Part 25

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- Madison's point of view -

I had just woken up not too long ago and basically, I was lying in bed doing nothing at all. Austin pretty much had me trapped as usual and I couldn't even get out if I wanted to.

The sun was trying to make entrance through the blinds but considering that for once someone had closed them, it was impossible. And then, just as I took a quick look around for my phone, I remembered about the plans I had made with Tanya.

I tried getting myself out of his grip but I just couldn't do it; he was holding on way too tightly.

"Austin," I nudge his arm.

He didn't move.

"Austin," I said a bit louder this time making him furrow his eyebrows "Let go of me." He let out a groan and did as I asked just turning himself back around as to he could go back to sleep. "Thanks" I whispered before moving over to where my phone rested.

Clutching it into the palm of my hands, I went through the various text messages replying to the ones I felt like before creating a new one.

"Good morning(: are we still on for today?"

I typed before sending it off to none other than Tanya. Once that was done with, I put my phone back down and grabbed the spare clothes I had brought over the previous night just to make my way into the shower.

I was actually really excited and looking forward to taking a shower because in all honesty, I felt disgusting and sure enough, I knew that it was going to refresh my whole body not to mention clear my mind.

So doing just that, I turned on the water and hopped into the shower scrubbing every part of my body that I could think of and before I knew it, I was done. I then blew dried my hair straight and applied my usual eyeliner with mascara makeup. My outfit was nothing spectacular as I wore some fainted coloured jeans along with a black crop top that exposed only a small section of my stomach; it was casual.

Gathering up all my belongings and going back to his bedroom, I made my entrance just to find him still sleeping.

Why aren't I surprised? I wondered.

Shrugging the thought away, I picked my phone back up and settled myself on Austin's computer chair where I started to browse through the various apps I had.

* * *

About an hour had gone by and I was starting to grow real impatient running out of things to do with my phone. Tanya had replied back and basically we were all going to the mall together; Tanya and Kyle along with Austin and I. It was only fair after all that she brings Kyle considering I was bringing Austin and anyhow, if they ever get bored well they can go talk amongst themselves and do whatever guys do. Right now it was about eleven and we had to be there for one which gave Austin just enough time to get ready, if he gets up now that is.

So hopping off the chair, I went over to the bed and laid back to the empty spot that once held my body contemplating on how to wake him up. He just looked so peaceful and I didn't want to bother him but for once, we had plans and he had more than over slept considering it was practically lunch time but then again, I can't even remember what time we actually went to bed last night but that was a minor detail.

Bringing my right hand up to his head, I started brushing his hair away from his face before it slowly moved down to his cheek where I stoked it a few times "Austin," I said loud and clear but still kept my voice smooth and calm.

I waited for him to do something but he didn't budge.

Well this isn't working, my subconscious stated. Maybe I should jump on the bed? Nah that'd be mean.

I brought my hand down to his back where I rubbed it up and down a few times before bringing it to the back of his neck playing with the numerous curls he possessed. "Austin," I hummed "Wake up." He finally twitched as I ran my fingers through his hair starting from the bottom of his neck right to the top.

"What are you doing?" He chuckled while barely opening his eyes due to the intense sun coming through the window. Yes, I had opened the blinds thinking that it would get him up faster that way.

"Trying to wake you up."

"That feels good," He smiled "You should to that more often."

I gave him a glare "It's kind of hard to do when you constantly have a hat on, don't you think?" He shrugged "Anyway, we're going out so you better get ready."

I watched as he slowly got out of bed and back onto his feet stretching his arms that may I add was very attractive. "Where are we going?"

"The mall with some friends." Austin nodded before heading out the door as I stayed in his room, my stomach growling to an extent I hadn't heard it do since forever. I was hungry.

I'll wait for him to get finished before I eat.

A good fifteen minutes later he came back with only his towel wrapped around his waist as he rummaged through his drawers trying to find something good to wear. "Is it supposed to be hot today?" He asked turning to me.

"I don't think so... same as yesterday."

He then picked out a white tank top with a pair of light coloured jeans just like me and topped it off with this yellow snapback. Now for the shoes he hadn't put any on, yet.

"Can we eat or something? I'm kind of starving." We made our way down stairs before I sat on one of his many stools "Where's your mom?"

