chapter 20

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I think I had cleaned my entire house over four times. And there I stood, still unsatisfied. It was the anxiety from that dream, something I pleaded mentally to forget but was silently creeping up into my daily habits making them chaotic. I ran a hand through my hair, sighing in frustration in realization of how crazy this was.

“Just need to calm the fuck down,” I advised myself in an angry hushed tone. There was a knock at the door, making me jump a bit. Unaware of who it could be, I walked slowly to the door and peeked out to be welcomed with Ashley’s face.

“Hey girl!” She said gleefully, walking inside to give me a tight embrace. Her eyes peered around the front of my apartment, settling back on me, “Damn, spring cleaning came early?”

I laughed with a sheepish grin, “I was bored, believe it or not,” Ashley nodded before walking further into the apartment, taking a seat in the kitchen. I followed slowly, pouring us both water as she watched me silently.

“You excited for Kellin and the guys to be home?” She asked.

“Yeah,” I smiled, feeling the energy build up further inside me. Regardless of the dream, Kellin and I talked every night and in those moments it was only us and no outside influence, “I’ve been so anxious to see him after his visit in Arizona,”

“Oh, I can believe it,” Ashley winked. I rolled my eyes at her reference, “I figured we’d go out to the club tonight, seeing as they’re flying in today. Celebrate their return with style,”

My heart raced as I forced a smile, feeling a weird unsettling feeling burden my stomach. Ashley luckily didn’t pick it up, instead dragging me into my room. She began sifting through my clothes, throwing potential outfits towards me. I laughed quietly, the anxiety now eating away at me. Ashley urged me to wear my black skinny jeans then handed me a white blouse to match. I pulled my hair free from the bun it had been in all day, allowing the strands to tumble about. Ashley nodded in satisfaction, digging at the bottom of my closet for a pair of shoes. As she turned around, my stomach did flips.

“These will match perfectly,” She smiled, holding up my heels with the studs. I scrunched my nose, trying to protest the choice but she shoved them my way, insisting.

I huffed while slipping them on gently, standing straight to look at myself in the mirror. Ashley beamed at her quick work and ushered us out into her car. The ride there was like a death trap, knowing what could possibly happen. My stomach grew more queasy, contemplating playing sick. Ashley was still blissfully unaware as my mind started screaming when we pulled into the lot.

We took our seats, much like in the dream, and ordered our drinks right away. I sipped mine slowly, eyes flicking back in forth for the band. I jumped when Ashley screamed my name over the loud music.

“You’re on edge,” She noted, smiling in amusement, “That excited to see Kellin, huh?”

I smiled while shrugging lamely. At least that seemed justifiable to Ashley. Last thing I wanted was to be bombarded with questions. She excused herself to the bathroom shortly after, my legs starting to bounce up and down. I took my phone out and stared at it silently, waiting for the first text to arrive. Several minutes passed and nothing. Ashley returned seconds later, myself taking a deep breath.

I was completely overlooking the situation. There was no situation, anyway. We were here to celebrate the end of the tour and what not.

I cleared my head of the unruly thoughts and drank some more, joking around with Ashley and gossiping about random things we had heard about.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and that attractive familiar scent filled my lungs. A pair of lips pressed against my shoulder as I could feel him inhale the scent of my skin.

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