Chapter 8

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"Sounds like trouble, if you ask me," Ashley admitted, having heard the past week I had spent with Kellin, emphasizing last night's issues.

I sighed and fished around in my salad, suddenly not hungry.

"I think the greatest problem is the fact I actually care for him. But knowing it all started because of false intentions makes my stomach hurt," 

"You think you're ever going to tell him the truth?" She asked, I shook my head quickly with a worried look.

"Not right now...I don't want to when we're producing the video. It may be selfish but I just can't let him down so soon,"

Ashley looked at me with caring eyes but said the truth I was hoping would never be an outcome, "If not you, I have a feeling one wrong move with Lucy and she'll go running and tell him. She's a real good actress so she'll make the story so detailed as to make it seem like it was all your fault and she had little to do with it,"

Again I sighed and felt sick. I felt like a puppet in Lucy's little game and there was nothing I could do unless I told the truth to Kellin. I can't even imagine how mad he would be, to know he was being played with for so long, even if my intentions changed. It was a rude wake up call with everything Ashley said but it was reality and it'd be something I would have to deal with sooner or later.

The following week consisted mainly of school and work, not being able to see Kellin at all throughout the five days. Not that it should matter, I know we'd probably discuss the night at the club and figure how to move past it and that's a conversation I would rather avoid. Things will be distracting when I see him next week thankfully, production finally starting for the music video. The first day Lucy won't be there which was good for me, but the last few days she would and who knows how I'll handle myself.

That Sunday night I decided to try and unwind by opening a bottle of wine, not even caring to take out a glass. I popped in a stupid love story movie and sat in my shorts and tank top, grumbling and yelling back at the scenes. Before the movie even ended, I had finished the bottle and decided it was best to open another. I stumbled into the kitchen and growled when I accidentally stubbed my foot on the chair.

"Mother fucker," I whispered angrily, "Where is all the wine? I could not have drank it all,"

My eyes scanned the cabinet once more but then settled on the tequila bottle staring right back at me. I grinned and grabbed it, placing it on the counter to clumsily uncap it. Taking one of the larger shot glasses, I filled it to the brim and shot it back. It was kind of strong so I stuck my tongue out in distaste but didn't hesitate to take another.

In no time I was practically unable to stand, giggling as I tried to dance around my apartment singing some random song. My phone began buzzing on the counter, my ears perking as I pranced over to see Kellin's name.

Why was he calling so late? Not that I cared, it was kind of cute. I smiled thinking about his face and answered.

"Helloooooooooo," I spoke between fits of giggles.

"Are you drunk?" He asked amused, I imagined his breath on my neck asking me this in person and my lower body tingled at the thought.

"Maybe, maybe not," I slurred slightly, "I do what I want, Kellin,"

He laughed over the line, "Well, what are you doing? Are you by yourself?"

These questions got me excited as I leaned over the counter, embracing the cold tile that pressed against my skin.

"Yes," I breathed, "I'm home alone, in my pjs, getting horribly drunk by myself. You should come join me," I tried to say the last thing seductively but probably ended up sounding like a dummy.

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