Chapter 7

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"Sorry, I've been so busy with auditions, I forgot to follow up," Lucy said over the phone. I was in the living room with papers scattered everywhere and my computer propped open, exhausted with planning the music video.

"That's okay, nothing has happened," I said slowly, pushing my bangs out of my face, "Well except for one thing that actually involves you,"

"What's that?" She asked impatiently.

"Well first, the boys asked me if I could help them with their music video for their single 'Alone', with like production and stuff. I modeled it so there was a girl in the video that Kellin would be chasing and we both thought it would be great if you were casted as that girl,"

Lucy screamed loudly, myself having to pull the phone away as I groan for the annoying sound scaring me and hurting my ears. She continued to scream for another minute before calming down with a girly laugh.

"He actually mentioned having a girlfriend without you asking? That's perfect," She said, obviously beyond satisfied, "He doesn't know we know each other, right?" 

"He has no clue," I said confidently, "I played it off like I was just a curious person and he came up with the idea so I supported it," 

"This will be so much fun," She said with much excitement, "We can secretly hang out on set, oh my god awesome. I have to go, thanks so much Mandy," 

Before I could respond she hung up on me. I groaned loudly and threw my phone to the side, looking warily at all the papers I had for the project. Looking at the time on the computer, I got up and figured I did enough homework for the day. Passing the mirror hanging in my front room, I stared at the average girl looking back at me. I took my dark brown hair out of it's ponytail and let it messily tumble around, still unsatisfied.

That's when I figured what would be best to do for the day. 


I looked down at my newly polished nails, a deep wine red color. My toes were the same, feeling pristine.

 "Mandy, sweetie, your chair is open," my hair stylist Aimee smiled, ushering me over to the salon area. I thanked her and took a comfortable seat, still turned off by the image looking back at me.

 "Girl you are going to look gorgeous with this new hair," she giggled, combing through my hair lightly, "Any reason for the mega change?"

I shrugged, looking up from the magazine I had in my hands, "I would say mostly boredom, sometimes a girl needs a fresh change,"

 "I hear ya," Aimee answered, nodding dramatically, "You sit tight while I go mix the colors,"

I honestly wasn't too sure why I thought this was the best idea for the day. It was usual for me to make up an idea and justify it within a few seconds then second guess it when in the process. But something deep down told me this was necessary. I just hope subconsciously it had nothing to do with Kellin. 

Aimee came back and began applying the color to my hair, layering it up before putting an ugly cap on my head to go under the heater with. The process continued for a few hours, myself growing excited when I saw her beginning to bleach the bottom ends.

"Let me do your makeup?" Another stylist asked randomly, "I have no clients coming and Aimee told me what she's doing for you, I want to match something up with your look!"

I was slightly taken aback but figured if I was going this far, I'd go all out. I smiled and agreed, now getting my makeup done while waiting patiently for my hair. It felt like I was royalty and honestly I loved it. It had been long since I felt like this 

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