Part 15

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- Madison's point of view -

Waking up was a blur, getting ready was a blur, eating was a blur, walking to school was a blur, having to sit in home room was a blur. Everything was until I spotted him. He was late because he wasn't in home room with the rest of us but I was happy for that because it gave me more time to think. I had this whole thing planned out in my head about how it was going to happened and how I was going to start the conversation, how I was going to approach him. But little did I know, it wouldn't turn out exactly as planned.

The first time we made eye contact, nor did he or I make a move. We just kind of walked past each other and pretended as if we were strangers. I could feel people's stare though because everyone knew how close we were and to not even acknowledge either one of our presence probably seemed way out of the ordinary, which it was too.

The second time it happened, we were in English class and to my dismay, we sat right next to each other as usual. The atmosphere that surrounded us was thick and tensed; the tension was so strong that you could literally cut it with a knife. I tried to ignore his presence and listen to the teacher but it was no use, he was distracting the hell out of me. But the worst part in all of this was when we got free time to talk at this end of class, it was extremely awkward and once again, I got a few looks from people here and there probably wondering what in God's name went down during the weekend to have caused such a conflict between us.

When lunch came around, I was walking with Robert to buy some food when our eyes met again but this time he gave me a look of hatred. My heart sunk at the bottom of my stomach and it's then when I knew I had to talk to him, I had no other choice.

Once we finally got back, I sat at the end of the table as usual and slowly starting gulping down my lunch. Pretty much everyone was quiet and I knew that they knew something was wrong.

I hadn't really spoken to any of them except for Robert of course and a few words to Jackie and Emma but other than that, I kept my mouth shut. I felt as if my friends already knew too much even though they didn't know anything. But with Robert that was a whole different story because he was new and he was Austin's friend. It almost felt as if they were connected and I liked that. They were very similar, alike and it make me feel this sense of comfort that I so desperately needed in moments like these.

The silence continued to roam around the air at our table as everyone ate. All I could say was that today was-different, very different.

"Madison" I heard someone call out. My head shot up as I looked at the person who had just captured my attention. "What's going on?"

I scowled not understanding what they were talking about "What do you mean?"

"Don't play stupid, you know exactly what I mean. You. Cameron." He pointed at both of us "There's obviously something going on."

"How about you stop bothering me and ask him yourself? I bet he'll be more than happy to tell you." I snapped. It wasn't any of their business and in just a matter of seconds everything would be out because I knew that what I had just said burned Cameron's nerves.

"Oh really? You want me to tell everyone how I saw you all over Austin Friday night not to mention the fact that I went to your house the next morning and found him there too?" Cameron spat in disgust making everyone become wide eyed at the new found news.

"Yeah go ahead and tell them but you might want to add that part where you completely disrespected me, compared Austin to Colt and told me how history would repeat itself. And oh, there's a huge difference between being all over someone and receiving comfort from someone because of some jerk that did something he wasn't supposed to. And please don't forget to tell them that Austin had forgotten his phone in my bag and that's why he was over to my house." I paused "You know, to get it."

"And you honestly think I believe that? Who do you think I am? I've known you long enough to see what's happening and I know for a fact that there's something going on between you two whether you like it or not."

"What part didn't you get when I said that I've only known him for two weeks? What part didn't you get when I said I wasn't ready to start dating again? What part didn't you get that I'm still not over the whole Colt thing huh? Tell me Cameron, tell me what you didn't get in all of that." I shouted across the table to where he was sitting, anger flooding over my whole body.

"There are other things that exist besides being in a relationship; besides being girlfriend and boyfriend."

I scoffed while shaking my head in disbelief still trying to keep up with the act I was putting on "Wow what did you smoke this morning? If you actually think for one second that I would ever do that, you got another thing coming."

"Whatever you say princess because one day, the truth is going to come out and everyone's gonna know."

"Really?" I smiled "I'd like to know how that's going to all work out when nothing is actually going on between us. And just for the record, if something was actually going on, that would be none of your God damn business because last I checked, it's between him and I, no one else."

