Birthday ruined part 2

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Jason's POV

I was at the party waiting for Night for her dancing show. I didn't know she danced. I was glad that she was happy with it. From what her mother told me she was the top of her lass until she found out that her classmates hated her for it. She then quit dancing all together, but not before she choreographed a dance for her teacher as a farewell gift. Her mother told me that she would t stop crying in her room.

I hated when she cried.

I remembered her crying when she was with the lady that took her away from the war. She was reaching out for me, but I couldn't reach her because of those damned vampires.they made us separate. I was suppose to be her protector. Never make her cry or sad. Always happy. I failed at all of that.

At least she knows what she must do and who she is. I love Night with all of my heart. I wish she was my mate. T least she knows she is not mate with Jacob, the prince of vampires.

"Are you ok man?" Stark asked next to me with a concerned face.

"Yeah just thinking about the failure I've become." I said sad

"What are you talking about. Ever since she found she has been happy. She is happy she found the one that's been with her from the very start and was able to reunite with you. She told me that she felt a pull to you and that's what leaf her to find you. I don't know how you did it, but I am happy because of she hasn't found you and was alone after the fight with Jacob she would not be the same." He said

"You like her?" I asked

"I do, but I know she doesn't i also know who she likes. She has been talking to me a lot ever since the Jacob incident."

"Stark we need more water!" Yelled one of the pack members.

"I will talk to you later." Stark said leaving.

"Yeah see you later." I smiled walking to the back of the crowd.

I leaned on a chair and watched Nights performance. Of course it was good, but I wasn't able to see the end of it. Two pairs of hands grabbed me and pulled me Ito the darkness of the forest.

A rag was covering my mouth ad my chest and hands were tied.

"Hello Jason." Said a voice in front of me. I looked up and saw Jacob.

"It's good to see you again. How have you been since you been out of the lake. Oh yeah you can't answer that. Well just to let you know, I am going to kill Night tonight. Oh wait that's not right, you are. Daily." He called

The with that cast me into the lake appeared.

"Yes my prince?" She bowed.

"Make me look exactly like him." He commanded.

"Yes sir."

She did just that and he turned to look just like me.

"Put him back in the lake where he belongs and make sure this time he doesn't get free or its your head."

"Yes my prince, I will not fail you."

The witch used her levitation spell and took me with her.

Oh Night please don't get hurt. I will come for you and keep to my new promise.

I will be with you for everything and protect you even after the war. I do this because I love you.

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