Part 14

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- Madison's point of view -

Austin's eyes traveled all the way to the door as he scanned the scene that was only a few feet away from him.

As soon as it swung open, I felt the tension build up within the room in a matter of seconds sending what seem like a never ending trail of goose bumps down my spine. I swallowed hard not believing what was happening at this précised moment, what was standing there right in front of me.

Without saying a word, he stepped inside my house and brought his gaze to the couch where Austin was currently sitting "What's he doing here?" He hissed through gritted teeth, both of his hands formed into fists. And it's then when I knew that something was very wrong.

Just a few hours he was apologizing to me on the phone almost on the verge of crying and now he's at my house ready to kill someone. His sudden mood swing made my level of anxiety increase as the tension became unbearable. Between Austin who was confused as ever and Cameron ready to basically jump him, I tried to breathe in and out to calm my nerves because the last thing I wanted was for him to lose it and I sure didn't want all hell to break loose.

"Are you going to answer my question or just stand there and pretend as if you never heard me?" Cameron spat basically burning wholes onto the side of my face. I was avoiding his gaze because I knew that if I was to look at him, I would see exactly what I didn't want to see.

"He came to get his phone. He forgot it in my bag last night after we left." I lied. I had no choice though because if he knew that we were hanging out, he would've freaked out. It was definitely protective Cameron mode kicking back in. "He was just about to leave, actually."

I watched as he stared Austin down, a pure death look written all across his face. He seemed to be analyzing every inch of his skin while I felt the fumes of anger raiding off of his body.

"Yeah, I was just leaving." Austin spoke as he got up at the same time, brushing passed Cameron and out the door. I let out a sigh of relief happy that he was out of the way and that Cameron wouldn't jump on him or anything of that nature.

"So why are you here?" I questioned trying to change the subject or for the least get his mind off what had just occurred.

"I don't like him."


"I said I don't like him." He rushed completely ignoring my question. I felt my eyebrows knit downwards not understanding where all of this was coming from I mean, he didn't even know him. He clearly assumed everything he thought about him that's for sure. "I saw you with him last night at Sarah's, he was all over you."

"Austin? Austin was all over me?" I gushed in disbelief.

"Yeah. I'm not blind, Madie." He shouted throwing his hands in the air "I saw you. Him. On the front steps. He had you wrapped around his arms as if he owned you or something. I shut my mouth last night but today, I'm not holding back on what I have to say and you're going to damn well listen to every word that comes out."

My mouth dropped open feeling an intense sense of anger flush throughout my whole body. If I could punch him right now, I would.

"And who the hell do you think you are? My dad?" I asked but didn't even give him the chance to answer "No. Your just my jerk of a friend that goes around bashing this guy that you don't even know nor have you ever spoken to him before so if I were you, I would shut that mouth of yours before I kick you out of my house and trust me when I say that this time, you won't be forgiven. I'm not going to stand here and listen to that crappy and extremely disrespectful attitude of yours for God knows what reason. I know you better than that, Cameron."

He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Instead, he just looked at me-- an unfamiliar look on his face that showed regret, anger, disappointment but most of all, frustration.

I honestly have no idea of what just happened but all I know is that he's not okay, something is more than wrong and he won't tell me. He's being hard headed and keeps making scenes over everything. Instead of saying things as they are, he finds something or someone else to blame his anger on and just makes the whole situation even worst. I hate it.

"I don't care okay?" His voice calmed down letting me know that he had somewhat came back to his senses, "He screams trouble, Madison. Can't you see or are you still too blind to figure that out? I don't need to know him and have no intentions on doing so either, for all I know, he's no good for you. You deserve better than that."

"Okay first off, who said there was something going on between us? Listen, I barely know the guy I mean, we met two weeks ago and that's too early for me to get involved with someone and you, out of all people, know damn well that I don't want anything to do with a relationship as of right now. You should know that. How many times do I need to repeat myself?"