"But that's where you're wrong, it is my business. All of it." Cameron narrowed his eyes at me "I watch over you and if something was to ever happen, I would kick the ass out of that person. It's my job."

"Your job? No one in the actual world told you to watch over me, I honestly don't even know why you do it to be honest. I swear that if I didn't know better, I would say that all you are is jealous and you're trying to lower me down so you don't feel the way you do. You're trying to cover up your pain and ease it by making me feel horrible and worthless but guess what? It's not working. Stop lying to yourself and find something better to do with your life then analyzing mine with every breath you take." I picked up the half eaten plate of food in front of me, proceeding with getting up. "Now if you excuse me, this conversation is now over. I'm done talking to pathetic people." And just as I was about to get up and throw my plate in the garbage, I heard someone mumble something that just happened to catch my attention.

"What'd you say?" I turned around to the only person who carried that voice.


I shook my head "Emma, don't play stupid with me. Spit it." I demanded my voice harsh and my whole body fuming with anger.

"I said he has a point."

"He has a point? Did you just say that he has a point? What fucking point does he have huh? That he's up my ass for no reason at all? Yeah I agree."

She shook her head before shutting her eyes close "The point where you're acting weird Madison!" She threw her hands in the air "Explain to me how I call you up to do something and you're all of a sudden unavailable to hang out with your best friend when you've always been available? Or all the times you're on your phone smiling like a complete idiot so we ask you what's got you so happy and you say it's nothing? And since when do you guys talk because last Friday, there was no hiding the fact that you guys were talking as if you've known each other for years. That doesn't just happen. It just doesn't."

"I have to agree with the texting thing though." Aaron said making me turn to him.

"Oh I see how this is going to be now," I looked around the table at everyone in disgust "You guys are literally the best friends anyone could ever ask for, I'm so happy you believe me." I shot a smile "I wouldn't trade you for the world."

"You're just mad because I let everyone in on your little secret. Don't be such a drama queen." Cameron unexpectedly fired back.

"Drama queen? Me? Last I checked you're the one making up a story here, not me. You're just angry against the world right now and for some stupid and totally unreasonable reason you're taking it out on me. I didn't do anything wrong and you know that. You're being an ass whole Cameron. Man up and face your problems head on instead on taking it out on others because that just isn't how life rolls, it's gonna come bite you in the ass and when it does, it's going to hurt like a bitch and trust me when I say that there's no way in hell you're gonna be coming to me crying for help. No way." And with that said I got up and left.

I couldn't believe what happened. It was definitely not what I had in mind that's for sure; the scenario I had imagined in my head far from being the one that had just occurred. I was literally fuming both on the inside and the outside and basically nothing could calm me down. I needed air.

So without wasting any more time, I barged through the doors and found myself in the school parking lot where I sat down on a curb holding my head in my hands. My sight got blurry in a matter of seconds and as fast as it came, it went. There was no point on wasting anymore tears on him because he clearly had no respect what so ever. I still just couldn't get my head wrapped around what had gotten him to act this way in the first place I mean it wasn't making any sense. All I knew was that I've never felt so degraded in my whole entire life. Ever.

Feeling a hand place itself on my back, I shot my head back up just to catch a glimpse of Robert. I smiled.

"I can't believe what just happened." He said.

"Yeah me neither." I bit the inside of my cheek trying to make everything make sense but it wasn't. "Do you believe him?" I questioned. I needed to know what he thought because I needed to know if my story was believable or not, if it made sense.

"Nah. I know nothing's going on between you guys because Austin would've told me; he tells me everything. I just think he's making too much out of what he saw and what he made it out to be." Robert let out a laugh "Besides, Austin likes to cuddle a lot so if he could take that opportunity to comfort you just to get a hug out of it or whatever, he would've. He's just like that. I really don't think it was anything more and we can't hide the fact that when Cameron kissed you, it bothered you. We all saw it." I nodded in response satisfied with my own self since I had managed to pull off a lie like this. I've always thought that I was a good liar but this just proved me right even more so.

