Part 28

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- Madison’s point of view -

This wave of worry came rushing through me.

How long has he been there? He wasn’t supposed to pick me up, I told him I was going to walk home.

My eyes traveled all the way to the car where I saw him with his head half out the window, his gaze glued onto my body almost watching my every move. I figured that I had no other choice than to actually go to him because obviously, I wasn’t going to run away.

I dragged my feet over before reaching for the handle and opening it just settling myself into the passenger seat "What are you doing here?"

Squinting his eyes, Austin looked at me "I thought I’d surprise you and pick you up."

"But I told you I was going to walk."

"I didn’t think it was that big of a deal," He retorted almost disgusted with his own words "Just thought I’d drop by and do you a favour." I sighed not knowing what to say I mean, it was really nice of him but a wanted to walk and as selfish as that may sound, I needed to walk.

Both of us sat there in the car not saying a word as I felt the vibe grow different, tensed even. For one of the rare times Ifelt vulnerable around him, I was so ashamed of what just happened.

Did he see the kiss? My mind rambled on and on. From where he was parked, you could clearly see the place in which we had previously been standing, Cameron and I.

"So are you getting out or what?" I turned to him in chock not ever expecting him to say that to me.

Was he serious?


"You wanted to walk right? Then get out." I gave him a glare no believing him, he seemed angry for some reason and I didn’t know why I mean yeah I had my doubts but this, this was unexpected.

Doing as he wished, I opened the door and hopped out of the car just to watch him drive away right before my eyes.

What in world just happened?

* * *

I’ve called him so many times but he just won’t answer. I’ve been lying in bed for the past two hours just mentally cursing at myself for completely rejecting him back at school; I don’t know why I did it.

Hurting him is the absolute last thing I would ever want to do because he doesn’t even deserve close to that, he deserves better. I’ve never been good enough for him but still he’s with me and I can’t understand why. I’m nothing.

Sighing, I rubbed my temples trying to find a solution because there was literally no way I could sleep with this consuming my every thought considering it was obvious that something was wrong with him, with us.

Deciding on doing the only thing I could possibly think of, I put on a loose blue navy sweat shirt and darted down stairs with my phone tightly held my hands before slipping on a pair of shoes.

I hope this works, I thought.

Not even bothering on looking back, I exited my house as my feet took me faster than I ever expected to that same place I had been so many times before. The night was dark but I didn’t care, I needed to talk to him.

The door was only about a foot away while I stood there not really knowing exactly what to do. His mom’s car was nowhere in sight which led me to assume that she wasn’t there at all as I contemplated on whether I was to knock or not because let’s face it, he probably won’t answer.

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