Part 16

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- Madison's point of view -

"I already told you no, now can you please stop bothering me?"

"Please," Ryan begged "Just one last answer and then I'll stop."

I shook my head "But I already gave you half of the answers, Ryan! You can figure it out on your own, it's not that complicated."

"Sorry if we're not all geniuses."

"I am not." I rolled my eyes "There's a difference between being a genius and doing your assigned homework. When was the last time you did that huh? Do you even know what that word means?"

He sighed while sliding down in his chair, a pout resting onto his lips as he tried to find the correct answers to the problems. I really wasn't a genius though and far from it too but I understood it because I did the work that was asked and unlike him, I did my homework. Once you understand the basics of math, everything else falls into place and it's just like putting the pieces to a puzzle back together. Simple as that.

Looking at the clock, I saw that the bell was just about to go off so I quickly gathered all my stuff up and handed the teacher my paper work. Ryan was still sitting there trying to figure out the problems and I couldn't help but feel bad for him because I knew he would never have time to finish it before end of class so leaning in so that he could hear my voice, I started whispering all the answers to him. Within seconds he had them all written down and he gladly gave the sheet back to the teacher.

"You owe me big time." I stated as he got back to his desk.

"I know," He smiled "Trust me, I'll make it up to ya." And barely a second after, the bell went off as we both made our way out of class. I spotted Robert down the hallway and started running after him considering I didn't want to lose him in the massive crowd of people.

Finally making it to him, I grabbed his shoulder as he turned around, a confused expression onto his face "Hey, I was just going to get you. I thought your class was that way?"

I let out a laugh still trying to catch my breath "No, math class is the other way." I pointed to the open door in which I had just come out.


"It's okay Rob, you're still new here it's understandable." And we both quietly laughed at how oblivious he was to the school. I'm honestly still surprised that he doesn't get lost.

Taking in a deep breath, we both started walking towards our lockers to pick up our books for next class. But as I did just that, I started to hear shouting, no scratch that, screaming. The voice almost seemed familiar but it was hard to tell considering the person was talking so loudly and in such an angry tone. Automatically taking hold of Robert's hand as if it was an instinct for comfort, we both turned the corner and almost immediately my books fell to the floor as my free hand covered my mouth in shock. Nothing but pure shock.

Cameron had this kid nailed up against the lockers, his face only a few inches from him as he shouted things that I couldn't even make out. It didn't take long before people started swarming the surroundings and soon enough, a crowd was formed around the center of attraction that consisted of Cameron and the kid. All I could do was watch. Words weren't even coming out and my stomach was violently doing flips all over the place. Robert was still holding my hand as he tried to reassure me but it was no use because I knew that any minute the kid could be dead. Cameron was definitely not the person to mess with.

An awkward silence formed itself around us as tension grew making me feel a tugging at my insides. I couldn't help but feel horrible. I was literally sick to my stomach, for all I could say. All of this was most likely my fault and maybe it wasn't directly connected to me but I knew I was behind all of it, or at least in Cameron's head I was. He was acting like this because he was confused, angry, frustrated but most of all lost. I still don't know what's gotten into him but I know for a fact that he's lost. I know him well enough to see what he's feeling, I can process his emotions as if they were my own and that's what kills me the most because I know exactly what he's feeling but I can't tell or say why; I'm completely left in the dark.

I heard the kid say something to him making me snap out of my trance and it's then when his face just flushed with pure anger. He wanted to kill him right now and then and just when he lifted his hand up to give him a punch, words came flying out of my mouth as I shouted the loudest I possibly could not wanting to see this happen. "Cameron, don't!" My voice came out even louder than I ever expected it to be just making everyone turn their attention to me including Cameron's.

His face suddenly softens and a look of compassion found its way onto it just making me feel slightly better but that didn't last long before he flashed me the same hatred look as yesterday and turned back to the kid, completely ignoring me.

"This isn't over." I heard him say before shoving him in the lockers one last time and walking away in exact opposite direction of me. I let out a sigh of relief as everyone started leaving, going back to their own thing.

