No rules in love

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Merlins POV

As I sit down on the ground, with my back on the wall of a abandoned house, I feel my magic getting weaker by each second. I've never been this mentally exhausted. I don't think I've ever had the chance to use my magic this much and for this long.

Before I felt so powerful and the magics energy flooded through my veins. Now I feel empty, helpless and tired.

My thoughts drifts to Arthur. The thought of being in his embrace makes me feel hopeful. Right now Arthur's keeping me alive, and he doesn't even realize it. He don't know exactly how much of an impact he has on me.

I close my eyes for a moment, imagine that Arthur's here, and smile weakly. I wish Arthur was there, but I'm glad he isn't. He's safe, he's not in danger like these people here are.

But I know Arthur, he'll do anything to keep his people safe, he's probably already on his way.

I open my eyes quickly as I hear branches breaking. A shadow is moving around behind the houses. After a couple of seconds of thinking I decide to stand up and check it out. I sneak forward soundlessly and try to get a look of who or what it might be.

As I'm about to get a look, I feel a cold metal on my neck. I freeze when a hear the familiar voice.

"I would not move if I was you." I let out a happily sigh and laugh humorlessly.

"Hello to you to Gwaine." I say and turn around after making sure he'll not cut of my head.

"Merlin." He says and let out a heavy breath, "You're alive." He hugs me from the side and smile widely.

"We have been looking everywhere after you." Arthur's here.

"Exactly where have you been looking?" I ask curiously and tilt my head on the side.

"We were at your mothers house. I think Arthur went the other way. We decided to split up, searching for you and helping the wounded ones, "We said we'd meet up by your house again."

"Maybe you should go back to my old house and help the people, you know, lighten their moods with your cheery self." He looks unsure and concerned.

"What about you?"

"I need to find Arthur. And I know this place better than you, so it's better if I look for him." I try to convince him, and being Gwaine, it doesn't take much.

"Okay. Be careful, don't get killed." He says and starts walking away towards my house.

I walk for a while before I see the far to familiar chainmail, that I've cleaned and polished too many times. Arthur's carrying two scared kids, the younger one is a blonde little girl and the other one is a red headed little boy who seems to be around five years old.

"Arthur." I say breathlessly. He turns around with wide eyes and a broad smile.

"Merlin!" He says warmly and his eyes shines with so much love. I take the little girl from his arms to make it easier for Arthur to walk.

"You're okay?" He looks really worried for a moment, looking at my body for any wounds or maybe he's just checking me out.

"I'm fine." I say and smile encouraging. Without saying anything else we walk to my house.

"Ah, Merlin you're alive!" My mother exclaims when we walk through the wooden door. She too starts to look at my body for any possible wounds.

"Mother, I'm fine. I promise." I say and take her hands in mine. I kiss her on the cheeks and then move to check on the wounded ones. Since Gaius have showed me how to heal this kinds of wounds I know what to do and how to do it. As I start getting to work Arthur and the other knights went out again, looking for survivors.

They come back after about three hours of searching. I'm grateful when I see Arthurs face coming through the door, unharmed. I smile to myself and continue healing the man with a cut on his lower stomach. It's not looking good, so I quickly chant a spell when no one's looking.

When most of the people are better I sit down, resting for five minutes. In the corner of my eye I see Arthur playing with the little with the kids he was carrying earlier. He will make a good father.

And that's when I realize, kids is something I will never be able to provide Arthur.

This is the reason he needs to find a wife. When he becomes king he will need someone to take over after him. An heir. 

"You've done everything you can, you should sleep for a little while. You won't do any good when being this tired." My mother tells me and place a comforting hand on my shoulder. I nod and smile at her lovingly.

Since almost every wounded people are in here I go to another house. Of course I have permission to. The family kindly offered for me to stay there as they were in my house, keeping an eye on the wounded family members.

I lay down on the small bed, closing my eyes tightly. I hear a small knock on the door and open my eyes tiredly.

"Yes?" The door opens and a very exhausted Arthur walks in.

"Your mother told me you were here." He says as I move to the side of the bed, making a little space for Arthur. He lays down and I pray for the bed not to break. He brings me into his arms so that I'm almost on top of him.

"I was really worried today. I thought I'd lost you." He kisses the top of my head.

"Well, you can't get rid of me that easy." I respond and cuddle a little closer. Arthur let out a small chuckle and kisses my temple.

The silence takes over and we're both enjoying just being near each other.

"I was scared today." I say without thinking and when Arthur doesn't say anything I continue, "It's the first time ever being in this kind of position without you. I felt so lost without you." I say honestly and look up to meet his eyes.

"I love you and I'm so proud of you." He says and kisses my lips sweetly yet with so much passion.

"I love you too." I say sleepily and close my eyes while burying my head in the crock of Arthur's neck.

Right now, everything seems so right. I wouldn't want to be in another place. Because being in Arthur's arms is where I belong. This is right, why wouldn't it be? There's no rules in love.


Sorry if it's some grammar wrongs. I'll fix it later.


By the way the eye candy on the side is Gwaine played by Eoin Macken.

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