Chapter Three

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Work today is beyond tiring. I know for sure that I'm staying my ass in the house next time I have to be to work before 12:00 pm, no thinking about it. I work at Walmart. Top cashier, woot woot. Not really an accomplishment though. This is a shit job, in all honesty. It's always busy, some people are ignorant, and my boss has a major crush on me. I can't stand it. He's always trying to pull little things. At first I thought it was just friendly compliments, but realized I was wrong when he asked me to have paid sex with him. I should have quit the job right then and there, but I need the money and since my dad is already on the verge if disowning me, I'm not going to give him a real reason to.

Today is busy as usual, a little more hectic since its the first week of the month, but manageable. I finished ringing up the last of a customers items. "You're total is $53.70." She swiped her card and did the transaction. "Thank you for shopping at Walmart, have a nice day." I moved the separator and started to ring up my next costumer's items. "Hello, did you find everything alright?" I looked up and oh jeez. It was Berry. He smirked at me.

"When you done ringing up this stuff, slide yourself across the scanner so I can take you home, too."

"That was corny." I laughed.

"Oh, she smiles!" He joked. "And a beautiful smile, if I do say so myself."

"Thank you." I giggled. "All this junk food." I shook my head. "You need to have your girlfriend go shopping for you."

"Well, she's busy ringing up my items, so she couldn't." I couldn't help but to laugh at his corny comments.

"You don't stop, do you?"

"When I want something, I don't stop until I get it. And I want you." Still corny.

"Well, tell you what. Since you have no nutritious bone in your body, I'll cook a real dinner for you sometime."

"For real ma?"


"When and where?"

"Whenever, your place."

"Alright, tonight. When you get off?"

"About seven. Your total is $70.11.." Seventy one dollars on a bunch of junk food? He's crazy, man. He swiped his card and smiled at me.

"See you then? I'll text you my address beautiful." I shook my head at him as he grabbed the last of his bags. He gave me a wink and walked out the store. That boy, that boy.

-6:45 pm-

My boss let me off of work a few minutes early today. I'm grateful for that too, I'm so tired. I just want to go home and fall into my bed. Leila should be at work so I can get a peaceful rest. I hope she is. Her loud mouth ass is not about to keep me up.

I got home and went straight to my room. I heard noises and got kind of scared until I realized what they were. Leila was having sex. Her ass could at least be quiet. "Shut up Lei!" I yelled down the hall and slammed my door shut. I took off my shoes and pants and literally face planted into my pillow. Sleep was calling my name right now and that's all I want. I pulled my cover over my body and started to get comfortable. Just as I was drifting off to sleep my phone started to ring. "Ugh!" I slid my finger across the screen without looking at the i.d. "Hello!?"

"Damn, did you forget about me ma?" Berry. I'm supposed to be making him dinner right now.

"I'm sorry. It slipped my mind. What's your address? I'll come now. And do you have any real food!?"

"Just pick up something. And I'll text it to you."

"Eh, alright." We hung up, and I drug myself out of bed. I went over to my drawer and threw on a pair of yoga pants and a white tight fitting V-neck tshirt. I put my already curly hair into a tight back ponytail and threw on my low pink Ugg boots. The weather didn't really matter to me right now, I just wanted to be comfortable. I grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys and then went to look in the fridge for anything to take to his house because I'm not in the mood to go to the store. I couldn't find anything worth taking, so I guess I'll be going to the store.


I pulled up to Berry's house with the groceries in the back seat. I can't believe I'm sitting outside of this mans house, about to make dinner for him. I've only known him for one day. Not even that, if you want to get technical. I feel weird, but everyone deserves a home cooked meal every once in a while, right? I'm just being a good person. Yep, that's it. I sighed and got out of my car, with the groceries in hand. I rang his doorbell and he answered almost instantly. "You're even pretty when you're in chill mode." I giggled.

"Um, thanks." He reached down and grabbed the groceries from my hands.

"Follow me." I did just that. He led me to his kitchen and set the stuff on the counter. "So, what are you making me?"

"Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, and peas. Simple, but fulfilling."

"Sounds good." He licked his lips and walked up to me, placing his hands around my waist. "What about dessert?" He said in a sexy way. I didn't mean to, but I laughed in his face. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"No sex, until marriage playboy." I said slipping out of his hold. He smacked his lips. "Help me out?" I asked looking over my shoulder.


Another short chapter, but I just got really sleepy. The rest of this chapter will be continued tomorrow.

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