Part 17

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Just because I love you guys here's another update. I literally couldn't wait to put it up like literally.

Tanya, this is for you. Have fun bby(;


- Madison's point of view -

"Which one, Austin?" I asked for the third time in a row.

"I don't know! Try them, come and show me and then, I'll decide."

"Fine." I muttered more to myself than anyone else. I grabbed the two pair of shorts that I had picked out and left the room in a split second just to make my way to the bathroom. One of them was a pair of white high wasted shorts as the other ones were low wasted blue denim shorts. I tried on the white ones first and then the blue ones.

After I did the usual 360 in front of Austin and he judged my appearance from head to toe, or should I say from my behind, I came to the conclusion that he wasn't all that phased with either one of my picks.

"How about you try on..." He said while searching through my dresser "These ones!" He pulled out a pair of tight high wasted black shorts. I rolled my eyes at him and yanked the shorts out of his hands before going back to the bathroom and changing. As I did just that, I looked at myself in the mirror and shook my head.

There's no way in hell that I'm wearing these.

I stepped out of the bathroom just to make my way back to my room where I stood before Austin's eyes taking in my body.

"Whoa," He said as his mouth hung open "Now those are the ones you're going to wear."

"There is no way that I'm wearing these." I looked down at my figure "We can clearly see my ass."

"Exactly!" He gushed as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"No Austin. I don't want to look like a slut yet alone a whore."

"But you're not going to and beside, I already know you're not." He pointed out.

I scoffed "Yeah you do but other people don't."

"But that's where you're missing the point. It's a party. Every girl dresses like that and trust me when I say that what you have on right now is nothing compared to the other girls. Even you know that."

"I know but I still don't feel comfortable in these. What if I bring on the wrong impression? I don't need to be having sex with some drunken douche bag."

"Yeah you're right," He grinned "That's my job."

"Have I ever told you that you're annoying?" I pressed my lips together giving him a glare.

He shrugged "Maybe here and there, I can't quite remember." Austin let out a suppressed laugh "Just- just trust me on this one alright? You'll be fine."

I fiddled with my fingers contemplating on whether to wear the black materiel shorts or not. To be honest, I have no idea why I own such a pair of shorts, I must've bought them without trying them on or something because there is literally no way I would just walk out in public with these on.

Sighing, I came to realize that this was in fact a party and I had nothing else to lose I mean, everyone there was going to be drunk anyways so they probably wouldn't even remember me by the end of the night.

"Okay but if anything happens..." I trailed off letting him to decide the end of the sentence.

"I'll kill the guy because as far as I'm concerned, I'm the only one that's aloud to touch it."

I rolled my eyes while punching him in the arm "You're such an ass, Austin. I don't even know how the hell I endure you all the time, it still astonishes me." He gave me the infamous puppy dog eyes to make him look all cute and innocent while in reality, he was far from it. "It won't work this time so you might as well just keep your energy for later on tonight and stop making stupid faces at me." He knitted his eyebrows together in confusion and shut his mouth as fast as he could. If there was something he had leaned over the past few weeks was that he wasn't to mess with me. Sometimes of course, he wouldn't listen but most of the time he would which I was glad of.

Turning around on my heels, I made my way back to the dresser and started to search for a shirt to wear. Remembering that I had a beige plain crop top, I bent down to the last drawer and opened it up to where I remembered seeing it lastly.

"Can you not?" I heard Austin's voice in the back when I realised what exactly was going on.

"What? Is bending down too much for you to handle?" I asked finding the shirt I was looking for.

"You're going to give me a boner."

"Great!" I smiled "Then you can just go jerk off in the bathroom and take care of that yourself I mean after all, you're the one who wanted me to wear these shorts, didn't you? And tell me, if you get a boner watching me bend down, what's going to happen when I'm going to dance?" I stopped placing my hands onto my hips "I would fix you up right now but I rather not. I rather wait until we come back so that you can watch me shake around all night long and get all excited over nothing at all. Maybe you could even get a session of grinding with the famous Madison Torres but oh yeah, we're not allowed to be seen together so that won't work out. Too bad huh? I guess you're just going to have to watch me rub myself against every guy that wants to dance and if it ever goes any further..."

