chapter 14

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"So you've been fooling him, this entire time?" Justin asked slowly, staring at me in disbelief. I shook my head.

"Not this entire time," I whispered, voice shaking. The time I filled Justin in on the seduction game I had to bite my bottom lip to stop myself from crying.

Seeing how he was so torn up about this made my heart ache even more imagining what Kellin would do.

"Sure the first time I met him was solely to please Lucy and this twisted game but after getting to know him and you guys and everything...I've really truly fallen for him," I said almost inaudibly.

I sighed and played with my fingers, knotting them up much like how my stomach felt. Now all I wanted to do was to drive far away and break off contact from everyone that recently came into my life. To never speak to Lucy again and to wipe Kellin's beautiful smile and lively eyes forever from my memory.

But such a dream was impossible. Instead I had to deal with this forever increasing pressure on my chest and unsettling guilt gnawing away at me.

"Well," Justin sighed, his disappointment laced within his tone, "you know you're going to have to tell him,"

I bit my lip once more but the pressure wasn't strong enough. Soon, multiple tears began rolling down my cheeks that soon turned into heavy sobs. I hugged myself tightly, closing my eyes, wishing I could just fucking disappear.

Justin's hand wound around my shoulders and soon he was awkwardly but warmly embracing me, shushing softly into my hair. The sobs persisted and I could barely catch my breath. He pulled away and forced me to look up at his eyes, now mixed with despair and what looked like compassion. He rubbed a thumb under my right eye, giving me a small smile.

"You might be able to fix this," He said hopefully, making me catch my breath but then giving him a disapproving look for ever thinking that a plausible idea.

"He's going to hate me," I whispered, looking down once more, "forever. And I deserve it,"

"He deserves the truth, the entire story like exactly how you told me," Justin began, encouraging me with another smile, "yes, he'll be upset seeing as it takes him a while to even trust someone. But he obviously cares for you and you the same for him. The truth is going to hurt, and there will definitely need to be time to fix these things. Regardless, in the end, if you two were meant to be something, then it should work itself out and for the better. As for that Lucy bitch, well she'll get what she deserves,"

I couldn't help but smile a bit at his sincere, uplifting, but very nerve wracking words. Justin was right. Kellin deserved the truth and I had been selfish to hide it from him for this long. If we really connected, like I have felt since the start, then maybe we could push through this horrible mess.

"When should I tell him?" I asked, growing a bit frantic. Justin thought it over silently, pulling his phone out to check something before looking at me.

"I know it's killing you, but I think it might be best to wait it out till after finals," He said, reanalyzing his answer as he shared it, "It will be less stressful for you and Kellin if you got that video project out of the way and worried only about telling him then going through the actual consequences,"

"But what will I do if he wants to hang out? Especially after that one night," I blushed at recollection of our first intimate moment, "I don't want to keep pretending, it'll kill me,"

"Say you're busy, he'll understand," Justin said coolly, "Say you're working and studying for finals and really shouldn't go out or waste any time. He knows how that is, he won't pester,"

Seducing Kellin QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now