I couldn't believe that he listen to me, did I have that big of an effect on him? I wondered in disbelief. Although he was pissed with me like there was no tomorrow, he still listen. How?

I let go of Robert's hands and bent down while picking up my books that I had previously dropped to the floor. This just proved to me that there was something terribly wrong, he wouldn't have acted out like this on any day, it had to be something he really cared about and I knew that this little scene was just about letting the frustration and anger out. The kid probably told him a smart remark or something and he didn't take it very well, obviously.

Brushing passed everyone as Robert closely followed from behind, I finally reached my locker and started to absentmindedly go through it. I couldn't concentrate. My mind was completely focused on one thing and one thing only: Cameron. I had managed to keep him out of my head pretty much all day and now that I saw him, I knew that he wasn't going to leave.

"Are you okay?" Robert asked, his hand on my back as his face was scanning over mine.

"Yeah uh, I'm fine- I'm just a bit shaking up. That's all." He nodded as I took a deep breath in trying to clear my thoughts which actually worked. Remembering that I had chemistry next, I grabbed my text books and shut my locker door close.

Class went on at a slow paste as we learned about completely unnecessary and useless subjects that I would probably never use later on in life. That was definitely one thing I hated about school; we were forced to learn.

Nothing actually made sense anymore, well at least for me it didn't. I couldn't concentrate in class and I kept zoning out. I tried so hard to get it out of my head but it wouldn't budge, not even the slightest bit. It was like this never ending circle that kept going round and round and round. I had questions without answers and answers without questions if that even made sense. I was probably just as lost as Cameron was if not more. All I knew was that I needed to forget, I didn't want to think about it any longer. I needed to bring myself to let it go because doing this to myself wasn't getting me anywhere, it wasn't helping. I had to let it go.

Now I know they say that you have to fight for the person you love but what happens if they don't fight back? What happens when they basically turn against you and kick you out of their life? What happens when there's just nothing left to do? In all honesty, you just have to move on. Maybe our friendship was too good to be true and it was only this one in a life time thing, who knows. I always thought that he would be there to stay but I was obviously very wrong about that and I just had to accept the fact. I was over it, over him.

Looking out the window, I saw the wind brush against the trees making the leaves move in all soft directions. If there was one thing I could say it would be that I was the leaf; I was emotionally unstable and I was definitely all over the place. It's like my feelings were pushing me around and I couldn't help but stumble all over the place as every once in a while I would fall but luckily for me, I would get back up but I knew that it was just a matter of time before I would fall and this time around, I would be left there to die, just like the leaf itself.

Looking back to the teacher, I realised that class was almost over and I couldn't wait to get back home. At least there, I would get the peace and quiet I so desperately needed.

When the bell finally rang, I gathered all my stuff up and made my way out of the school where I impatiently waited for Robert. He told me he wanted to talk to me after class so that's exactly what I did.

Just as I was standing there, a strangely familiar figure walked pass me and when my eyes landed upon the body, a hitch of a breath got caught in my throat. This same predicament happens at least once a week I mean I can't really avoid it to say the least; he still goes to my school, he's still alive.

Colt was casually walking with his girl basically clinging onto his hip. I often wondered if she knew what she had gotten herself into because to me, it was nothing less than ridiculous, outrageous even. But I guess she didn't care because she was still there, she's been there ever since we broke up and that just led me to assume that she was the dirt bag he was screwing behind my back but that did she know? I had no idea. Maybe she was still oblivious to the whole situation but then again, she went to our school and she saw Colt and I kissing in the hallways and holding hands, she must've have known.

To say the least, if she was in fact the girl I made her out to be, I think it's safe to say that I have no respect for her what-so-ever. She looked and probably was trash and still to this day, I can't figure out why she would even be with him. Yes, Colt can be a complete sweetheart but behind all of that, there's far more that hides his innocent looks. As they say: never judge a book by its cover.

Once his figure disappeared into the distance, he slowly started to fade away from my mind as I brought my attention back to the doors where people were rapidly coming out.

* * *

"Is it okay if we stop at Subway or something? I'm kind of starving." Austin quietly asked as we drove through our neighbourhood.