"It won't." He hissed obviously annoyed with my rambling on about dancing with other people but truth was, I wasn't going to. I was just messing with him.

"Payback's a bitch aye?" And before I even had time to add something else, Austin came rushing over to me, pressing his lips full force onto mine. I kissed back instantly as he backed me up against the wall, nothing but fervour going through him. Unlike other times, he was rough and it barely took a second before his tongue found itself into my mouth. His hands went around my body as he ripped my shirt off leaving me to stand in the already mentioned shorts and my black push up bra.

Pulling away, he rested his hands on my bare waist as he tried to catch his breath. "You know I wouldn't do that." I reassured him while brushing my fingers on the back of his neck which that was something he also liked, loved even.

When he didn't say anything, he came crashing his lips back onto mine. He kissed me for what seemed like forever as he nibbled down on my lip every once in a while. I knew what he wanted though; he was hungry for it, hungry for me.

Without even realizing it, my bra had somehow come off during the process and Austin's hands were holding my breast in place as we kept on kissing, never breaking it once. I tugged on his shirt every now and then but I didn't even bother taking it off because I didn't want to, I was going to wait.

As they say: patience is a virtue.

Pulling back myself, my chest moved up and down in a rapid speed as Austin's lips made their way to my ear "Please" He begged as if his life depended on this. We had barely been apart for two seconds and he already wanted more.

He's never going to change, I thought to myself.

"Madison," His voice murmured in my ear once again "I need you. Now."

Just this one time couldn't kill me right? My mind pressed. Just this one time.

And in one swift movement, I pushed him onto the bed where I "fixed him" in a matter of minutes.

* * *

We were currently driving up the road to where the house party was supposed to be. Pretty much everyone was supposed to be there considering today was Friday and this is all everyone basically spoke about for weeks.

And when I say that everyone was supposed to be there, I meant everyone including Cameron. Last time I had directly talked to him was when he had almost beat the crap out of that kid at school which has to be about two weeks ago now.

Yes, it's been two weeks. Two long and horrible weeks. The only thing that actually kept me going was well, you guessed it right, Austin. I had spoken to Emma since then but she still seemed to be on her guards with me. Could I still call her my best friend? That was something I was still debating on I mean yes, I loved her to death but ever since that day, things have been different and I just kind of went on my own separate way. At school, the only people I actually spoke to were Robert, Ryan, Sarah and Jackie. I would exchange a word every now and then with the rest of them but other than that, I kept to myself as usual.

Tonight though, it was crucial that Austin and I weren't seen together. I didn't want the lie I had going on to crumble right beneath my eyes and even though it didn't matter that much anymore since no one had spoken about it, I knew it still lingered in the air, it was more than obvious.

Upon noticing all the cars lined up along side of the road, Austin parked his well known Red Range Rover before both of us stepped out and started walking towards the house that was only a few feet away from us.

"Are you sure I look okay?" I asked him one last time even though I already knew what the answer was going to be.

He bit his bottom lip while trailing his eyes up and down my figure "You look hot."

And to think that he's not even drunk yet.

"Thanks, I'll take that as a complement." I said while taking hold of his hand and dragging him down the street. Once we got close to the house, I let go and went my own way as my plan started slowly fall in place.

The first thing I did was go directly into the kitchen to find myself something to drink. Normally, I wasn't the one to ever drink at parties but tonight, I decided to take a different approach I mean, I was already out of the box as it was so why not just all the way, right?

I served myself a glass of the punch that was already pre-made before turning to the living room. As I scanned the scene before me, I saw the faces of people I knew so very well from school that were most likely already drunk and horny because let's face it, that's what parties are all about. You basically dance, drink, have fun, make out and then if you get lucky, you have sex. Simple as that.

Taking a sip of what I supposed was some sort of fruit punch, I cringed at how bad it actually tasted. I settled my cup back down and decided to just give up on drinking I mean I could have fun without the alcohol, right?

Music was blasting throughout the speakers making my ear drums pound in the back of my head. I was left by myself on what to do so I made the decision to go right into the crowd of people and dance myself. Once I reached the middle, I found a few girls from class that I knew and started dancing with them as we moved in perfect sync with the music; my hips moving from left to right.