"Exactly, it didn't mean anything. He's been pissed off for the whole weekend and to be honest, it kind of took a toll on me." I let out an exasperate sigh "You've probably seen how close we are and for him to do what he did broke my heart, it hurt me in ways he never thought was possible." I looked up at the sky contemplating on whether to say what I had on my mind next. I didn't want to believe it and I knew that if I was to say it, it would hit me and it's then when I would realize that it was actually true but still, I was denying it. "He's slowly fading away." I whispered, my voice barely auditable but enough for Robert to hear me. The words rolled out of my mouth as if it was normal and that's what I hated about it, it wasn't right.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, Ryan, Sarah and Jackie believe you; they're pretty pissed with the rest of them right now. They said that his side of the story doesn't make sense because they know you and that you would never do anything like that. Now I know that I can't say the least because I haven't known you since forever but I'm on your side."

I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck while taking in his scent that I was just starting to get used to "Thanks Rob."

"No problem." He squeezed me tight.

We sat there for the rest of lunch period as no one else bothered to come and see us which I was glad of. Robert was the only one who came and that showed me he cared I mean I wasn't looking for anyone to come and run after me but the fact that he came and not Emma or someone else, not that I expected her to do after she bashed out on me anyways, it kind of surprised but aggravated not to mention disappointed me all at once. It kind of hurt my feelings but there was nothing I could do about it.

I just needed some alone time and even though Robert was there, it didn't really seem like it.

When the bell finally rang and we were basically forced back into school by the security guards, I went to my last two periods until the day was finally over. I passed Cameron a few times but didn't even bother looking at him considering he had gotten me so mad. I still couldn't make out the fact that he said what he said. My mood wasn't the best for all I could say-I was bothered.

Bell for dismissal was the last one to ring and with that I went down to my locker and gathered all my stuff up before heading out the big metal doors that kept us in this place they called school. It wasn't long before I spotted the Red truck-like car that was scheduled to come and get me at the exact same time. Austin had basically begged to come and pick me up and when I got fed up with arguing with him, I gave in and now there he was waiting for me.

I walked up to the car and hopped into the passenger seat as usual. A grin to grin smile was plastered upon his face as he saw me place myself comfortably before clicking my seat belt in. "We better leave before I get seen with you because you know, people are watching." I sarcastically said but behind that was a little truth. I knew that he always came out of the school as early as I did and the way he was acting, it wouldn't surprise me if he was to the watch me or something ridiculous like that.

"Hello to you too." Austin said even though he was well aware of the fact that I wasn't up for talking.

He then revved up the car as I plopped my elbow down on the arm rest shutting my eyes from the scene that stood before me. I wanted to go home. I was angry and frustrated with everything that was going on and the worst part was that it was so childish.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well?"

"You think?" I scoffed "Who knew I had someone on my back. Maybe my friends are a bunch of losers because you know who came and saw me today when everything broke down? Your friend. Not mine." I shot my hands up in the air "How the hell do you explain that huh? It didn't bother me too much earlier on today but now that I think of it, it hurt like a bastard. Not even Emma for God sakes."

Austin kept silence knowing that I was far from done ranting "He knows. He fucking knows and there's nothing I can do about it. I covered up one lie after the other and I made it out to be this one big story but he doesn't even care about what I say, he doesn't believe me nor do all of my friends. He has no proof but there's something in the back of his mind telling him so. I'm just about done Austin, done. I don't cope with bullshit like this."

"Just take a deep breath in and a deep breath out." I did as he suggested feeling some of the tension release within me as we turned onto an all too familiar street. "Don't worry too much about it okay?"

"Easier said than done." I scoffed out once again. "I'm so angry I should go find him and punch him." I laughed at my own comment as Austin did the same. Sighing shortly after, I rested my head back on the seat and looked out in the distance watching all the trees and houses pass by. We were almost home.

Once we reached my house, I waved him goodbye while telling him that I was most likely going to drop by his house later on tonight which he obviously didn't mind.

