chapter 21

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I awoke in an overly satisfied state. Recalling the moments last night, a smile danced across my lips. My arms reached to the side, in search of Kellin’s body but he wasn’t there. I pushed myself up and stretched slowly. His clothes were still scattered on the floor. In amusement, I bent down and pulled his shirt over my head, it only minimally covering my lower half.

Walking down the short hallway, I heard the clank of pans and the sound of something sizzling. Rounding into the kitchen, Kellin was standing over the stove in only his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs, trying to flip an egg in deep concentration.

The table had been set, a single flower placed on top of one of the plate. He had coffee made and bacon was sizzling on the side. The plate of covered pancakes sat beside it, fogging over slightly from the heat.

I tip toed over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing in between his shoulder blades. He transferred the egg to a plate before placing the spatula down to turn around in my arms.

“Goodmorning, Gorgeous,” He said, looking at my attire, “Nice shirt,”

“I thought you had left,” I pouted, squeezing him tighter, “You didn’t have to cook,”

Kellin shifted and picked me up swiftly before placing me on the counter. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he cancelled the space between us.

“I wanted to,” He whispered, kissing my neck slowly which in turn made me squirm, “For my ever so beautiful girlfriend,”

I felt him smile against my skin, evidently liking the sound of that. I wrapped my legs around his torso and tried to draw him in closer as if possible. He growled against my skin, something I never heard him do before but it left me feeling like puddy in his hands. His fingertips dug into my hips and I let out a soft moan, hoisting myself up so my lower half pressed against his.

“Not yet. It’s time to eat,” He purred in my ear. I groaned as he laughed and helped me off the counter to lead me to the seat with the flower resting on the plate.

“So sweet,” I hummed, picking it up to smell it’s fresh scent. I placed it gently down next to me and soon was served the food he had cooked. It smelled delightful.

Kellin soon sat down across from me, maneuvering his hand to rest upon mine, “Eat up, we got a full day ahead of us,”

I looked at him quizzically but he didn’t elaborate anymore, just nudged to my food before giving me a cute glare. I decided against being needy and provoking Kellin for more answers, instead eating everything on my plate. We talked about more interesting stories about tour alongside about my plans to find a job soon. Kellin offered to help but that idea left me feeling a bit uncomfortable. I didn’t want to seem like I was using him for personal advancements. I was done with that.

“Okay, let’s get dressed! Time for some fun,” He grinned, pushing from the table while grabbing all empty plates. I tried to help him but he shooed me away. I still protested but he slapped my butt in emphasis, threatening to tickle me until I followed orders. I stuck my tongue out in a childlike fashion before running down to my room.

I didn’t want to get out of his shirt, it was too comfortable and the scent left me relaxed. I grabbed a pair of skinnies and after changing underwear, hoisted them up. Kellin soon followed in, myself still not used to seeing him in jus boxers. I tried to push away the feeling developing in my lower half, biting my lip in frustration as he bent down to grab his jeans. He turned around after having belted them, looking at me in amusement.

“I mean, if you want me going half naked I guess that’s okay,” He said, looking at his shirt then back at me. Forgetting me hadn’t brought extra clothes I decided to be giving and handed him his shirt back. His eyes fell to my breasts, notably going darker. I wagged my finger at him, teasing him by turning around slowly and shaking my butt as I lowered myself to the bottom drawer to grab a tee.

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