"But you're not listening because that's clearly not the point-"

"Yes it is!" I shouted making my voice echo throughout the whole house before he even had time to finish what he was saying "Maybe, as you say, I'm blind, but one thing's for sure is that I'm not depth. You're here, right now, giving me a lecture on Austin and how he's no good for me but guess what? As of right now, he's somewhat less of an ass whole than you are because your head is shoved so far up into your ass that you don't even know what you're saying anymore." I shook my head "You're completely out of line and I know- I know you're looking out for me but you're taking this to the extreme, I haven't even done anything. You're standing there like an idiot fighting a battle that I don't even know where came from while in reality, you don't even know what you're talking about."

"What's wrong?" I demanded. But he didn't answer, he just stood there with a blank expression scattered upon his face. "Cameron I swear, who are you trying to fool? You're talking to me; Madison Torres. I know you like the back of my hand and this little charade you got going on here is far from being normal I mean look at yourself, you're a mess."

Taking his hands, he passed them across his face while letting out a well needed sigh.

"I'm just telling you that I have a bad feeling about him, that's all." He quietly said taking a step closer as his body came pressing itself against mine, his hands cupping my face "I- I just don't want to see you get hurt again because when you're hurting, I am too. I want what's best for you and that boy, he's all trouble. He's only playing innocent right now but once he gets into your pants, history will repeat itself and you know it. He's another Colt."

And those words repeated themselves in my head over and over and over again. Everything around me disappeared as the only thing I could think of was that last part.

He's another Colt.

Austin was far from being Colt nor ever would he be either. Cameron had absolutely no right in saying that because last I checked he didn't even know him I mean, I'm surprised that he actually knows his name.

Then, I felt the back of my eyes sting and that's when I knew I was going to break. Bringing up Colt in all of this didn't sit well with me and as much as I hated to admit it, something in the back of my mind was telling me otherwise.

"He's only playing innocent right now but once he gets into your pants, history will repeat itself and you know it."

History will repeat itself,
my mind pressed. Cameron might be right, he's going to do the same thing as Colt if he's not already doing it. Even though he said I wasn't going to get hurt, I am because that's exactly what Colt told me at the beginning of our relationship and look how it ended. I was broken, torn apart, alone. This was probably all a lie.

I tried shaking the thoughts out but they wouldn't go. A part of me didn't believe it but another part was saying that it made perfect sense, that he had already put all the pieces together and I was just falling into his trap, his plan. There was the other vibe that I was receiving though, the one I where I couldn't stay away from even if my life depended on it. As much as I tried to hide it in the beginning, I had always had a thing for him but I just didn't want to believe it. I wanted to have him, all of him and that's exactly what I got but oddly enough, he was different then what I expected him to be. But maybe after all that, he was exactly the type I made him out to be the first time around and I had just led myself to believe otherwise.

My vision then got extremely blurry and I knew that any second, the tears would start pouring down. I pushed Cameron off of me and urged him to leave but he wouldn't, he tried to protest by saying something that I was barely listening to, most likely a pathetic excuse he was trying to give me, but I cut him off.

"I said leave!" I shouted, anger boiling my blood. Taking him by surprise due to my sudden outburst, he left without another word said as I slammed the door close and ran up to the bathroom.

When the door closed shut behind me, I fell to the ground and broke down. Just when I thought I was free of all this mess, it came back to bite me in the ass for God knows what reason. The hot tears were burning my cheeks as they uncontrollably fell one after the other. I couldn't remember the last time I had cried this hard, it must've been months. I don't know why Cameron had to say that I mean, what was his deal with all of this? I thought he was my friend, practically my best friend but still, he told me stuff that made me feel horrible for no reason at all. He basically came barging into my house and started telling me off because he has problems that he can't seem to cope with and somehow I managed to get the blame and I'm the one suffering for him.

I honestly couldn't believe it. He actually came into my home and told me off as if he had the right to. Never had he ever been disrespectful towards me but I guess that all came to a brutal end. Of all things to do he decided on that. This whole thing was unreal. He was damn well going to give me an apology.

"Madison?" I suddenly heard my name being called from the door but still, I was crying too hard to even properly form a word as to nothing was coming out. My arms wrapped around my knees while my head was back against the wall, my sobbing were echoing throughout the whole bathroom.