Stepping inside my home, I saw my mom in the kitchen cooking what I assumed to be dinner.

"What are we eating?" I asked.

"Spaghetti. Is that okay honey?"

I shot her a smile "Yeah that's fine." I said before heading up the stairs to my room. Once I was inside, I dropped my bag to the floor and looked at myself in the mirror seeing my hair that I had curled up this morning still well held. Playing with it a bit before going back down stairs, I smiled at how it looked-perfect.

When supper was finally ready, my mom and I made small talk as I was still not really in the mood to have a conversation and within minutes, I finished my bowl. All I could say was that not having lunch today had really made me hungry that's for sure.

Taking my phone out, I texted Austin that I was on my way over before putting it back into my pocket but soon enough, I felt it vibrate making me pull it back out. The caller display had me chocked but furious.

I stomped out the house while slamming the door behind me as I made my way closer and closer to Austin. My phone was still violently vibrating in my hands as I was holding onto it as if my life depended on this. I was beyond angry. If I could smash it to the ground right now, I would.

Taking in a deep breath, I tried to calm myself down because I knew that being all worked up wouldn't be helping anything. Maybe I was overreacting but I still couldn't get it out of my head; everything that went down during lunch hour today.

Finally making it to Austin's, I walked inside as if it was my own home considering I hadn't seen his mom's car in the driveway which led me to assume that she wasn't there. Taking one step after the other, my legs brought me to the top of the stairs where I soon saw the infamous door I could recognize miles away. Inside of the room though, there was Austin just sitting at his computer desk.

Walking in, I plopped onto the bed and it's then when my phone started vibrating again. Closing my eyes shut, my hands formed into fists as I tried to contain myself the best I possibly could.

"Aren't you going to get that?" Austin asked.

"Does it look like I'm going to get it? Don't you think I would've already picked it up if I was going to get it?" I bitterly shot back but to my dismay, it came out way harsher than I ever expected it to come out. Austin simply looked at me with confusion and frustration build within his eyes from my sudden behaviour. He was nice enough to let me in his house but now he probably just wants me out as fast as possible.

Nice going Madison, you really did it this time.

"Who is it?"

I looked at the call display showing me the silly name Cameron had once put in years ago and never did I change it because it was cute, it was so-him.

"It's no one. No one at all." My voice barely a whisper.

"Yeah okay so now you're trying to tell me that there's a ghost calling you? I'm not an idiot Madison, get real."

"It's Cameron alright? Are you happy now? Satisfied? Do you wanna know what brand of shampoo I use too?"

He got up off his computer chair and cupped my face in between his hands "Yeah I'd like that, it smells good."

"Shut up." I angrily sighed not knowing how to deal with this boy. Slightly tilting his head to the side, he placed a light kiss on my cheek bone.

"What are you doing?" I breathed out.

"How about we play a game?" He suggested.

"Of all things to do you wanna play a game? Really Austin? A game?"

"Trust me on this one."

I looked at him not believing that I was actually going to give in. "Fine. What game do you wanna play then?"

He smirked "Well, I was thinking something along the lines of," He stopped bringing his lips to my ear "I don't know maybe..." He trailed off making my patience wearing off as the seconds passed. "We can play a game of do you like this." And it's then when I scowled not knowing what game that was.

"Austin, I don't know what game that is."

"It really isn't all that hard, you'll like it." He stated "I'll start easy then we'll move up the levels alright?" He asked licking his lips in a seductive matter but for all he knew, I was growing impatient, too impatient. I wanted to know what this game of his was all about I mean I had an idea of what it was but I couldn't be sure, not until he made a move to prove me right.

Standing up off the bed as he let go of my face, he took hold of my upper arms and gently pushed me backwards until my back made contact with the wall, where he left me. My mind started pounding with all kind of thoughts as everything started vanishing except for the boy only a few inches from me. His eyes were intensely boring into mine before he looked at my whole face scanning every inch of it. I didn't know what to make out of it and to be honest, it kind of made me feel insecure not knowing what he was thinking. Hell, I didn't even know what he was doing.

