Chapter 9

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It finally came time to start filming the music video. I had all my notes, camera, pass and such packed in my large tote bag. Getting inside the car, my stomach did a few flips as my nervousness erupted within.

A Dunkin Donuts was on the way so I pulled through drive thru quickly, nibbling on a donut to try and refocus my mind. Things would go fine, at least today.

Once Lucy showed up, who knows. But pretending to know her and just be fake nice shouldn't be too much of an issue. She was an actress anyway, I could just act super awkward and blame it on her being super pretty or something.

I giggled silently, realizing how crazy this planning was. My nervousness also stemmed from the last time Kellin saw me, having dropped me off because of my meltdown that occurred soon after. He texted me later that night asking if I was doing okay, saying I still felt a tiny bit sick but figured I'd be good by tomorrow. This would be the first time I would be seeing him after that incident which worried me.

The studio the video was being shot in looked rather boring and carbon copied. Probably because what matter most was inside but it didn't help with the confusion in figuring out where I was going. After looping around the complex about six times, a white sign with the words "ALONE" scribbled on it was taped on a gray door.

I tumbled out of my car and cursed my shaking hands, jumping around a bit before walking inside. The place was huge with an enormous green screen along with various sets being pieced together. My brain soaked this all in as my feet aimlessly guided me around the studio.

"Someone looks mesmerized," Justin joked, my eyes catching his as a smile broke on my face. I closed the distance between us and gave him a hug.

"It is my first major music video, so yea I'm kind of silently freaking out," I admitted, receiving a genuine smile from Justin.

"Trust me, you'll do great in helping direct it!" He motivated, pointing behind him to a hallway of doors, "The guys are all arriving now and hanging in the prep room. We've got about another twenty before things start, you should head over,"

"Thanks, Justin,"

He excused himself and I carried my bags to the rooms, reading each before stopping at one already cracked open with a ton of voices erupting from it. I popped my head in and saw the majority of the band there, everyone lounging while joking about who knows what.

"Look who it is!" Jack yelled, breaking the conversation so everyone looked to the door. I smiled lightly before walking all the way in, placing my bags on the floor.

"What's going on guys," I asked waving at everyone. They all said a combination of things before returning to their previous conversation. I continued to stand directly in front of the door, pulling out my phone to see I had a text from Lucy.

Can't wait to work together!! Secretly of course :)

I started to type something back when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist, "Hey my little cinematographer," he said cooly, making me jump before turning around to face Kellin.

"Don't sneak up on me like that," I whined, smacking him on his arm only to receive a playful smile from Kellin.

"But it's funny," He pouted, laughing a bit more, "You excited for today?" 

"You have no idea!" I admitted with a wide smile, "This week is gonna rock," 

The twenty minutes before filming passed in what felt like ten seconds worth of time. We were now set up on the green screen, today being less of a job for me and mostly of the guys running through the song for the recording. It wouldn't be until we were filming outside that I'd have to get to work.

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