I love you

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Arthurs POV

I wake up before Merlin and for the first time I see just how peaceful his face looks like when he sleeps. And how his raven black hair perfectly shapes his face. I kiss the top of his head and he slowly opens his eyes.

"Hey." I smile at him, holding him closer and whisper, "I love you." Merlin chuckles but doesn't say anything.

I look up at him and say, "You're suppose to say it back you idiot." Which causes him to chuckle even more.

"Fine, I love you too....sometimes." I hit his arm playfully and then remembered that he's ticklish, so I start tickle him. He kicks at me and laugh uncontrollably.

"Stop." He says between laughs. "Only if you say 'Arthur is the best looking guy on the entire planet and I completely adore him and his flawless muscles.'"

"Arthur is the best looking guy on the entire planet and I completely adore him and his flawless muscles." He says with a small smile, "He's my best friend and I would do anything for him because I love him." He continues.

"You're my best friend too." I say and kiss hem tenderly.

"I'm you only friend." I glare at him again. Of all the people why did I have to fall in love with this dork.

"Arthur!" My father yells after me and I turn around to face him.

"Yes father?" I say rather annoyed. I've been at a meeting all day and have barely seen Merlin at all. I miss him. I miss his touch and his sweet lips.

"Have you decided which princess you'd like to marry yet?" He asks seriously and eye me as he waited for an answer. I'm shaken out of my thoughts. I didn't like any of the princesses. They seemed like nice persons but they weren't Merlin. I don't want anyone else but Merlin. My Merlin.

He's the only person I could see myself living the rest of my life with. The only person I'd like to fall asleep next to and wake up with. 

"No, I do not wish to marry any of the princesses, I do not love any of them. " His face turns red in anger and he lets out a frustrating sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Marriage doesn't depend on love. You will marry for the sake of your kingdom." He says with a stern voice.

"I cannot marry someone I do not love."

"You will choose one or I will choose one for you!" And with that he storms away with quick steps, leaving me deep in my own thoughts.

I walk towards Merlin's room and knock on the door. When Merlin opens I kiss him hard on his lips. "Pack your stuff, we're leaving for a couple of days." I say and then leave to my chamber to do the same.

After 15 minutes Merlin comes to my room with a confused look. And for once he doesn't ask anything, he simply do what ever I tell him to. I smile, thinking of just how much he must trust me. We take our horses and leave Camelot. Once we reach the lake, where we had a picnic, we set up a small camp and light a fire. It'll be dark soon.

When we sit down at the fire I finally decides to speak, "I must choose a wife. Or my father will do it for me." I say with my eyes focused at the flames in the fire. I don't dare to look him in the eyes as I say the words. 

"We both knew it would come to this." He sighs and put on arm around my waist.

"I don't want any of them, I just want you." I lean my head on his shoulder and take his other hand in my own.

We don't say much after that, we just sit there enjoying each others company.

Merlins POV

After a while I feel Arthur falling asleep on my shoulder. I rub my thumb on the palm of his hand, assuring him that I'm still here.

I knew that someday Arthur would be forced to marry another, I just didn't realize that it'd be this soon. Still I'm glad that I've had these moments with him. I treasure them with all of my heart. I remember how sad and angry I was of the thought of risking my life for Arthur, now I would jump in front of him in a second if that's what would save him.

If Arthur is to marry another, then I'll watch Camelot become the kingdom I've always known it'll be but from a distance.

It would be to painful to be his servant. I would not only serve him but his wife too, I can not bare the thought of doing that.

Soon after I fall into a dreamless sleep.

"Merlin, wake up." I hear Arthur say as he kisses the top of my head. I groan and open my eyes.

"I love you." Arthur says all of the sudden. "Arthur why do you say it so often?" It's been something I've been thinking of a lot. Every time I see him he tells me that he loves me, like he'll lose me if he doesn't.

"Because I want you to know that you're loved by me. You deserve to hear it. I love you and nothing can change those feelings." He says and kisses my hand then my lips.

"I love you too."

I must tell Arthur. If he decides to stand up against his father, to be with me and not knowing about my magic, I would never forgive myself.

"Arthur there's something I need to tell you."


What's up? Any thoughts? Have a great day!

Until next time.

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