"Why are you so nervous?" He whispered.

"I'm not nervous."

He shook his head "You're so beautiful, you know that right? You have absolutely nothing to be nervous about." My stomach fluttered at his sudden choice of words.

Why would he even say that? He knows I'm not in the mood.

"You're getting confused, Austin." I began "Your feelings, we said no feelings."

"Oh they're not feelings baby, it's called the truth."

And before I even had time to open my mouth and retaliate like he knew I would, he firmly pressed his index fingers to my lips to shut me up "Don't." He pressed and it's then when I understood the message.

Looking at him as his finger slowly left my lips, a smile creped upon his face "You know, your eyes always change colour." I knitted my eyebrows together not believing what had just came out of his mouth. Never in my whole life of existence have I seen my eyes change colour, they've always stayed that same light gray that I hated so much.

"I don't believe you."

"Every time we get like this they do."

I cocked my head to the side "What colour are they, then?"

He brought his face closer to mine so that he could get a perfect view of my eyes "They're light blue with strikes of gray." I rolled my lips into my mouth contemplating on whether I should believe him or not I mean, it just seemed too unreal that they would change because normally they would never. But I guess that oddly enough, I had never looked at myself in the mirror while I was with Austin which was kind of understandable if you ask me.

"You're so easy to read," He continued "I see right through you."

I started to mentally curse at myself for not doing a good job on hiding my feelings. I didn't want to but when he was around, it's like I didn't actually care.

"But I like it because that way, I know what's going on and what you're thinking." Austin finished saying making me blush as I broke our stare that we had going on to look down at the ground. I couldn't believe he was doing this... it basically came out of nowhere. "And now you're embarrassed because I know you don't like to show how you feel. You like to keep everything to yourself and not open up all the way when you know that you want to but still, you don't. You trust me, right?"

I brought my gaze back up to his shifting repetitively from his left eye to his right.

Didn't we have this conversation yesterday?

"Yeah" I quietly spoke while nodding my head at the same time.

His face came leaning in, his lips brushing against mine "Good." And before I even had time to pressed my lips to his, he moved away letting me to crave his kiss.

His hands found themselves on my waist as they made all their way to the small of my back meeting as one. He then slid them all the way up just to come back down and rest them back against my waist. My head was screaming for more but he wouldn't. Instead, he just rested them there and lightly squeezed my sides.

"Austin" I begged letting him know that I wanted more but all he did was smile. Soon, his lips came pressing themselves to my neck as I stretched it to the side, giving more access to my hot blazing needy skin. He kissed there softly making his way closer to my ear with every peck until he reached my soft spot where he stopped and pulled back "Do you like that?" I quietly moaned not feeling able to process any words. I knew what we were playing and I seriously didn't know how I was going to survive through it.

Then, he attached his lips back onto my spot and started lightly sucking there, gazing his tongue over it every once and a while. I shut my eyes not being able to concentrate on anything else but what I was feeling, his lips moving all the way around my neck, nipping at the skin as he did so. When he finally reached my jaw line, I felt his hands burry themselves underneath my shirt as they roamed around feeling my every part.

Pulling away, he stopped and rested his fingers on the bottom of my back as his tips swirled around in a small circle-like pattern driving me mad. My breathing was heavy and my head was spinning. Bringing my hands up, I tangled my fingers into his hair and brought my eyes down to his lips "What are you doing?" I desperately asked even though I knew exactly what he was doing.

A smirk took place on his face and just when I was leaning in, he pulled his head back giving me a disapproval look. His hands then traveled to my hips just to continue as they reached my ass, giving me a tight squeeze making me gasp in response.

If that wasn't enough, he reattached his lips to my neck and started leaving wet kissed all over as he slid his hands into my jeans and panties until they were firmly grabbing onto my bare butt.

"Austin I-" I tried saying but I had no idea where I was going with my sentence. "Please I just-" And once again nothing was coming out.

"No need to talk." He mumbled against my skin.

