Chapter 2

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I woke up early despite my pounding headache thanks to drinking one too many beers last night with Lucy. My head was still reeling from having decided to go along with her favor but again maybe I needed some random excitement in my life. Who knows, perhaps we'll all end up laughing about it later.

I walked into the editing room on campus, it being empty as usual. One thing I learned was if your mommy or daddy paid for your tuition and living conditions out in LA and you were majoring in film; you weren't doing your homework. You were out getting wasted or snorting coke and figuring that was what life was about.

It was a good day if three other students were even in the lab. 

Logging on to my student account, I pulled up the current music video I was about to finish editing. Some acoustic guitar player on campus contacted me and surprisingly even said he'd pay me for the help. 

Lots of the clips were of him playing randomly in crowds or deserted places outside, which when all stitched together created a laid back but also intimate look. It was turning out to be one of my favorite projects just by the upbeat pace of the song.

Two hours had passed and I could feel my stomach growling in anger of having skipped breakfast. I dug through my backpack and pulled out the salad I made, momentarily exiting out of the video editing program so I could do some research.

Accessing google, I typed in 'Kellin Quinn' and suddenly images flooded all over my computer. Little rectangular boxes popped up of a young guy with raven black hair that danced crazily around his face. He had piercing eyes and an attractive smile. He also wore considerably tight pants.

Now, I've never really had a type when it came to dating. Even more so, I never really was one to date. It wasn't because I was unattractive (personality or looks wise) I'd say I was average but that I never found the reason in it just yet. Alongside, school asked for a lot which meant many times of sacrificing personal time.

As I stared at his pictures, I could feel my heart pick up in speed, realizing soon I would be face to face with him, trying to seduce him.

I shook the thought and pulled up youtube, searching 'Sleeping with Sirens' and again a mass amount of videos by Fearless Records loaded. I clicked one of the more popular ones, a song titled "If You Can't Hang". As soon as the song picked up,  I couldn't help but let my head nod to the beat; much like the band was doing in the video.

They were all jamming out, splashing water everywhere, something I thought added a unique touch to the video.  Suddenly, Kellin began to sing and it took me aback realizing how high of a voice he had. Not in a bad way but in another impressive and attractive way.

The way he was looking at the camera while stomping rhythmically would make any girl in their right mind swoon.

I paused the video and shook my head. Nope. That was not allowed. I was supposed to be seducing him. Not the other way around.

Instead, I liked the video and saved it for later, diving back into the work I had in front of me.


Friday night rolled around quickly as I had been drowning myself in editing and work, all creating that swirl of nonstop ness that makes up being a college student.

The plan for tonight was to dive under the covers in my batman pjs and watch Netflix movies until I passed out. Unfortunately, as soon as I turned the Wii on my phone began ringing from the coffee table.

Incoming Call: Lucy H.

I groaned slightly but answered, acting excited, "Hey girl!"

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