that at lunch. Everyone would be there. Oh and I am Julius but you can call me Jule. Everyone does." He extended his hand.

I smiled and shook his hand. 

"Nice to meet you,  Jule" I said.

"You too Ally.  See you at lunch. " He pecked my cheek. That was something I didn't really appreciate.

The redhead nodded and went away as well.  On my way back to Calculus class I kept thinking about the way Jule had pecked my cheek. He was quite handsome with his blonde short hair and blue eyes. He looked cute.

I found the class and decided to not be back bencher for this one. I was waiting for the teacher to come.  The hour passed quite slow with the regular stares from people, the teacher signing my slip and giving me books.

It was lunch break and I was wondering whether should I go the cafeteria or not. That redhead had said she'd take me to meet her group but she hadn't appeared yet. I was keeping my books in the locker when I was greeted by Jule. His locker was the next one to me so I guess we are gonna keep meeting all the time.

"Hey! " he said.


"You enjoyed Calculus? "

" No. Not really."

"No one does.  Anyway enough of the study talk, let's go grab something to eat. "


We headed to the cafeteria. Every table was full and I almost thought he was going to say let's forget about it but he kept on walking, myself following him, with of course the stares to accompany me. He reached a table and sat down. I noticed the redhead there and she jumped in excitement on seeing me.

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