The door cracked open just to reveal a very concerned Austin.

When did he get back into the house? Didn't he just leave a few minutes ago? Why is he here? My mind scramble with questions that I wasn't able to answer just leaving me completely oblivious to everything.

And before I could even process what was happening, the door shut itself back closed and Austin came sitting beside me, wrapping his strong arms around me.

"Shh baby," He said stroking my hair "Please don't cry." But for some reason what he said only made me do the exact opposite. It felt like everything was wrong.

How was I supposed to believe him? What if all he's ever told me was a lie? What if Cameron was right?

He rubbed my back up and down still firmly holding me tight in his arms. My head was leaning against his chest as my tears gradually soaked his shirt. "What happened?" He desperately asked but still, my mouth wouldn't process any words. I felt like hiding, I felt like burying myself in a whole and never coming back. Everything hit me all of a sudden and I couldn't take it all in.

First, Cameron wasn't himself and was pretty much scaring the living hell out of me, then he talks shit about Austin and I don't know what to believe anymore and then he brings up the one thing I never want to talk about. I've never been the one to handle situations like these and that's why I'm breaking down; I don't know what else to do.

"Talk to me," Austin pleaded "I need to know. Please just- just please talk to me." His voice was filled with concern and confusion which made me hate myself even more so. He was trying to help me but for all I knew, I didn't believe any of it. He was playing a game.

"It's all a lie," I started to speak, my voice cracking as I did so "He's right."

"What are you talking about?"

"You!" I gushed while grabbing hold of his shirt in between my hands feeling this immense sense of anger flood my petite body "You're playing with me, Austin. I know it." I cried finally pulling away. The tears were pouring at an uncontrollable speed down my cheeks as all I could do was cry. I didn't want to do this to him but I felt like I was being betrayed, I felt as if he was playing with me and having maybe too much fun.

I found myself now standing in the exact opposite side of Austin with my arms crossed across my stomach in discomfort, his eyes scanning over my red face for answers he wasn't receiving.

Then, as fast as I could say my own name, Austin came rushing to me resting his hands on my cheeks while he wiped away the tears that were still falling "Please tell me what you're talking about." And as much as I hated to admit it, his touch soothed me, there was just something about him in general that made me calm and relaxed.

I brought my eyes down to the ground not wanting to meet his gaze as water fell from my face. It hurt too much to look at him because just to think that he would do that made me sick to the stomach. He told me he wouldn't.

He stroked my cheek back and forth as I held my bottom lips in between my teeth trying to control the intense tremble it was doing "Madison, look at me." He softly said. Then with all the force I could muster, my eyes met his. I was surprised by the sight of his orbs when they met; he looked so sad and disappointed. It was literally killing me, I had never seen him like this before and all I wanted to do was leave to make everything go away.

I probably ruined his life anyways, my mind rummaged. All I wanted was sex and look where that brought me.

"He told me history would repeat itself," I silently whimpered but enough for him to hear me "He said you were no good."

"And you believe that?"

"I don't know what to believe!" I cried as I felt my chest tighten up "I'm just going to end up getting hurt, again."

"What happened?" He stared down at me, his eyes filled with sorrow. I narrowed my eyebrows not understanding what he was talking about. "I thought you trusted me." His voice breathed out. A knot in my stomach immediately formed itself as I felt guilt and betrayal built up inside of me.

What did I just do?

"I do-"

"No you don't." He interrupted "If you did, you wouldn't be crying right now because of some bull shit your friend told you. Why won't you just believe me when I tell you that I won't hurt you?" I shifted my gaze to the floor "This agreement that we have isn't only for your own benefit but it's for mine too okay? I've been hurt in the past and I know what it feels like and trust me when I say I wouldn't do it to anyone, especially you. The whole point of this was to have no feelings involved but for some reason, you're getting yourself all wrapped up in them."

