chapter 16

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It’s like he secretly knows already and wants me to feel unbearable, I thought angrily as everyone began leaving. I waited impatiently behind students then quickly decided to exit from the behind the stage, leading straight to the park lot. The cold air felt great on my burning cheeks as I walked with purpose to my car, lost in thought.

A car near ran me over before honking crazily. I glared back until I recognized Ashley’s face grinning back as she unrolled her window.

“Want to drop your car off and I’ll drive you home tonight? I want you wasted! You deserve it!” She beamed, honking some more for emphasis.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, ultimately agreeing to her plan. God knows how many drinks I would need tonight. Not that I was planning to tell Kellin, why spoil the night? It was a celebration for everyone. Regardless, it was always easier to deal with situations when I was tipsy or drunk out of my mind.

I ditched my keys in my apartment after quickly driving home, running out to get into Ashley’s car. Kellin texted me the address to a bar and I responded with something average. We drove out and Ashley complimented the presentation some more.

“So I say you go wild and just have fun tonight, regardless of what’ll happen in the future. You fucking deserve it! Forget about Lucy and forget about the game. For one night. Let everyone celebrate you and your hard work,” She ordered me, easier said than done of course but I smiled back in agreement.

Entering the bar, I felt a bit more loose after Ashley’s words of motivation. Walking up to the VIP section which overlooked the rest of the club, the boys were all congregated sitting on plush black couches. Ashley gave my hand a tight squeeze as well as a knowing look before letting go and greeting the guys. I made my usual rounds, receiving many congrats and compliments.

Last to say hello was Kellin. I looked at him cautiously as he stood up and walked over to me. I didn’t know what to say exactly and continued to stay in place as he had a very serious look etched on his face. Before I could comprehend what to do or say, he wrapped his arm around my waist and hoisted me up, breathing into the crook of my neck with a satisfied breath. Placing me down as I squealed lightly, he pulled me in tighter for a normal hug, his lips pressing lightly on my ear.

“I’ve missed you so much,” He exhaled, his hand resting rather low on my back, making that sensation start up again, “You were amazing tonight, and you look beautiful tonight, as always,”

Kellin pulled away slightly as he studied my complexion. I smiled sweetly and finally felt myself relax, hands pressed gently on his chest.

“Thank you, Kellin,” I said quietly, allowing my index finger to wrap around one of his belt loops like he had done the last night we were together. But instead of pulling him in for a kiss, I tugged his body closer and that was it, “And I’ve missed you like crazy too. You were all I could think about these past couple weeks,”

He smiled genuinely as his eyes lit up once more with that electricity that had set us off when he came running back to my apartment. We both stared silently into each other’s eyes, not needing to say anything - both completely satisfied with our close proximity.

Unfortunately I couldn’t stand there drinking him up all night long. I broke the silence and nodded to the bar, “I’m going to get a drink,”

He wrapped his hand firmly over mine and guided me to the bar, motioning for me to sit down as he waved over  the bartender.

“Mint mojito please,” I smiled, tugging at my purse in order to get my wallet. Kellin looked at me with disapproval, stopping my hand from going any further into my purse.

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