chapter 12

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“I just don’t know what I’ll do if when Lucy finds out she freaks and spills everything about our little seducing game,” I grumbled over the phone to Ashley. I was currently spending the night baking cookies after having tidied up the entire apartment. This is what happens when I become a nervous wreck. I either get into a cleaning mode and if there’s nothing left to clean, I become a momentary housewife and bake or do really dumb crafts.

“I mean what were you expecting to happen?” Ashley said, rather coldly. But she did have a point, “Lucy is kind of bipolar and overall crazy, simply for having suggested the idea. There’s no guessing how far she’ll go.."

“Not what I want to hear,” I whined again, but well aware of Lucy’s tendencies.

“There’s always the option of being honest with Kellin,” Ashley suggested, my brain setting alarms off regarding that as the worst possible idea ever, “Honesty is the best policy, even if he’ll be super hurt about it. At least you were finally up front,”

I continued to grumble, opening the oven with my foot before sliding in the first batch of cookies. Shutting it, I mentally made note of the time on the clock and returned to setting up the next batch, “I don’t think I could live with myself, figuring how he’d react. It almost feels better just burying it and hoping things won’t explode,”

“What’s the likelihood of that running smoothly?” Ashley said with a scoff. I’d jab her in the ribs if she was here in person but instead I sighed dramatically. She always was so truthful when I needed advice. Which sometimes, at that second, was minimally useful for I wanted a bullshit answer that would make me feel a little bit better.

The doorbell rang, making me jump a bit, “Ashley, someone’s here. I’ll call ya later girl,” I quickly hung up and trotted over to the door. Justin and Kellin were waiting outside, both wearing wide grins. Before I could say hello, they both barged through sniffing the air rather dramatically.

“Chocolate chips?!” Justin screamed, hurdling toward the kitchen. I closed the door with a laugh, following the two children into the kitchen. They both had their hands in the cookie dough, nibbling on it with satisfied looks.

“That’s raw, you shouldn’t eat it unless you want to get sick,” I scolded, pulling the mixer away from them.

“Yeah, okay mom,” Kellin joked, giving me a sweet smile as Justin giggled.

“So what made you guys come visit?” I asked, placing the dough next to the oven. I turned and hoisted myself up on the counter, watching both of them shrug.

“Bored,” Justin answered nonchalantly, “Wanted to see if you wanted to go to a bar or something,”

“Yeah, I think some of the guys are already at Whites,” Kellin added, referring to a rather popular bar in the area. I nodded my head and kicked my feet in the air, reflecting momentarily back to my recent conversation with Ashley, frowning in my head.

“I have to get ready then,” I whined, looking down at my pjs, “And that requires effort,”

“Just go in that,” Justin responded with another shrug. Kellin smiled and nodded, myself glaring back at both of them, “..........or not,”

I hopped off the counter, “You guys watch the cookies, I’ll try and get ready,’”

Fumbling through my clothes, I grabbed a random pair of black skinnies and quickly shimmied them up, making sure my bedroom door was completely closed. Sifting through the various blouses hung up, I figured a black partially cropped top with the word “Reckless” written on it would suffice.

Seducing Kellin QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now