"Sure" I shrugged not really caring what we did. As long as I was far away as I possibly could from school, everything was fine.

We drove around for a good two minutes before we arrived to the place I had been so very often in the pass. Last time I went must've been about a month ago, I guess I hadn't craved it in a while.

I watched as Austin shut off the car before turning his head in my direction completely taking me by surprise "You're sure you're alright?" He asked worry buried within his eyes "You're kind of quiet..." I simply nodded my head while flashing him a smile. I didn't want him to know that I wasn't feeling all that great even though I know that he knew but still, I was denying it which he didn't push any further.

Stepping out of the car, it didn't take long before we were waiting in line for Austin to order his sub. I wasn't all that hungry so I didn't bother doing the same but it was when we sat down and he uncovered the perfectly wrapped sandwich that my stomach started to growl. It looked so good. He had gotten a twelve inch of what seemed to be ham and cheese on probably white or Italian bread, I couldn't quite tell but all I knew is that it looked delicious and that I was suddenly tempted to get up and order myself one.

I hadn't eaten too much today and I guess it had once again taken a toll on me.

"Here," His voice snapped me out of my trance as I looked up and saw his hand placing half of the sandwich in front of me "Eat, it'll do ya some good."

I looked at him in an unsure manner feeling extremely guilty for taking half of his dinner.

"Madison, I know you're hungry. I can see you eyeing my food." He giggled taking a bite of his own.

"But Austin I-"

"No," He interrupted "It's okay, now eat." And I did exactly what he said although I still wasn't all that comfortable with the situation. Despite how good it tasted, I couldn't help but think of how generous of him that was, any other guy would've been selfish and kept all their food to themselves I mean, I hadn't even asked him he just gave it up.

"I'm going to pay you back for this." I declared in a rather affirmative tone.

"You're always about paying huh?" He sighed "I swear to God Madison, just keep your money I don't need it."

"Who said I was talking about money?" And it's then when his eyes shot up and this priceless grin plastered itself onto his face. "But if you don't want it..." I trailed off.

"Shut up."

"Oh, mister nice guy changed his mind I see." He gave me a glare while taking another bite which just made me laugh even more so. "You're so gullible, Austin."

"I am not."

"Yes you are."

"No!" He protested "You're just teasing me."

I grinned while leaning in closer to his face "How so?" my voice barely a whisper.

"You just won't stop huh? I came here to have a nice dinner with my sandwich and there you are turning this into the exact opposite."

"Don't get all mad, it's not my fault you can't control yourself." I smiled while shrugging "I thought you'd be happy about it."

"I am- no I didn't mean it like that I just- you know what? Just forget about it and eat your God damn food." I smiled with satisfaction at what I had just unleashed. I knew he wasn't mad though, he was just being-Austin.

I took a bite as I scanned the combination of various ingredients put in between the two slices of bread "This is actually really good," I stated "I'm impressed, I didn't know you had such great taste."

"Well let's face it, if I didn't have good taste I wouldn't be with you right now."

Did he just complement me?


"You heard me; I don't have time to repeat myself I mean I have to keep my energy for later." He winked knowing that I would understand exactly what he meant by that.

"Not anymore," I flashed a smile while picking up my garbage and throwing them away "I changed my mind."

I turned around just to see him stuff the last of his sub into his mouth before getting up from the table himself. I skipped my way to the car in a childish manner and just before I got the chance to open the door, his arms snuck around my waist and he pulled me into him. I felt his lips press themselves on the side of my neck before pulling back and making their way to my ear "But you know you want to."

Licking my lips, I closed my eyes trying to contain myself "Stop."

"Stop what?" He asked obviously playing stupid with me.

"You know exactly what, Mahone. Not in public." I ripped his hands away from my waist as he stood there in awe not believing my sudden boldness towards him. I didn't want anyone to see us because I knew just what sort of problems that would create, I already have enough on my shoulders as it is, I don't want to be adding more.

