Chapter 3: A Nation's First Tear

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A little montage was shown of Emma raising us, as we grew older and older as the seasons changed. It didn't show enough to really get a feel of individual interactions, but it was enough to show the love in the household. Finally, the memories slowed down to show Lovino and Feliciano—it's so weird to talk about myself in third person—standing in the small living room, with a strong fire going, showing that it was cold out. Romano and I froze. We recognized exactly what memory this was.

"Come now, Felice, Vino... What's wrong?" Emma asked, concerned as the young twins, seeming to be about two or three, glared daggers at each other. The nations took in a deep breath; they could practically feel the malice in the air. Though Lovino was glaring at Feliciano with murder in his eyes, Feliciano was only glaring at Lovino with mild annoyance.

"By the way," Romano started, giving them a mild glare, which happened to be on par with his younger self. It unnerved the nations. "If anyone calls either of us by those nicknames, you'll wish you weren't immortal..." A few of the weaker-willed nations gulped.

"Why are you always fighting?" Emma continued, snapping everyone's attention back to the memory.

Then, in eerie synchronization, the twins turned as one towards Emma, and with dead serious expressions said, in perfect harmony, "Because I/he was never supposed to exist." Emma blinked, not expecting such an answer. And it wasn't said out of spite either, but stated as a simple fact; as if someone had asked what color the sky was. It was almost painful to watch.

"Itary-kun...?" Japan asked worried. Why would Italy believe that he wasn't supposed to exist? He wondered. In fact, many of the nations were staring at me with intense concern.

"Feliciano? Did Lovino tell you this? Don't believe a word of it. And Lovino! Don't tell your brother such things!" Emma scolded.

"He didn't tell me anything, mother." Feliciano said calmly. "I just know it. We both do."

"It's a nation thing." Lovino said.

"A... nation thing? You mean you just know things?" Emma asked, obviously, they'd already told her what they were.

"Yes. But we were born early. Too early." Feliciano said. "We don't know everything we should. We know we're immortal. We know what we are. We know who we are. I am North Italy, and Romano is South Italy. But that's wrong. There's not supposed to be two Italies. There's only supposed to be one. I was the weaker one. Romano was supposed to absorb me. I was never meant to be born. I was never supposed to exist. That's why he hates me. He's not whole. We can never be whole, now. Neither of us can ever be full nations, because it's split between us. We'll always be naturally physically weaker than the others. Because I now exist, fate has been altered. Those who mess with fate have to pay a price... Momma... I'm scared... I don't want to pay a price..." Feliciano's calm demeanor suddenly broke as he started tearing up and crying into his mother's shoulder.

The nations looked on in shock. Italy wasn't supposed to exist?! But how?! Why not?! They tried to imagine a world without me, but they couldn't. "Itary-kun..." Japan whispered sadly.

"It's true, you know. Every word. Even the price." I stated, glaring at the ground. How I hate my price. That price cost me not only my happiness, but Romano's too. It took Grandpa Rome... and Holy Rome... And I'm so scared that it might one day take Germany or Romano as well.

"Oh, Italien... Don't you ever believe that you weren't supposed to exist. I don't care what fate says, you exist, therefore you are meant to be here." Germany said, pulling me into a hug.

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