"I have no idea. She's probably out running some errands or maybe she got called in for work, I couldn't tell ya." Austin grabbed two bowls out of the cupboard along with the milk and cereal.

We both started eating as the silence surrounded the room, only the sound of the cereal crunching against are teeth could be heard. I wondered why he wasn't talking all that much but when I realized that he was still half asleep, I understood perfectly and knowing Austin like I do, he needed to eat before he could actually get going.

And then, he suddenly started laughing hysterically almost spitting his mouth full all over the counter "What's so funny?" I asked confused as to why he had just had a laughing fit out of literally nowhere.

"Remember how you crawled up to me last night right after I flipped the coin?"

"Shut up, Austin."

"What?" He giggled "You think I just forgot all of that?"

"I don't know but there's nothing funny about it!"

"It's the way you did it though," He got up off the chair and kneeled down to the floor "Get ready, Austin." He mimicked while crawling over to the other side.

I scoffed not believing what I was seeing "I so did not do that."

"Yes you did."

"No I didn't." I protested "Look whatever okay? You can't say that you didn't enjoy it because last I recall, you were the one screaming my name."

Austin got back up onto his stool and stuffed his mouth with cereal "Eh, can't argue with that." And before I knew it, both of us were finished as I waited for him in front of the door. He had told me that he was going to get a pair of shoes but that was about five minutes ago and my patience were wearing thin not understanding why in God's name it was taking him so damn long. I decided to just slide myself down the wall until my butt touched the floor beneath my feet.

He's worst than a girl, I thought.

I looked around the house admiring it as always because there was literally nothing more that I liked in this world than his house it was just so-comforting. I always felt safe here and that was something I loved.

Soon enough, Austin came running down stairs with a pair of all red high tops shoes, don't ask me what brand because I couldn't tell you, and I was finding myself getting up almost as quickly.

"So who are we meeting up with?" He asked.

"Tanya and her boyfriend." I said getting into the car. He nodded as I turned on the radio letting the music take me to another place. The ride was quiet as to neither one of us had much to say. Austin was practically hypnotized by the music as I looked out the window finding an all too familiar view.

Once we got to the mall, I hopped out of the car and started walking up the front door but to my surprise, Austin had grabbed my hand making me smile in the process.

This is the first time he does a move on me in public, I guess we're officially together.

Opening the door, I stepped inside first and we started walking around trying to find Tanya and Kyle.

"Are you planning on buying anything?" I asked.

"Maybe if I see something I like, I might."

"Yeah me too." I shrugged not really caring whether I shopped or not because really, I just wanted to hang out.

We walked around a bit longer until from afar, I spotted her. I let go of Austin's hand and basically started running in that direction not wanting to lose her in the massive crowd of people that were surrounding us. "Tanya!" I hollered and in one swift movement she turned around, a smile plastered onto her face.

"Hey I was looking for you!" She gushed "Where's Austin? I thought he was coming."

I looked around me trying to find where I had left him off "Yeah he is, I just kind of maybe lost him on my way here." I squinted my eyes not understanding where he went until I saw that yellow snapback "Austin!" I called his name out and right then he started making his way over to us.

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you." She gave him a hug as he returned the favour looking quite surprised.

"You too. And you are?"

"Kyle," He smiled "Tanya's boyfriend." They both did this handshake while we started walking off in the distance just leaving them behind. I kind of felt bad for leaving him but I knew that he'd understand and after all, he seemed to be getting along well with Kyle so.

"Oh my god Madison," She squeezed my arm "He's so hot I mean no wonder he's with you."

I felt my eyebrows knit together "What do you mean?"

"You're so pretty, exactly what a guy like him would go for." I laughed at how accurate her statement was because in reality, that's how this whole thing started: he wanted me for my body as I wanted the same for his, simple as that. "How long have you guys been together?" She questioned. Even though I had told her about Austin, I hadn't told her everything, only the basis. I didn't want to get into any details then.

"We're not really together," I informed her "It's complicated."

"What do you mean you guys aren't together?"

"Actually, I don't even know anymore I just go with it because I couldn't care less about what we call ourselves, that's not what matters."

She scratched her head "I'm still confused but I'll pretend that I understand."

"I'll explain another time." And with that we started talking about something else.