About fifteen minutes passed and it started to get real heated. Even my tiny shorts with my loose top were keeping me too warm but it's when I felt a pair of hands place themselves onto my hips that it became even hotter. I could feel the person's body heat and I knew for a fact that it wasn't Austin because it just didn't feel like him and anyways, I told him to stay away.

Taking upon myself to see who the person was, I turned around just to reveal the face of none other than Samuel Richards. He was one of the popular kids at my school, football quarterback to be more précised, that had always had an on and off crush on me but I never led him on because I wasn't interested. He truly wasn't my type and clearly went for cheerleaders but somehow, he always managed to like me.

"You wanna dance?" He shouted to my ear so that I could hear him over the loud music. I nodded my head not seeing a problem with doing so, it was only a onetime thing and I doubt it that he would even remember it in the morning and if he did, then I would just tell him that it didn't mean anything, which it didn't.

Positioning myself close to him, he tightly grabbed onto my waist as I draped my arms around his neck from behind and started swaying to the rhythm of the music. We danced for what seemed like forever before I turned around to face him head on. His eyes were glued onto my face as I searched the room for the one person on my mind and when I finally saw him, he was doing exactly what I expected from him: watching me.

Turning my attention back to Samuel, I saw him leaning in for a kiss but I dodge it instead not wanting to have any physical contact with anyone else than Austin himself. I felt as if I was to do it on purpose that I would betray him even though we weren't technically together and to be honest, I'm pretty sure I would be disappointed in what I would receive. In my head, nothing could possibly compare to the boy who had made me forget everything, the boy who meant the world to me. It was crazy to think how much I actually cared about him and I couldn't even stop myself from doing so.

Sure he got on my nerves, he would sometimes piss me off and he would make comments he didn't need to but in the end, he was something irreplaceable. He was the sweetest person I ever met and to do that to him even though we're nothing, I couldn't. Maybe we are fuck buddies but that doesn't mean you can just go around kissing every other guy let alone screwing them, it just doesn't work that way.

Felling a pair of lips press themselves to my neck, I snapped out of my trance and gradually slipped away from his grip back to the kitchen where I could take a sip of water. After turning on the tap and drinking to my thirst, I turned around and watch the party unfold itself in front of my eyes.

What should I do next? I wondered. Maybe I could go find Jackie or Sarah, they have to be here somewhere.

Leaving me on that thought, I walked towards the living room before my hand was suddenly grabbed by someone. When I turned around, I saw Emma drunk as ever stumbling all over me trying to hold her balance. I laughed at how stupid she looked and tried to help her out but miserably failed as she kept moving all over the place not listening to what I was telling her.

"Come with me." She managed to say while dragging me across the living area where everyone was dancing right to a door that led to where I supposed was the basement. Right when she opened it, my assumptions were confirmed as I saw the stairwell going all the way down. I gladly followed her while she firmly held onto my hand before making it to the bottom where I saw other people sitting around just chilling. But it wasn't just any people, it was them.

Emma, Cameron, Sarah, Robert, Austin plus myself. And the worst part? Every one of them was drunk except for Austin, or at least that's what I thought.

"Finally!" Emma giggled "We got everyone." I took a seat down on one of the many couches that were down stairs. My eyes wandered around the room as they hesitantly fell upon Cameron who was watching Austin like an animal ready to attack his pray. I didn't know what this was all about but I had a very bad feeling about it. Something was telling me that this little meeting here wasn't friendly at all. The vibe around us was filled with so much tension that it was making the hair on the back of my neck stand upwards and let me tell you that that's never a good sign.

"So how about we get this thing going?!" Emma once again chirped while clapping her two hands together.

"What thing?" I asked curious as to what I had to do in all of this.

"A game. We're going to play a game."

I nervously swallowed the lump that had somehow managed to form itself in my throat. Last time we played a game it didn't turn out so great, it's when everything broke down. I thought about just getting up and leaving but decided on not to do it because who knows what would happen if I was to do that.

So I sat there taking in deep breathes while holding my head in my hands.

It'll be okay, I tried to convince myself. What's the worst that could possibly happen?

Looking back up, I saw that everyone had their eyes on me.

I should go get myself a drink and get drunk so that this situation will seem more bearable than what it already is.