Sighing, he stepped away and got in the car. His red Range Rover starting moving and before I knew it we were back at his house. I grabbed my backpack that was in the back seat and made my way up the all too familiar steps that led to his house. Upon noticing that his mom wasn't home, I gladly made my way upstairs until I reached Austin's room where I scattered myself on top of his bed.

Slumber had taken over all of my body and before I could even process what was happening, I fell asleep.

* * *

I felt a light rubbing of a hand on top of mine and just when I opened my eyes, everything came back to me; where I was and with who. I turned my head to the side just to see Austin on his phone looking focused as ever. I smiled to myself knowing that he hadn't even noticed that I was awake yet, he looked adorable.

"What are you doing?" I asked making his head brutally turn to me in shock.

Smiling at me from the side, he took back his original composure and went back to his phone "Twitter" He shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing. Well technically, it was.

As his thumb still brushed over my skin every once in a while, I took hold of his hand and intertwined our fingers. At first, he seemed confused but once he realized what I was doing, he grinned and continued doing whatever he was doing. I couldn't help but notice how his hand was soft and comforting in every way possible. Just his simple touch could make everything better.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Fine," The word rolled off of my tongue "It was quite refreshing, actually." He gave my hand a squeeze in response.

Silence took over once again and I couldn't help but think. My mind started to wander everywhere and anywhere but most precisely, it fell upon Austin. He was always so nice and he actually cared but the thing that always astonished me was the fact even though he doesn't have to, he does. It's almost as if he'll do anything for me but I don't want that I mean, our relationship isn't about caring for each other and stuff and as much as I deny it, I do care and he does to. I can't stop myself from doing so. He makes me happy and I somehow managed to get myself attached to him and I know that we keep saying no feelings involved but I can't hide the fact that I'm attached to him.

When everything goes down, who do I go see? Austin. When I need comfort who's there for me? Austin. When I need someone to talk to who's the first person I think of? Austin. Everything it connected to him. In a way, I like to think of him as my life saver because he makes everything better. I never thought I would find someone who could have such an effect on me but I guess I did and I'm sure not letting go anytime soon.

The silence that roamed in the room was comfortable and that's what I liked about our relationship; we were comfortable with and around each other. Now don't ask me how that's possible considering I've barely known him for two weeks now but it is, it just feels as if I've known him for years on end. And the bonus in all of this? I like every single thing about him. Whether it's on the inside or the outside, he's flawless to me no doubt about it.

Turning my head to the left in order to see his face, I smiled at the thought of him laughing; I always liked it when he would laugh. It would brighten up my mood and make everything just disappear except for him. Actually, whenever we were together, in my mind, everything would vanish except for him. He standing right in from of me or he lying next to me, nothing mattered except for Austin.

As I stared at him through my long eyelashes, he finally put down his phone down and turned his head to the side just to meet my eyes that were already looking. His face was now just mere inches away and I could see perfectly clearly his pools of green and yellow with strikes of blue. If there was one thing I could say about this boy was that he had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, they could shine from miles away and always had that small twinkle in them that made my stomach do flips. But the thing that made me fall in love with his eyes was the way he would look at me; when they would scan over my body with nothing but pure lust within them. It made me feel wanted and I loved that, it made me feel as if I was worth something.

Taking my right hand, I trotted it over to his face while I caressed his left cheek. He closed his eyes for a second or two as I did just that making me smile at how peaceful all of this was. If I'm not mistaken, a while ago before I fell asleep, we were arguing over me giving him a blow job and now, we were lying in bed just enjoying each other's presence.

Another thing I liked was how his body heat would make me feel at ease. Just to feel him in general would do that but it still only took one touch to make me forget about everything and everyone.

Opening back up his eyes, he stared at mine for a while as I tried to figure out what was passing through his head. I knew it wasn't bad basing myself on the smile that was plastered onto his face which I doubt that he even noticed was there, but I still wondered.

I then starting to ever so slowly lean in as I watched Austin's eyes close themselves the closer I got and right when I couldn't see his anymore, I closed mine and captured his bottom lip in between in own pair. His plump ones kissed back without a problem and we just stayed like that for a while. That was another thing too: I loved the feeling of his lips on top of mine, they were so soft and warm.

