Chapter 4

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I begged and pleaded and was lucky enough to get the weekend off from this seducing game. Ashley's and I's good friends in Beware of Darkness were having a secret basement show and of course I wanted to go. It reminded me of the times in high school partying to local bands in kid's basements or garages.

I decided comfortability was key, assuming there would be a huge consuming mosh pit and I'd be tossed around like a rag doll.

So I opted for my shark tank top, camo jeans, and black booties all a while keeping my makeup to a minimum with my hair curled.

When I arrived I ran over to Ashley and gave her a quick hug, saying hello to the band while they set up for the show.

"There's a keg over there if you're thirsty," Thomas the lead singer mentioned, nodding across the room.

"Thanks, Ashley you want some?"

"Yeah if you could," She smiled as I excused myself to get some drinks.

I began pumping the keg silently to myself, excited for the show to begin. I finished filling up the first cup, not looking up while asking whoever was next to me to hold the drink.

"Sure," The guy's voice said, taking the cup from my hand as I went to fill up the other. I tipped the spout to avoid excess foam, standing up to grab the other cup from the stranger.

"Thanks dude," I said absentmindedly, taking it back with a small smile. Yet, those eyes watched me with shock as a cute smile spread across his face. I stared back silently before stifling a laugh.

"You just won't give up, will you?" He spoke, allowing a person to cut him in line so he could give me his full attention.

"Or," I retaliated, "You're stalking me now. I'm friends with the guys in the band; I love supporting the local music scene,"

"Really?" He asked, still amused, "I'm close with the drummer. He's a childhood friend,"

"Nice," I said, looking around in search of Ashley, "Well I'm going to leave ya alone and go find my friend before the show starts. Have a good one,"

Turning on my heel I scurried off to the band's set up; noticing Ashley was currently flirting with the lead singer in the back corner. He seemed really into her so I didn't want to be one to intrude, setting her cup down on the amp while quietly standing in the front sipping my beer.

Finally the show started, Ashley and I maintaining our spots up in front even with the constant pushes and kicks from the mosh pit. During one of the last songs, Ashley tugged me in and suddenly it felt as if we were in a blender of sweaty bodies, tossed around to screaming. I threw my hands up and rocked out, pushing people away every now and then.

In an instant, some hefty guy tumbled forward and hooked my back leg, my body tumbling backwards and onto the cement. I instinctively blocked my face with my hands as people started tripping everywhere, beginning to pile up on me. The pressure was making me nervous so I panicked and tried effortlessly to scoot myself out of the pile up but nothing was working.

A pair of hands grabbed me from under my arms and dragged me straight outward before pulling me up to land firmly on my feet. People were still going crazy as I turned around to thank who I thought was Ashley only to meet Kellin once more.

I mouthed thank you and gave him a quick hug before dusting myself off, I was definitely going to take a break before trying to push myself back to the front.

Kellin nodded and handed me his beer. I grabbed it and took a generous sip, loving the liquid suppressing my dehydrated mouth. I handed it back to him and he took a sip as well, smiling down at me.

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