Leaving me on that thought, I excused myself for a minute and darted back upstairs to the kitchen. As I scanned the counter top with all the drinks, I shook my head still not satisfied with what I was seeing. I needed something strong, something that'll work fast.

Turning around, I spotted Samuel casually talking with his friends so I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me.

"I need something to drink," I told him knowing exactly where everything was considering this was his best friend's house "Something strong."

His eyes scanned over my desperate ones for a few second before he nodded and strutted his way over to a cabinet that held various bottles of as I call it; hard liquor.

"Which one?" He asked. I shrugged not caring which one he actually gave me because I knew that they pretty much all tasted like shit so it really didn't matter to me. "Well here," He handed me a medium sized bottle with this transparent liquid inside of it "That's the strongest you'll get."

"Thanks" I smiled before pushing passed him and getting an empty cup.

"Why do you need that?" He came from my behind wrapping his arms around my stomach as I poured myself a glass.

"For exactly what you see. I might get lucky." I turned around giving him a wink. But for all he knew, he thought that I was serious I mean, I got lucky everyday so why would tonight be any different?

I felt his hands make their way to my ass and that's when I knew I had to step away before this got any further. "But that's too bad for you," I took hold of his hands and pulled them away from my body "Because I already got someone." And in a blink of an eye I was gone.

As I made my way back to the door that led down stairs, I started to drink the clear liquid that I assumed was vodka. I had also managed to grab a couple beers just in case it wasn't enough which I highly doubt that that was going to be the case considering I don't necessarily drink and that it probably won't take much for me to get drunk.

After chugging half of the glass down my throat that may I add was burning from the alcohol, my feet started to take me downwards to where I had previously been a few minutes prior. When everybody's eye fell back onto me, I smiled and sat back down onto the couch "Okay, now I'm ready." I stated while taking another sip. I knew it was already starting to kick in because within a few minutes, everything calmed down and my head started to slightly spin.

This should be more bearable now, I thought.

I sat there in contentment as everyone talked amongst themselves waiting for Emma to start her so called "game". My eyes ended up falling upon Austin's that were already looking. He had a particular look plastered on his face but I just ignored it and bit down on my lip trying to pass him a message that he understood right away. He was just sitting there all quiet but on the inside, he was dying. It didn't help that he looked so hot either. A sudden urge passed through me and all of a sudden I was craving the feel of his hot and sweaty body rubbing against mine. I took another sip trying to get the dirty thoughts out of my mind when finally, Emma spoke up.

"Okay so as you all know, we're all friends here. Right?" She chirped looking from person to person. I laughed at her comment that was totally out of place that even she knew it but knowing Emma like I do, this was just the beginning and she wanted to rub on each and every one of us nerves. "But somehow, everything came crashing down a couple weeks back." She continued stating the obvious.

"I'm pretty sure this is called a lecture and not a game, Emma." I interjected in the middle of her non-coherent speech.

"Shut up Madison! I'm getting there." She gave me a glare before going back to her talking "To make this short because someone's impatient," She turned to me "We're playing spin the bottle."

"Oh yeah and kissing each other's face off is supposed to help fix this whole thing? You're so smart, I wish I had your brain." I spoke, every word dripping with sarcasm. "How about we just have sex? All of us. You spin the bottle and whoever it lands on we have sex with them, I think I'd like that better."

"I'm sure you would." A voice spoke up making me look in his direction.

"Wouldn't you? I mean when was the last time you had a girlfriend let alone the last time you actually had sex? You must be real horny Cameron because last I recall, that was never."

He scoffed "Wow you're even a bigger bitch when you're drunk. I feel sorry for him." He pointed to Austin sitting on the opposite side of him.

"Yeah yeah, and I feel sorry for you. Nothing I can do about it though."

I sat back in satisfaction to my words. It was true though, Cameron did have a girlfriend at one point but they never did it. He always told me that he was going to wait for the right one because to him, that was something special that he didn't want to just give away to some "stranger", as he used to put it.

"It's not my fault you have sex with every guy that falls under your nose. You brought it upon yourself and that's why you end up getting hurt all the time."

"Yeah you're right because I get emotionally attached to their dick and then it makes me sad." I said pretending to wipe away tears that were falling.

