Chapter 6

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I patiently and a bit nervously waited in Starbucks for Kellin to arrive. We decided we would plan the premise of their music video together in private seeing as I was anxious if others were to be around.

I know, seeing as I want to major in cinematography I shouldn't be afraid to share my ideas but never did I imagine my final to be with a famous band like Sleeping With Sirens.

In an odd way, I had Lucy to thank for that. Still, I don't think I would have taken this offer knowing how it ended up making me feel.

"Hey, beautiful," Kellin smiled, plopping down next to me in the booth. I blushed lightly to the name and shoved him a little. He laughed sweetly and grabbed my coffee.

"Hey, that's mine!" I squirmed, pouting but letting him take it.

Kellin stuck his tongue out before taking a small sip, placing it neatly back down. I grabbed the cup and pulled it closer to my side.

"Sharing is caring," He said like a child before laughing again.

"Not when it comes to my coffee," I huffed, opening up my journal, "Now let's get to business and plan this video out,"

Their new song "Alone" featuring MGK was what they planned on filming - feeling it would make for a great single. Luckily, the premise was rather simple so the ideas were endless when it came to making up the video. We plotted several types of ideas; canceling others that seemed confusing or would take too long to recreate.

After a couple of hours of thinking it was decided it would be half shot outside in the woods with the guys jamming out. The other half would be a story woven through out of Kellin chasing a girl around with only vague images of her, almost as if she's a ghost. In some scenes he'll be frustrated and lost but in the end she'll pixelate to reality near the water and they'll just about kiss before the song fades.

"I really like this idea," Kellin grinned, looking over the finalized notes I neatly plotted.

"I'm so excited to help make this," I admitted, unable to suppress a wide smile, "I can't thank you guys enough for letting me help. It's honestly like a dream come true. I owe you guys big time,"

Before Kellin could respond his phone began to ring on the table. My eyes glanced over and I noticed it was Lucy calling him. I watched Kellin who realized it was her before quickly silencing his phone.

"Isn't that your girlfriend?" I asked nonchalantly, taking a sip of my cold coffee.

"Yeah," He half groaned, "Things are rocky, like I sorta mentioned last time,"

"Oh," I whispered, doodling on the side of my notes, "We don't have to talk about.."

"Actually, could we?" He asked, throwing me off guard a bit. Kellin pulled out of the booth and held his hand out for me, "I could use some advice on it all,"

I grabbed his hand and was soon hoisted out of the booth, both of us making our way to a nearby trail.


"So what's going on?" I asked interested, even though I'd consider myself rather invested in his relationship already. Or more so invested in breaking it.

I push the thought away and silently walk next to Kellin as he thinks it over.

"It just isn't the same anymore, I feel," He began, running a frustrated hand through his hair, "She seems cold and always too busy for anything. And to be honest, none of the guys have really liked her from the beginning,"

In a way, I wasn't surprised at this. Lucy is quite a character and isn't easy to get along with if you're not a patient person.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"She's demanding a lot of times and is always whining when we hang out. Truthfully we don't have much in common...yet I haven't really given thought to breaking up with her. As pathetic as that sounds,"

I shook my head at his judgement, "It's not  pathetic. Perhaps you're so accustomed to dating her you don't see reason behind ending it right away. Sometimes you get comfortable...maybe in your case too comfortable and that leads you to not thinking about other possibilities. Regardless, there has to be something about her that makes you happy," I decided to try and vouch for Lucy knowing even with all her annoying characteristics, she's been a good friend.

"Yeah that's probably it...and I mean she is gorgeous, I've never met someone as beautiful as her and her drive to succeed is contagious,"

For some reason I got sad knowing there are things she possess that makes Kellin smile. I found myself wishing I could do the same and more for him.

"What does she do for a living?" I asked, hoping to appear inquisitive.

"Lucy is currently working to start off her acting career, she also models on the side. She hasn't landed anything major but baby steps are pivotal to making it big. I believe in her,"

"Mhm," I answered, trying to sound amused, "Well, she sounds pretty cool,"

"Yea, maybe you could meet her and give me your opinion on it all? I've never had a girl to turn to and trust when I needed help like this, but now I have you,"

I'm complimented by what Kellin admits, grinning mostly to myself. Before I can respond his eyes go wide and he stops, turning to look at me.

"I have an idea! Lucy could be the girl in the video, that way you can meet her and direct her and then tell me what you think,"

I faked a giant smile and nodded along Kellin - who couldn't stop smiling at his "brilliant" plan. I had originally not planned on telling Lucy about my final project with their group but now she'd be a part of it. Kellin continues the rest of the time ranting about random things, mentioning here and there how excited he is to have me finally meet Lucy.

I can only fake sappy replies but deep down as my stomach churned, I realized things may turn out for the worse.

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