We walked around for a good hour going from store to store while Tanya bought various items of clothing such as shirts, hoodies, shoes; whatever she could get her hands on basically. The boys followed closely behind as even Kyle helped pick out a few things for her which I found to be totally adorable.

Both Austin and I's fingers were intertwined as he walked around for a bit enjoying the fact that we could go out in public. It was weird to say actually, because it's not like we had really hid it I mean yes but no at the same time. Maybe it was more about showing are affection in public? I didn't know. All I know is that it felt nice.

The day went on as so until we took a break sitting down at the food court. For some reason, the mall was completely packed with people today but we managed to find a vacant table somewhere along the sides where all four of us sat down.

"I'm so tired." Tanya spoke leaning her head onto Kyle's shoulder.

"Well you've been shopping all afternoon!" I stated the obvious. She stuck her tongue out at me before our attention was diverted to this all too familiar voice.

"Kyle," He called out "Kyle!" He called again and all of a sudden, it hit me. I figured out who that voice belong to.

"Hey bro, what are you doing here?" He answered as he came closer and closer to our table. In all honesty, all I wanted to do was hide. My heart started pounding in my chest and my hands suddenly got moist and there was nothing more I wanted to do than to run away because I didn't know how this was going to go down.

"Just chilling, I had nothing else to do." And then his gaze fell upon my body. I shut my eyes for a second trying to keep my cool but now not only did I have his eyes on me but I also had everyone else's too including Austin's. "Madison? That's the second time in two weeks."

"You guys know each other?" Kyle questioned.

He chuckled "Of course. We used to date." And then everyone went silent as I tried to look anywhere but in Austin's direction. "I see you took him back, Madies couldn't handle being alone now could she?"

"Chill out Colt, we didn't ask you to start the shit."

"I'm not starting anything," He shrugged "Just stating the facts as they are. And I see that you made yourself some new friends huh? I always knew Emma was too good for you."

"Would you just leave me alone?" I snapped.

"And you're still a bitch, I'm not surprised."

"Talk to her like that one more time and I'll fucking rip your balls out with my bare hands." Austin spoke up for the first time making me tense up at his choice of words. I could literally feel the anger radiating off of him and to say that I knew what he was capable of? I couldn't because I didn't know; I didn't know what he would do if someone was to push him to his limit.

"And who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that?"

Austin got up from his chair and walked right up to him, their faces now only inches apart. I didn't quite hear what he told him but it didn't take long before Colt walked away leaving Austin standing there with nothing but adrenaline pumping through his veins. I knew that Colt couldn't possibly take him down though because Austin was taller and buffer than he would ever be. But again, that wouldn't stop him from fighting anyways because he's done it a million times before.

"That's the Colt?" Austin turned around his eyes beaming with anger. I hesitated at first but ended up nodding my head letting him know that that was indeed the Colt. He then started laughing while shaking his head "What a douche bag. I can't believe you actually dated that."

"Wait," Kyle interjected "You guys were really a thing?"

"Can we just stop talking about this, it's done and over with okay? If you want details then you can go ask him yourself I mean after all, you guys are buddies so I don't see where the problem lays." I got up from the chair my head all over the place "Listen Tanya, I'm gonna go alright? I'll see you Monday." And with that I left. I don't know exactly why I did it but I felt like I needed to.

To say the least, I needed to clear my head.

I walked through the mall biting the inside of my cheeks having that constant feeling that I would run into him at any moment. I didn't want to.

I kept walking and walking until I found the first exit to which I gladly turned to. Once the mild air hit my skin, it sure wasn't the only thing that hit it because a pair of arms instantly wrapped around my waist.

Of course, I thought.

"Don't beat yourself up." He purred into my ear.

"How can I not?" I retorted "I thought I was going to die."

Austin chuckled "You should've been more worried about him dying, not yourself." I smiled just at the thought of him being so protective because in reality, he was. "I would've literally ripped his balls out but obviously he doesn't have any." He spoke every word, his lips brushing against my ear. I turned around admiring his face before bringing my right hand up and tuning his hat around as to it was now backwards.

"You're such a tease." He breathed out.

"I know but that's why you lov-" I stopped dead in my tracks.


What was I saying?

What was I thinking?

His face suddenly filled with ambiguity "What?" He asked.

I felt this lump at the bottom of my throat and I soon regretted ever opening my mouth in the first place "N-nothing."

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