Emma put her hands up "You two," She said pointing to both Cameron and I "Shut up! I wasn't even done explaining the game for God sakes."

"Then what are you waiting for?" I spat. She gave me a look before turning back.

"It's not your regular game of spin the bottle. Instead of kissing each other, you're going to ask a question and what happens here, stays here. Everyone got it?"

I scoffed "Do I look five years old to you?"

"Yeah, does she?" Cameron added "I'm pretty sure a five year old doesn't go behind their best friend's back."

"Now what's that supposed to mean, smart ass?"

"Even a five year old could figure that out. I'm laughing at your lack of knowledge, Torres." He smirked.

"Will you guys just stop!" Emma shouted at both of us. I took my cup back in my hands and drank the rest of it with one big gulp. I saw Austin looking at me but I just ignored him feeling the anger build within me at a very, very rapid speed.

I got up and threw my cup in the garbage can that was only a few feet away from me. The only reason why I did that was because I needed to at least try and walk the anger off even if it was only a few steps, it seemed like it would help.

"Why are you even dressed like that?" Cameron threw the question my way.

"Is there a problem with how I'm dressed? Are you getting a boner from watching me get up or?"

I watched him rest his elbows onto his thighs while letting out a laugh "Nah not me but probably him." He pointed to Austin. I rolled my eyes when my attention was suddenly brought to the top of the stair case where stood two boys that I could distinctly recognize. One of them being Samuel.

"This is a nice surprise!" I chirped "Why don't you boys come and join the party? It's just awesome down here, we're having one heck of a blast!"

They both smiled while making their way right to where I was standing. I wrapped my arm around Samuel's shoulder while bringing him close to me "This right here is Samuel Richards, also known as, the star football player of our school. He's surprisingly really good on the field," I stopped wrapping both arms around his neck "And probably other things too."

"Wow I see that the alcohol really kicked in. Maybe I shouldn't have given you the whole bottle." He hesitantly spoke while my eyes stayed glued to his lips. For the first time ever, I actually noticed how nice and plumped they were, they looked so kissable.

Pulling away, I took him by the hand and dragged him on the couch right by my side as his friend awkwardly followed from behind. I made sure to keep hold of his hand to annoy the crap out of Cameron though.

"You should probably get a room."

"Yeah that would be a good idea wouldn't? That way, I wouldn't have to endure that annoying face of yours that's been on my ass for the past few weeks." I heard a couple whisper coming from Sarah and Robert which may I add, I had almost forgotten that they were even there. "You know what? I'll start with the questions. Why the hell have you been at this anyways? What did I ever do to you?" Cameron just looked at me not saying a word. "So that's how it's going to be? Very mature." I clapped my hands in a slow motion.

An awkward silence settled itself around the room as to me, it was bearably noticeable because I was fuming both on the inside and outside.

"Why did you bring him here?" He asked referring to Samuel.

"Why not? I did tell him that I wanted to get lucky, didn't I?" I turned the question to Sam himself. He nodded his head not really knowing what else to do in a situation where he was obviously caught in the middle but I didn't care.

"I don't know why you keep doing this. All you're doing is proving to everyone that you're a slut."

"And what if I am?" I challenged while getting up "I mean look at him, who wouldn't want that?" Then as quickly as I got up, I sat back down but this time positioning myself onto Sam's lap as to I was now straddling him. Cameron's eyes burned wholes into my back while I smiled with satisfaction and it's then when I made a move.

I came crashing my lips onto the ones I had previously had my eyes on and as soon as mine touched his, he kissed back. His hands found their way onto my waist as he held me in position. My lips moved in perfect sync with his and before I knew it, his tongue had slipped into my mouth and we were full on making out. Slowly, I started moving myself around on his crotch to provoke a reaction from someone and as soon as I heard the stomping of someone walking up the stairs and a loud bang of the door, I knew I had gotten to him. Finally breaking the kiss, I gave Sam a seductive look while licking my lips before returning to my side of the couch where I began scanning the room but to my surprise, Cameron was still sitting there with a look of anger written all over his face. When I turned my head to the right, I saw the empty spot that previously held the boy who meant everything to me. It wasn't Cameron who left, it was Austin.


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