He was right; I was getting myself all worked up over nothing. We clearly said "no feelings involved, only pleasure" and what was I doing? Getting tangled in my emotions. I remember the day I told myself that I was going to put them all away, stuff them in the back of my mind so that they would never come out but today, they did. And worst than ever. Cameron had somehow managed to get into my head and control my thoughts that I had managed to gather up together so very well. Everything was making sense before he came playing with me.

"You can't let your feelings get in the way, Madison."

"I know." I uncontrollably sobbed but truth was, it was easier said than done. It was also more than obvious that I was a complete mess up. I was all over the place not knowing how in the world I ended up crying; of all things I hate the most. Even though we were strictly using each other for sex, it bothered me to think that he would even do that to me. I simply couldn't bare with the thought.

Bringing my arms up and wrapping them around his neck, I leaned in bringing my face only a few inches from his. My eyes focused on his lips as I silently cried feeling horrible about the whole thing.

How could I treat him like this? How could I have doubted him for even one second? I just knew that Austin wasn't like that but still, I believed it.

Ever so slowly, I brought my face closer and closer until our lips finally touched. The kiss was different though, it spoke for itself, it screamed. My lips rested over his for a good ten seconds just letting them linger there until I pulled away feeling all too ashamed with myself.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him, not leaving a space between us. I rested my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my back every now and then in a comforting matter. "It's okay." He softly spoke "But please just believe me when I tell you that I won't hurt you, ever."

I nodded my head tightening my grip around his neck, both of us practically standing in the middle of my bathroom. I never wanted to let go, I wanted to stay in his arms forever so that he could fix everything because I knew once I would let go of him, I would have to deal with Cameron; face him and I didn't want to. How was I supposed to act around him? He just threw me under the bus a few minutes ago and now I was supposed to pretend as if nothing ever happened or face the problem once more just to here another crap load of his lies and excuses? This wasn't the Cameron I knew. He was changing or at least something was.

Loosening his arms around me, I did the same as Austin reached for my hand "Come with me." His voice filled the room. Following his lead as he dragged me across the hall way, I wiped away the rest of my tears before finding myself in my bedroom taking a seat on my bed while he did the same. Our hands were still intertwined considering he never let go, my left one in his right.

"Austin," I sheepishly said.


"I'm really sorry I didn't think this would happen it's just that-"

"Hey," He interrupted taking his free hand and cupping my cheek with it "It's alright. Just don't think those things about me because I would never."

I let out a fainted "okay" and right before I could do anything else, he made our lips meet as one. It seemed as if a sudden weigh lifted off my shoulders and that absolutely nothing could come between us. His plump lips moved in perfect sync with mine just letting me melt under his touch. Pulling away, a smile formed itself onto his face making me do the exact same.

"And don't ever forget that you can tell me anything. I'm always there for you."

I grinned finding it all too adorable that he cared so much "I know."

And then the next thing I remember is letting my body fall onto the sheets as my eyes closed themselves, a burning sensation within them.

* * *

Waking up with an intense headache, I rolled around only to find Austin passed out beside me, probably as tired as I was. I hopped over him and headed for the bathroom where I knew I would find some Advil.

I took the plastic bottle between my hands and served myself a capsule before swallowing it with help from a glass of water. Bringing my head up as I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw nothing but defeat; it was written all over my face and I couldn't help but cringed in response to the horrible scene that stood before my eyes.

Being in this bathroom reminded me of what happened earlier on before I went to sleep, when I was crying and Austin was trying to comfort me which actually managed to work. Everything started flooding back so as soon as I could, I left the bathroom and returned to my room, my vision getting blurry the closer I got to the door.

Trying my best to hold it all in, I closed the door behind me while repositioning myself onto the same spot I had left just a few moments prior and as soon as my head hit the pillow, the tears came rushing down my face.

I silently cried soaking the piece of materiel beneath my head not wanting to deal with this. They were burning my skin as I desperately tried to stop them but they wouldn't, they just kept on coming and coming. I grabbed the first thing I saw next to me which was the blanket and held it tight into my arms trying to get somewhat of comfort from it.

I needed something.