I barely pulled away leaving our lips to touch only the slightest bit. A smile form itself onto my face and my thumb repetitively brushed against his cheek. This moment right here, it was perfect.

Pressing my lips to his once more, I felt his hand that was previously settled on his chest make its way to my waist. It's then when I realised that we were still holding hands and that neither of us had let go.

As I broke free from the gentle kiss, I pecked his cheek before pulling him into and embrace, squeezing him tight needing to feel comfort. He returned the favour doing the same himself as I slowly found my way on top of him, my head buried within the crock of his neck. Our hands that were now separated allowed his to engulf my whole body as he pressed me against him.

I left a soft kiss on his neck letting him know that he was doing well, not that we ever did bad anyways. I then took a deep breath in smelling his cologne that I had gotten so used to within the past few days. That was another thing about him: he smelt amazing and there was no hiding it. I could literally smell him from afar but don't get me wrong, it wasn't strong or anything it just had this particular scent to it that could get me going anytime of the day.

Backing away, I brought my face back in front of his as my hands traveled upwards into his hair where I started to gently tug at the ends of his brown curls. It wasn't all that often I would see him without his hat quite frankly I mean yes, I saw it all the time when we were in bed but other than that, he carried that hat of his everywhere we went. I still couldn't understand how he didn't like his hair because to me it made him look adorable. It was that cherry on top of the cake thing; a bonus.

When I looked down and met his eyes, I saw that same twinkle I was talking about earlier. They spoke to an extent that wasn't even possible anymore. There was just something about them that made him different but still, I couldn't quite figure it out. So smiling down at him, I placed a chaste kiss on the brim of his nose just making him giggle underneath his breath as I did the same. My hands left his hair bringing them back onto his face where I cupped both of his soft cheeks, caressing them gently.

As I already mentioned: he was flawless.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered letting his cool minty breath dangle across my lips. I sudden wave of heat passed through me and it's then when I knew that my face had turned a shade of bright pink, red even. I couldn't be sure. Austin grinned with satisfaction at the reaction I had just given him although I don't know why I did it. Every time he would complement me it would have the same effect over me; I guess I simply wasn't use to it even though Cameron used to tell me the same thing all the time but with him, it didn't feel the same way it did with Austin. Now I knew that he meant what he was saying but despite the fact, it was just-different.

Austin's hand started going up my back until he lifted it up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Once again, I smiled and it's then when he lifted his head up just to meet my lips and make them one with his. As much as this may seem cliché, it's like we were meant to be: Our lips fit perfectly together not to mention how our hands had the perfect fit, he made me smile as I made him smile, we understood one another but most of all, we completed each other and neither one of us could deny that.

Suddenly, he pulled back taking me by surprise and his facial expression completely changed. He was now wearing one that I couldn't make out but he looked kind of angry and frustrated, to say the least, he looked serious.

I started to rummage through my head of what I couldn't have possibly done wrong but I couldn't find anything, I didn't understand.

"What's wrong?" I softly spoke even though on the inside I was far from calm.

Austin shook his head "Nothing" And then I contemplated for a few seconds on whether I should argue back or not but decided on not doing so. It wasn't worth my time and I figured that it was nothing important because if it would've been something really important, he would've told me in a heartbeat.

I know that for a fact.

I gave him a half-hearted smile before placing a kiss on his forehead. I felt his grip around me tighten making my stomach do summersaults all over the place while his strong hands rested on either side of my body, his arms criss-crossed on my back.

Just as I was about to settle myself comfortably, a phone started ringing and I knew that this was the end. I lowly growled while getting up off Austin careful not to hurt him as I reached over clutching the metal object in my hands.

"It's yours" I stated giving him his belonging. The call was over within a minute while a just sat there watching him. He was still lying on the bed in a comfortable position as I was on the computer chair slightly twirling around.

"Come back here." He half ordered, half pleaded while motioning his hand for me to come.

