Part 30 (The End)

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- Madison's point of view -

It's been five months. Yes, five months. School was coming to an end and I somehow managed to get myself back together after that night. The last time I cried must've been right after we broke up. I hadn't let myself cry because it was obviously something I did way too often and it was just stupid that I kept crying over it considering we would never get back together.

Have I seen him? No, not really. How? I have no idea.

Every time I would pass by his house though, I would always think of him. I would always try the best I could to avoid going in that direction but sometimes I just couldn't control it.

I haven't thrown myself into any relationship nor have I kiss or even had sex with anyone since that day. Sure, I miss it, but I rather crave it than be hurt because for some reason, noting works in my favour when it comes to guys.

Tanya and I are pretty much best friends and surprisingly, her and Robert got together after she broke up with Kyle and they've been going strong ever since.

Right now, I'm just trying to enjoy life to its fullest even though it's easier said than done. I haven't felt good in a very long time but at least I try to make the most of it instead of being depressed all the time. I think positive.

Sarah always had this motto that she practiced everyday: stay strong. I really took that to heart and implied it to my own life because that's what I needed to do. Music had helped me a lot too and I was so grateful for that. Things were finally falling in place after all this time and I felt free.

"Madie, can you pass me a pencil?" I heard Robert whisper from behind. I searched momentarily through my pencil case before finding one and passing it to him.

"You better give it back." I warned more as a joke than anything else.

"Yeah yeah don't worry."

The lesson went on as usual until class ended and it was lunch time. We all went outside to that same curb taking in the beautiful Texas weather; something I loved.

"So are you coming tonight or what?" Robert asked for what seemed to be the hundredth time today.

"I don't know."

"Come on," He encouraged "It's going to be fun, just a chill."

I hadn't been to a party or even a get together since that last party when Austin and I were still together. I usually just skipped them knowing that if I went, there was no way in controlling myself.

"It won't be the same if you don't come, you're like the life to the party."

I chuckled finding his statement all too outrageous "You've survived without me before."


"Yeah," Tanya butted in "Just come and hang, it'll be fun. You need to loosen up a bit."

"Letting loose is the last thing I need to be doing."

"Whatever you say," She shrugged "But don't come crying to me when I told you so."

"Trust me, I won't." I took a bite out of my sandwich contemplating on what I wanted to do.

To be honest, it kind of scared me and I had no idea why. I wanted to go yet the back of my mind was telling me otherwise. Maybe I just had to go with gut feeling on this one because yes, I needed to get out.

"Robert, stop!" I heard Tanya giggle making me snap out of my thoughts. I turned around just to see him tickling her.

It was moments like this that made me hate my life. Every time they would get all lovely dovey, I would have to look away and awkwardly sit there as they did their thing, it made me feel so lonely.

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