Chapter Twenty Four

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Okay, so this may or may not be a little confusing, but I'm writing this chapter in third person. I write mainly in first person to fully get the persons reactions, feelings, and thoughts out right but this I feel needs to be written in third person for it to come out right, so yeah. At the end if there are any confusions just let me know and I'll clear it up for you...


The loud thumping on the door had Ashleigh jumping out of her sleep. They had been in LA for all of three days now and each morning Raiona was waking up at seven, sometimes six in the morning because she wanted to explore the city before day seven arrived. Ashleigh sighed, flipping over in the bed and shoving her face into the pillow. She groaned feeling annoyed and tired. Not only did Shannon have her out on the town until two this morning, the clock only read 5:30... There is nothing, absolutely nothing, out in LA for a nineteen year old right now. They had already been to every boulevard, every outlet. Whatever shopping was possible, they had done it.

Ashleigh rolled over to the now empty space watching as Shannon's shirtless body groggily walked to the door. He swung it open fast letting out an aggravated sigh. He too was always awakened by Rai's eager mornings. They had a short conversation before Shannon made his way to table beside Ashleigh and his bed. He picked up the keys off of the bedside table and tossed them to Rai who was fully clothed, had her makeup done, and had her hair curled tight and pulled back into a ponytail. Ashleigh looked over her, admiring her hair and outfit choice. "You look cute, where you going?" She wiped her eyes and let out a yawn.

"To see a lady about a BMW." Raiona turned sharply and strutted out. Ashleigh was too tired to speak up about Rai's cold shoulder and stupid comment. She wanted to laugh, but the grogginess she felt just wouldn't allow her to.

Making his way back to the bed, Shannon climbed in and laid right on top of Ashleigh. He snuggled up, wrapping his arms around her head and then placing his head sideways on to hers. She laid there waiting for him to laugh and roll off of her, but after five minutes passed Ashleigh realized he wasn't going to move. His breathing started to become heavier and the slobber in his mouth began to pull to his cheeks. Ashleigh could feel the wetness in the corner of his mouth because he was so close to her face. Before she could move from under him his drool was drooping on to her face, barely missing her eye. She groaned loud and bucked under him. "Shannon!" Ashleigh mumbled loudly. "Get off of me!" He wasn't phased by the loud mumbling and fell deeper into his slumber. Ashleigh screamed loudly, it was muffled, but still extremely loud. Shannon jumped up, wiping the corners of his mouth and looking at her like she was stupid.

"Why you up under me screaming and shit, girl?"

"You laid on me like I wasn't even laying here then yo ass drooled on my face like it wasn't nothing. Move." She rolled her eyes and pulled her body from underneath him. She laid facing him and couldn't help but smile at the smile he was giving. Shannon found it funny that he had completely dismissed Ashleigh's presence in the midst of his tiredness. "You and yo sister annoying, I need a vacation." Ashleigh sighed.

"Me too." He spoke sleepily, pulling her body to him. Ashleigh turned in his arms so her back was to his front and snuggled closer to him, falling back into sleep.

Meanwhile, Raiona was making her way across town. She hadn't told Shannon where she wanted to go, but figured he would assume she was going to see her longtime friend that also stayed in LA. Yes, that was one of her main reasons for him letting her come out here, but that wasn't the plan for the day. She would eventually go and see her friend. Right now she wanted to see another face that she hadn't seen in so long.

Raiona arrived to her destination thirty minutes later. She pulled up outside of the tall apartment building and sighed. It had been years since she last saw Jazlyn and she was honestly excited to be at her apartment. Recently she had contacted Jaz letting her know that she would be in LA for a while. Today was the day they would be meeting up and spending the entire day together.

Raiona thought of Jazlyn as the only big sister she's ever had. When she entered Shannon's life, she became a part of Raiona's as well. Though Chanel has been around, Raiona couldn't connect with her like she did with Jaz. Raiona could admit that she liked Ashleigh as a person, despite the small amount of times they had slightly bumped heads, but Ashleigh was no Jazlyn. Raiona would always be on Jaz's team.

She didn't care that people would deem her fake, or if playing both sides of the fence would end up poorly for her. She would much rather her brother be back with Jazlyn. If she had to become best friends with Ashleigh for that to happen, she would. She would play the game from the sidelines and let Jazlyn put in all of the hard work to get her man back. If she had to plant a few white lies in Ashleigh's ear to misguide her, she would be more than willing too. Again, as long as Shannon ended up with Jazlyn, Raiona would play dirty all she had to.

In regardless to how Shannon tried to play off his love for Jazlyn, Raiona felt it was all just a front. She felt his relationship with Ashleigh was just a cover up so he wouldn't focus so much on the past. In fact, Raiona would swear up and down that if Ashleigh weren't with Shannon in LA it would be him here early this morning instead of her. Shannon would be waiting to Jaz for the first time in a long time if it wasn't for Ashleigh in Raiona's mind.

Jazlyn came out of her apartment, a smile played on her face. She too was excited about her reunion with Rai. Over years they had created a big sister-little sister bond that was so strong and even the long time span between them couldn't break that. To Jazlyn, Raiona was also the sister she never had and always wanted. She felt that without Raiona's presence and balance in her life, she would have gone crazy. A lot of people found their relationship weird, too close even, but they were sisters. People say blood is thicker than water, but for them, their water was thicker than molasses and unbreakable like the toughest rubber.