"I should probably go, Austin." I said while looking at the time. I hadn't been home yet and it was already eight thirty which meant my mom was probably worried not to mention I had homework to do.

"Please don't. Stay with me."

"No feelings Austin, you know that." I gave him a playful glare even thought I was far from kidding.

Sighing, he got up and made his way over to me proceeding with engulfing me in a tight hug. "Yeah yeah I know."

As we stayed in that position, my mind wandered back to when Austin's face expression suddenly changed and his vibe became different. I couldn't help but wonder what had gotten him in such a state in so little time.

What was he thinking of? Was it about me? Did I upset him without even realizing it? I know I was probably giving this way too much thought but it picked my curiosity to a level that I couldn't even begin to describe. I don't know whether it was because I didn't want him feeling that way or simply because I was afraid of what he was thinking but either way, I had to let it go because it wasn't getting me anywhere to continuously think about it. It was already done and over with.

I let go of him but he didn't do the same, he kept holding onto me which just made me laugh "Austin let go." My voice echoed throughout the room. Listening to me, he did as I asked just backing up the slightest bit as his face was right in front of mine. It was dark in the room as the only thing illuminating his features was the moonlight pouring in from the window. I brought my right hand up to his cheek and stared into his bright orbs before getting up on the tip of my toes and kissing him. He kissed back almost immediately and before I knew it, we were full on making out. I have no idea how it happened and I didn't know whether it was me or him that got carried away but I backed away needing to catch my breath.

"You're so bad." I knowingly said wrapping my arms around his neck giving him yet another hug while hiding my face that was probably a bright shade of pink.

"Ehh I try." He shrugged.

"Shut up!"

"Make me."

"No!" I squeezed him tighter if that was even possible, my head now resting onto his shoulder.

"Don't get yourself too comfy," He warned "You have to leave, remember?"

"Make me." I mocked using his own words against him.

"I rather not."

"Then I'm pretty sure we have a problem."

"Oh yeah?" Austin moved his hands down to my hips as I still hung around his neck like a child.

I moved over letting my lips pressed themselves against his neck "Maybe we should fix that." I whispered. His hands then slowly moved around before they stopped firmly grabbing onto my butt, a small, almost not auditable moan left my lips at the feeling I was receiving.

"Maybe." His voice purred into my ear.

I reattached my lips to his neck and started to kiss there, leaving sloppy kisses on the left side of it considering it was the only side I actually had access to in that précised moment. I knew that drove him insane and that's exactly the reaction I wanted to get out of him.

"Madison," He breathed out trying to contain himself from his erratic thoughts that I knew, were going through his mind "This isn't leaving."

"And is that a problem?" I mumbled against his skin.

"Maybe." He gave my butt a squeeze making me gasp in return. "You're turning me on."

"And you're turning me on. I suggest you stop and then I'll stop."

A laughed left his lips "But what kind of fun would that be?"

"I don't know, what's your definition of fun?" I kissed the spot below his left ear before firmly pressing my body to his, not leaving a single space between us.

"Hmm let me think," He brought his hands up my back before burying them beneath my shirt "Something along the lines of you and me," He paused "And that bed."

"That sounds like fun. And what's your favourite part?"

"The one where I gradually make my way inside of you." I shut my eyes trying to get the thought of him doing exactly that out of my head. If before didn't turn me on than that definitely hit the spot, literally. "Or maybe it's the way I feel you so tight around me."

"You like it?"

"I love it." He growled making my knees go week.

I pulled back bringing my face to his "And what happens after that?"

"After that," His lips brushed over mine "Nothing around me matters anymore except for the girl I just made love to." I bit down on my lip trying to contain that feeling in the pit of my stomach that I was feeling.

"What if the same thing happens to me?"

"Then that makes us one." He pecked my lips in the gentlest matter possible.

"I guess it does huh?"

"Yup." He said popping the p at the end. I looked at him for a while just staring at his beauty trying to compose myself the best I could before going back home. He had turned me on and there was literally nothing I could do to stop myself.

My hands still draped around his neck, I gave him one last smile before taking my bag and heading out the door.

This boy will be the death of me.

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