A hand suddenly placed itself on my back as the body covered over mine, holding me tighter than I ever thought possible.

"Hold me." He said as I shook my head in denial not wanting to get into it with him. Instead, he just held me tighter as his hand brushed the hair away from my face "You have to stop crying, you're ruining that perfect face of yours."

I started coughing while having a hard time breathing due to my sudden and unexpected break down; it felt as if I was suffocating and the walls were closing in on me.

"Why is he acting like this? Why is he being such a jerk let alone the biggest ass whole in town? Why is he taking everything out on me? What the hell did I do huh? Explain that to me." I choked out throughout all the tears that were basically drowning me.

"I wish I could but I can't. You need to talk to him."

"But I don't want to!" I cried not knowing what was going on anymore "I can't talk to him. I'm scared of what he'll do because today wasn't what I expected it to be. He completely lost it in front of me and not in a good way either. He's never done that before."

Sighing he grabbed my hands, pulling them away from the blanket I was still holding onto before turning me around and wrapping my arms around him. I held on tightly as my head buried itself in his chest.

Maybe holding onto him wasn't a bad idea after all.

"I love him so much and look how he treats me," I continued "Like a piece of shit."

Austin's hand rubbed in circles on my back as he tried to comfort me the best he possibly could "You're wearing yourself out crying like this. He'll come around, I promise." And with that I closed my eyes inhaling his familiar sent that I loved so much.

Truth was, I knew he was going to come around but when? That I didn't know. I was scared, no scratch that, terrified of his reaction once I would approach him at school but it needed to be done. I couldn't live with this because I knew it would slowly kill me on the inside. Cameron was definitely one of the most important people in my life and to think that our friendship could just vanish in thin air like that, it was too much for me to handle. He may be wrong, very wrong as a matter of fact, but I still refuse to give up on him. He's just being a jerk for some stupid reason.

Austin suddenly barely pulled away just to make our eyes meet as he slowly rested his forehead onto mine, boring into my sets of light gray orbs. His intense stare was making me forget about the reason I was even crying in the first place as a slight smile creped upon his lips, he scanning my eyes for what seemed like pleas right before our lips came meeting as one.

The warmth of his lips gave me comfort while I kissed back with all the force I had left within me. I felt like staying like this forever, it felt so perfect, so-right. But I knew I couldn't so pulling away, I grabbed the back of his head and wrapped my arm around it as it buried itself in the crock of my neck giving me a light kiss there.

"Why are you so perfect?" I whispered not thinking twice about what had just come out.

He gave me another kiss "I should be asking you the same question." He mumbled against my skin making me feel extremely week due to his sudden spoken words. His arms wrapped around me even more so as his cool breath danced across my neck just making me lose it even more so as the time passed.

How does this keep happening? I desperately questioned myself.

"Austin?" I asked.


"Why are you so nice like why do you care so much?"

"I don't know I mean, I can't stop myself but caring about you. It comes naturally I guess." He shrugged "As much as I know you're not, I feel like you're mine to take care of and that's what I do because it would just feel weird if I wouldn't, you know? I've always had someone to take care of." I nodded understanding where he was coming from, it made perfect sense actually; being a guy and that's what they do and all, I couldn't blame him. "I feel as if I've ruined your friendship and I don't know... I owe it to ya."

"Don't say that," I blurted out "Whether you were there or not, the kiss would've happened and I would've still gotten upset over it. And anyway, he's been acting weird over the past week or so, so trust me when I say you didn't ruin anything. Our thing wouldn't get in the way of my personal life anyhow because no one knows and you know that I mean yeah, they know we talk and stuff but that's all they know and that's all they'll ever know."

His lips curved upwards giving me one of his signature smiles before pressing them to my cheek. "I guess you're right." He said.

And for the rest of the day we just laid in bed talking. He would ask me questions as I would do the same.

Emma at one point had called me and asked to hang out but I denied her proposition and stayed exactly where I was with Austin. I didn't really feel it all that much today and I think she was disappointed about that but I didn't really care, she would get over it.

Right about now, all I knew was that I was dreading Monday to come.

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