Taking the back of his neck, I pulled his face back in front of mine and tried kissing him but he dodged it once again. I figured I would just attack myself to the next best thing: his neck. Doing just that, I forcefully crashed my lips to his neck and started to roughly kiss his spot. I needed to let it out and he wouldn't let me so this was the only way I could somewhat control myself.

He slid his hands out of my jeans just to find the hem of my shirt and slowly pulled it off forcing me to detach myself from him.

Leaning against the wall, I arched my back as Austin started to make his way downwards, kissing all of my chest right down to my stomach where he licked my skin for what seemed like forever.

Coming back up, I tried to take his shirt off but he pushed my hands away not even letting me have even the slightest bit of him "God dammit, Austin." I spat "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Someone's impatient," He purred into my ear as if this was no big deal to him. "I guess you're just going to have to wait longer then." I cursed out a string of words that didn't even make sense. All I wanted was for him to fuck me, right now and then. He knew what he was doing to me and I hated that. He had complete control over me and there wasn't the slightest thing I could do about it.

He then brought his hands in front of me and started to unbutton my jeans feeling them drop to the floor where he took them off of me and threw them somewhere behind us. I could feel him getting hard against my leg and I knew that this was killing him as much as it was to me but still, he was determined on finishing up his so called "game".

His hands cupped my cheek as he inhaled a deep breath pushing hard against my almost bare body. He looked at my lips contemplating on whether he should kiss me or not but still wanting to continue on, he didn't. I felt his hand slide all the way down right before he stopped at my lower stomach when finally, he dug his hand in my underwear.

"You're so wet." His lips brushed against mine but I barely even noticed as all I could think of was his hand. It soon started moving up and down, rubbing against me as I closed my eyes, rolling them in the back of my head not being able to handle the teasing of this boy. Then, without any warning, he stuck one of his fingers inside of me and started pumping it in and out just before he added another.

"Austin" I moaned.

"What's that? It feels good?"

"Just- just fuck me already." And without another word said, he ripped his clothes off proceeding with doing the same with my bra and panties until both of us were completely naked, scanning over each other with our needy yet greedy eyes.

Taking hold of the back of my thighs, he held me up against the wall letting my legs naturally wrap around his bare torso and before I knew it, he had come inside of me. With each thrust, he went further and further inside just making me fall into this state of intense euphoria and fervour. I wanted this feeling to last forever.

"You're so tight" He growled in pleasure as his jaw was shut and his eyes closed.

Eventually, I came to a release as he did the same just letting my whole bottom half numb and my chest to move rapidly up and down. He pulled out and set me back on the ground where I could barely stand by myself. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I gripped onto him the best I could so I wouldn't fall before my lips met his for the first time tonight and unlike last time, he kissed back. His hands grabbed onto my back understanding the fact that I had a hard time holding myself up due to what had just happened and it's then when he started pulling us towards the bed.

Once we got there, I sat on top of him and stared down into his hazel eyes "I hate you." I stated still annoyed with him.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do. Why the hell would you even tease me like that? You knew I wasn't in the mood." I venomously spat.

He took my head in his hands and brought me down as he kissed me twice before pulling back "Sure didn't seem like that if you ask me." I rolled my eyes not even bothering going any further with the conversation because I just knew it was no use.

Rolling back onto my side, I pulled the covers over my body waiting for the numbness of my legs to go away so that I could get back up and get dressed.

I felt Austin get up and before I knew it, he threw me my clothes as he got dressed himself. After I was done with that, I managed to get up and just as I was about to exit the room, he stopped me cupping my cheek in one of his hand while the other went to my back.

He smiled and leaned down capturing my bottom lip in between his. I kissed back feeling a smile creep upon my face as we moved in perfect sync. We weren't making out or anything it was just-nice.

He pulled back "You were great, Madison." He whispered before I went in and stole another kiss.

"Mmh" I said against his lips taking in his taste. When I parted, he wrapped his arms around my neck as mine went around his torso completely engulfing me in his scent.

As much as Cameron likes to say that he knows, he doesn't and he'll never.

No one knows. Absolutely no one.

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