Chapter 21 - "Finally we are stepping in for the ball"

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So the wait is over! The ball night is finally here and there is a lot that is going to happen. *smirks devilishly* How pretty is Ally looking in that picture above .And the ball is divided into parts. This is Part 1. Enjoy!

The next day when I wake up, I get a message from Candice to ditch school today. No one was going and so it was a deemed holiday, or so I thought. I lazily keep messing with my phone until I think its finally time to get up. After having a bath, I slip on my denim shorts, my peach tank top and my a cardigan. I let my hair down, curling it at the ends.Putting on some eye liner and a dab of lipstick, I am ready to start the day. It feels like I've finally started dressing like myself after ages. School really has changed me and I've quite forgotten where I belong. Taking a deep breath and putting on my invisible crown, I head downstairs.

"Someone looks in a good mood today!" Aunt comments when she sees me. She was wearing her blue English gown with fur around the sleeves and the collars. Her gown, as usual, was sweeping the floors.

"Good morning Aunty! Yes I am! No school today!" I beam and sit down on the chair, while Manny greets me with a smile and I nod.

"Would you like anything specific for breakfast today, Miss Ally?" Manny asks me.

"Oh yes. I would like a strawberry frappucino, some chocolate pancakes with whipped cream and a cheese omelet. Thank you." Yes! I'm all about taking the calories in today.

Manny looks surprised for a second but hides it soon and walks off to the kitchen.

"My my! Too many calories for a breakfast don't you think?" Aunt makes herself comfortable on the king chair across from me.

"Oh c'mon Aunty! I only expect you to spoil me. The 'deal-of-the-year' for the Ricostas is to be made in two weeks and I'm working on the project so hard, it nearly consumes all the energy that I intake in the day. I really want to have an off-day today. Moreover, I think I'll have to fly to London on the next weekend. Dad wants me there, seeing how it all turns out. For that, I'll have to be back in my figure. All the paparazzi are going to flash their cameras in my face and I cannot be a shame to the company. I have to be on all the magazines and teenage sites, in my Michael Kors dress, with the latest Prada handbag and my Armani heels, my pictures getting clicked while I walk gracefully up to the building. Oh my God! I am gonna look so damn hot. Gosh I gotta work out right from tomorrow."

"We'll discuss that later, as for now how are your plans for the ball tonight? You picked up your dress yet?"

"No I didn't, because I'm gonna borrow one of yours. Yes I hid it from you so that you won't make me get a gown that I know I wouldn't be wearing for the rest of my life."

"As if you wear the same pair of jeans twice" She rolls her eyes.

"Yes but-"

"No buts. I'm calling my designer right now, he'll take your measurements and by evening you'll have your princess gown!" What?! "Wait you said it was English themed right? Okay I'll instruct him accordingly." She clasps her hands and walks off, her gown sweeping the floors again.

"Yes but tell him I don't want my gown sweeping floors of the school" I giggle.

"Oh girl you won't understand. Its a pride to have....'' She starts her speech and I see the house keeper, whose name I can't remember, bringing my frappucino in a tray. Aww my baby looked so beautiful. He set it in front of me and I immediately put the twisted straw in my mouth.

I've just finished my breakfast and am getting up from the table when I see a man, in his mid forties walk up the stairs to our house. Who let him in?

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