chapter 18

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“I tried calling you, you never answered,” He spoke, sounding a bit hurt. Beside that fact, I felt my body instantly soothe when hearing his voice. It had been so long and was like a remedy.

“I’m sorry,” I answered awkwardly, unsure of what to do, “my phone broke a little while ago,” I fumbled with my hands and peeked up to look at him. He was studying me with vulnerable eyes and I felt the absence of his being suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks. I sighed and grew frustrated with myself, “Kellin, I’m so sorry, I should have never listened to her it was stupid and there’s not a day that --,”

“Mandy, I know,” He quieted me, taking a step closer. I bit my lip, fighting the waterworks as he grabbed my hand delicately, “I should have given you time to explain, I was just too angry and confused after finding out and really needed some time alone. Justin told me everything and I’m sorry for not letting you tell me your side of the story. You deserved to have been listened to,”

I stayed silently, looking up at him with a mixture of emotion. I took my free hand and allowed it to rest on his face, Kellin smiling slowly as I copied his expression. We continued to stare at each other deeply, that electric feeling overbearing like never before.

“Come here,” He finally said, closing the distance so he could wrap his arms protectively around my waist. I guided mine to lock around his neck as he picked me up playfully and swung us around. I laughed quietly as he put me firmly back down and pulled away slightly, “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,”

“Oh yeah?” I asked playfully, “You have been on my mind every single day - do you know how frustrating that was?”

“Pretty sure I can relate,” he said lowly, tucking a strand behind my ear, “So, what exactly would you like to do to make up all this lost time?”

I noted the gleam in his eyes and raised my eyebrow at him as Kellin continued to look at me with amusement. I pulled away from his grip teasingly as he pouted, crossing my arms while pretending to overthink my decisions.

“Well, let’s see,” I pondered, “I’m thinking maybe I’ll go hang out with Justin and catch up with him. It’s been so long, I really missed him like crazy,”

Kellin glared at me as I shrugged with a smirk, ready to walk away. Instead of that, my body was hoisted up and I was thrown over his shoulder, headed back into the club.

“Kellin, put me down!” I wailed with laughter as he slapped my butt. I pounded his back as we weaved through the people. I caught some of the band at the bar, cheering wildly. Justin was taking more than obvious notice at Alex who was leaning on the table with a grin in our direction. Giving me a thumbs up, I waved at Alex with a look of helplessness before glaring at Justin in a sisterly mode of protection. He raised his beer at me with a wink. He’ll have to wait for tomorrow.

We were back outside waiting for a taxi when Kellin decided to let me down. I punched him jokingly but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in, crashing against his chest.

Instead of kissing me, as I had expected, he stared down at me in silence. His lips were now teasingly close to mine which drove me insane and Kellin could tell for a grin spread across them.

It was my turn to pout as the taxi arrived. Kellin gently allowed me in before following behind. We cruised down the street as I snuggled really close to his side, missing his touch. Without boundaries or any feeling of guilt, the way he looked at me or played with my hair had me pulsating with anticipation more than before.

If I had the opportunity, I would have jumped his bones in the back of this taxi right now. As the idea had flashed across my mind, we pulled up near a hotel and Kellin nearly tugged me out, whisking me away inside and up the elevator.

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