Part 3

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- Madison's point of view -

About a month had passed and to say that my life hadn't changed a bit would be a complete lie. It had literally done a 180.

I found myself craving him, yes him.

All I remember is crying one day and the next minute, he was standing by my side rubbing my back in a circular motion. We were outside on my front steps as he comforted me for the longest time ever just making sure I was okay and to be honest, at that point, I didn't care about anything. I felt so worthless and alone that it was making me fall apart but he, he helped me.

Austin. Austin was his name.

I was so lost and confused that night, everything was pretty much a blur. I remember Colt coming up to me that same day at school and things just got out of control from that point on.

I skipped the whole afternoon and spent it in a Starbucks just blankly staring at the table in front of me. Numerous people came in and out of the store and surely enough they were looking at me but of course, I couldn't have possibly cared less. Nothing mattered.

It's only when I got home though that I broke down. I had been crying in my room for an hour just trying to get the feelings to go away but they wouldn't and I was becoming aggravated-so aggravated that I went outside to take some air and luckily for me, my mom hadn't questioned my sudden mood change.

Fresh air would often do the trick but this time, it was no use. I needed someone.

And that someone just happened to be walking by and as soon as he saw me, his expression changed and he cautiously made his way over to me unsure of what exactly to do. He sat right by my side not saying a single word as I held my head in between my hands, the tears still slipping free from my eyes.

I cried and cried and cried and he simply watched me. Normally, this would bother me but I let him do it, I let him watch my every move because I had nothing to live for, it didn't matter.

It was only a few minutes later that his hand made contact with my back as he started rubbing it in a comforting matter.

"You shouldn't be crying." His voice spoke for the first time and it's then when I lifted my head up, staring into his eyes that had completely caught my attention.

I shook my head "You don't understand." I choked out more than fed up with everything.

"Maybe I do."

I shifted my eyes to the side knowing for a fact that he didn't understand, there was no way he understood. He had no idea of what I was going through heck, he didn't even know me.

"I doubt it."

"Try me." He tested. I bit the inside of my cheek wanting to take on his challenge for some odd reason. I felt the urge to prove him wrong because I knew he was wrong, I just knew.

I let out a stifled laugh while wiping some of the tears away "You don't want to know."

"If I didn't want to know, I wouldn't be here right now asking you to tell me."

Point made.

My eyes met his for the second time today and it's then when I realized how welcoming they were, they spoke for themselves and brought me comfort almost immediately; they were hazel.

I actually felt as if I could trust him; just like that. Or maybe it was the fact that I needed to get it out my system so desperately that I let everything flow out because for the next hour, I told him everything. From the very start right until the end; he listened to me with attention and care, his arm squeezing my side every once in a while in assurance.

It was only when I was finally done that he confessed himself a similar situation of which he had gone through. A ate my previous words back immediately because he understood, he understood everything I had gone through. I doubted him while in reality, we were both living the exact same thing except of course, I was the one having a harder time with it all.

"If you ever need to talk again or even clear your mind, call me." Was the last thing he said before putting his number into my phone and walking away never looking back once.

Ever since that day, he had infatuated me and I wanted to know more. Something about him took my attention and I knew for a fact that this was going to be far from the last time I would ever see him again. There was just no way.

A few days went by and I hit that point again; that dark whole in which I couldn't get out.

I was in my room pacing round and round trying to get the nagging thoughts to leave but I simply couldn't get myself to do it, and that's when I remembered. Having no other solutions to my problem, I grabbed my phone and did exactly what he had told me: called him.

He came over in a matter of minutes and I talked everything out as he listened to every single word. I wondered how he didn't get bored with my constant talking but for some reason, he was paying so much attention. I had never had someone do that before.

And then weeks went by and days and hours and seconds and this was becoming a habit of mine except that every time I would call him, it wasn't to talk my problems out but to the contrary, hang out. I had grown custom to him.

We kind of just hung out here and there but it was nothing more than friends. Sure, he was hot, but I couldn't and even he knew it.

As much as I hated saying it, I wanted him.

There was that part of me desperately trying to not let this get to me because I couldn't afford it, not again, not ever.

Every day I still think about it trying to figure out how stupid I was for letting myself fall for him. The two relationships I had been in, I got played.

The first one didn't matter all that much because we didn't get serious or anything but the second one though, that was a whole different story. The guy played me through the whole eight months of my life that I spent wasting my time for him. Even though it was three months ago, every time I would think of it, it would infuriate me; I promised myself to never fall for a guy like that ever again. I would rather spend the rest of my life being single then being cheated on every single day, being played behind my back and most of all, being lied to. That, I couldn't handle.

Austin though, even if he didn't seem like the type, I didn't want to take any chances because Colt, he didn't seem like the type either but obviously I was very wrong. I didn't want to fall for a guy like that and being extremely attracted to him scared me because I didn't want to get involved with the kid.

Betraying myself, that was the last thing I wanted to do.

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