chapter 11

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"Can I just reiterate how bad of an idea this is?" I said for the millionth time, running a frustrated hand through my hair.

The director, band and some other members had decided an emergency meeting would be called later that week after Bob told me about the creative differences.

Lucy being replaced wasn't my main concern, knowing I could blame it all on the director. But them thinking and near forcing me to be the replacement had me cringing at her reaction. Surely she would twist it around and say I did it on purpose before running to tell Kellin everything behind her plan.

"Seriously Mandy, it'll be fine. Plus we really want to premiere the video soon so we're kind of short on time," Justin urged, giving me a friendly smile.

The boys all nodded in unison, my eyes flashing to Kellin. He surprisingly seemed indifferent about it all.

"Kellin how do you think Lucy would react? I feel like she'd get really mad about it..." I whined, hoping he'd be an annoying boyfriend and persist on keeping the video the same.

"Well Bob makes a really valid point about presentation and how we really need the video to be amazing so it sets up the album nice," Kellin began, fiddling with the pen in his hand,"I mean there's no denying she'll be a bit upset but it's how show business works so she should handle the change professionally,"

If only they knew about the seducing game and how this will make it seem like Kellin actually does have a thing for me.

Everyone collectively agreed out loud, myself finally taking a seat before looking around at everyone's eager faces. Kellin looked back at me with a set of pouty lips, standing up to get on his knees next to my chair. I looked at him quizzically as he threw his arms around my waist, whimpering like a puppy.

"Pweaseeeeee Mandy! Be our hero and help us out, you know you want to. Please please please!"

I giggled and tried pushing him off only for Kellin to refuse like a defiant child and growl while holding me tighter.

"FINE!" I shouted, giving up in defeat,"I'll do it,"

Everyone began to clap and throw a mini celebration. Kellin stood up and pulled me out of the chair, hoisting me up in a giant hug. I continued to laugh and tried to wriggle free but no such luck for the rest of the band circled around as Kellin placed me down before they all squished me in a giant group hug.

"I hate you all," I screamed, sighing dramatically, "you're lucky you're all cute,"


"I feel like a deer about to trot through the forest in search of berries," I admitted to the hairstylist who could only giggle as she finished the final touches.

It's not everyday I got my makeup and hair professionally done so it's a bit of a shock when I see the end product.

My hair was in long waves and perfectly teased. The makeup was moderately dark, emphasizing my eyes and lips. The dress was similar to the one Lucy had but was a bit more flowy and had longer sleeves that draped similar to medieval fashion.

"You look amazing," she announced pushing me off the chair and towards the trailer entrance, "the most beautiful and elegant deer I've ever seen,"

I rolled my eyes playfully and thanked her again before stepping out into the forest clearing. The boys were far off just hanging around, seeing as the part today was just of me and Kellin really.

I slowly crept up to the group, casually waving as I entered the circle of dudes.

"Woah," Gabe near whispered, suddenly on one knee bowing his head, "our majesty, to what do we bestow the honor of thy presence?"

Seducing Kellin QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now