Chapter 16: Revenge

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Chapter 16—Revenge

"I'm very relieved to know he's alive." Japan sighed in relief.

"I know! At least some kind of good came out of that terrible nightmare." China said, observing the next memory.

The twins were once again standing in an alleyway with their black cloaks on. "We finally tracked the bastards down." Lovino smirked.

"It's about damn time." Feliciano huffed, gripping an ice blade in his left hand.

"Wait, you're left-handed?" America asked, surprised.

"I'm actually ambidextrous. I got bored, so I learned to use my non-dominant hand, my right, just as well as my left." I chirped happily. I'd enjoy watching us get our revenge again.

"Dude... there's such a thing as having too much time on your hands."

Oh, America. You have no idea.

Hey... are we doing anything interesting yet? I heard Yang ask with a tired yawn.

Nah, not really, just about to watch my past self get some gory revenge. Go back to sleep, lazy-ass.

So... nothing new, then. And I'm not lazy.

I mentally chuckled.

I can always rely on you to make me pull my head out of my ass and laugh, regardless of how macabre your jokes may be.

You're welcome.

The cloaked twins made their way silently into a rather extravagant house, silently taking out the guards as they went. They moved like the shadows they appeared to be. Some of the nations even lost sight of them a couple of times.

Finally, they came to a room with a rather simple door, which Lovino promptly kicked in.

"Wh-who are you?!" An older man, with grey receding hair and more than a few wrinkles stood abruptly from his chair behind the desk. He wore expensive clothing, leading the nations to believe that he was the one they were after.

"Marceus, I presume?" Feliciano's smooth voice betrayed no emotion.

"Again. Who are you? Where are my guards?" The man demanded, reigning in his fear as best he could.

"Oh, they're... otherwise indisposed." Lovino smirked. "They won't be coming to join the party, I'm afraid."

"As for who we are... We are the Shadows of Death." Feliciano's voice was menacing, and the man shivered in fear.

"Why would you come after me?!"

"You told us to come and find you, did you not?" Lovino lowered his hood, mirrored by his brother.

"Si, he did. You wrote it on the fence thirty-three years ago in the blood of an innocent little girl." Feliciano's golden eyes flashed icy-blue for a moment before he regained control, though ice still spread beneath his feet.

"N-no! It can't be! You haven't aged a day!" The man cried in disbelief.

"Of course. We are demons, after all. Wasn't that why you wanted us dead?" Lovino replied easily, twirling his knife idly.

"Don't bother trying to escape. You wanted us to find you? Here we are. Now it's our turn to avenge all those children you murdered." Feliciano calmly strode towards the man, who backed up against the wall behind him.

"Y-you don't understand! I-I-I was ordered to do that! Really! I was only following orders!"

"Oh, please. We've done our research. You are the head of the Crimson Warrior Cult. You did what you did because you were under the impression that we were housing the souls of some sort of devil, and that by taking out what we held precious, we would be 'freed' and 'eternally grateful' to you. That we would do your bidding." Lovino sneered at the man sniveling before him. "You were wrong. But you did unlock our inner devils. But we're anything but grateful. Now it's our turn."

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