The passenger door clanking shut had Raiona pulling herself from her thoughts and smiling in Jazlyn's direction. "Stylin and profilin, are we?" She chuckled settling into the seat after securing her seatbelt.

"Girl, this is Shannon's." Rai put the car in drive completely bypassing the fact that she had said Shannon's name. Yes, Rai's main focus was to get her brother and sister back how they used to be, but she wanted to wait a while. She wanted to use the week she would be here to mislead Ashleigh, discourage her. Then on her last day she would drop the bomb on Jazlyn giving her all of Shannon's information and telling her to go and get her man back. She didn't care how messy the whole situation would be, she only cared about her personal satisfaction and the love that she thought still existed between the two. In reality, Shannon had fallen out of love with Jazlyn a year or two after the birth of his daughter. That's why they broke up, he couldn't find it in himself to love her like he used to anymore. Shannon had love for Jaz, but wasn't in love with her anymore. Jaz was still head over heels for Shannon and never could manage to get over him. The situation was messed up, but it was life.

"Shannon?" Jazlyn spoke softly. "How is he?" She looked out the window waiting for Raiona to answer. Realizing the mistake she had made, Raiona sighed. This was not a part of her plan, but now that Jaz knew he was in fact in LA, she would have to create a new plan all in four days.

"He's fine."

"I saw his Twitter and Instagram, he doesn't use Facebook much anymore." Jazlyn spoke of the countless amount of times she had sat in front of phone or laptop checking up on the only man she ever loved. "He seems like he's doing good with business and everything... Who's the girl?" She finally asked the question she had wanted to know the answer to for so long.

"Ashleigh, his girlfriend. They're not anything special though, just messing around." She added on the last part slyly, not one trace of a lie on her face or voice. It was all a part of her new plan to reunite Jaz and Shannon.

"That's not what it seems like." Jaz responded after a short snort. "Take the next exit." She instructed Rai to their first destination.

The entire day the girls traveled all over the city of LA. A lot of the places Jaz took Raiona to were ones that she had already gone earlier in the week with Ashleigh. She didn't want to rain on Jazlyn's parade though and allowed her to show her around the city she had grown to live so much and call home. In the stores and outlets that Rai had already been to, she just pretended that she didn't see anything she liked to refrain from buying duplicates of things she already had or buying things that she didn't want.

Outside of shopping, they visited some of the nice attractions, museums and such. They even stopped to catch a movie and went to an ice cream parlor in between. It was like old times, going places and spending so much time together that they should be tired of each other, but no. The two never managed to tire of the others company.

As the day began to wind down they settled into an outside booth at a small Mexican restaurant. The sun was coming down, but there were lights all around the outside of the restaurant, so they could eat outside. It was weird that the setting was so romantic, but Jaz insisted on eating here. She claimed they had the best chimichangas and pear margaritas around. Rai couldn't drink legally, but the margaritas came in a glass that was wide and deep so Jaz would share with her.

They ate their meal and sipped on the margarita, Raiona from some that was poured in her water cup and Jaz straight from the margarita glass. The conversation between the two started off normal as it had been for most of the day. They conversed about everything they did in the day, what they should do before Raiona leaves, and several other things that had yet to be mentioned on their outing. Somehow, some way, Raiona figured a way to turn the conversations focus back on the subject of Jazlyn and Shannon. She did it do subtle and sly that Jaz had barely realized they were now talking about the love of her life again.

"I know you still love Shannon, and he loves you just as much. I just want you guys to be back together." Raiona whined, sinking into her chair a little.

"Don't we all?" Jaz replied. The tears weren't flowing out of her eyes yet, but you could see the gloss covering them in the lights above. "Don't we all?" She repeated slowly, her voice barely above a whisper. She gave Rai eye contact as a single tear stated the long streams off. Jazlyn wasn't exact on why she still cried over Shannon, but she did. This wasn't the first time and she knew it wouldn't be the last. She loved Shannon more than anything, but he didn't even care to call and ask how she was doing. It hurt her to think that he just didn't care about her when she would die three times over again for him.

With a few lies and some persuasion from Rai, Jaz came to believe that Shannon did in fact care about her. In reality, he did. He sometimes wondered how she was and hoped that she was doing okay. She was his first everything after all, but he never voiced his concerns like Rai made it seem. Shannon didn't want to mislead in his family into false hopes. He didn't want to be with Jaz, so whatever he thought about her was kept to himself.

Raiona sighed seeing that Jazlyn was nearly about to breakdown. Her tears were coming down thicker. She buried her face into the palms of her hands and cried more. "I have a plan." Rai spoke, catching all of Jazlyn's attention.

Allowing her tears and breathing to calm, Jaz laughed slightly. "You do? Like what, kill the girl off and make Shannon forget about her?" It was just a joke, but the laugh Rai gave off had Jaz thinking otherwise. Her laugh was more menacing than playful.

Jaz scooted her chair away from the table a little as Raiona began to speak, "No silly! That's the easy way out." Raiona laughed again. "This is what we do..."


Authors note, yadiyadayada. So, yeah. I feel like this was kind of short, but then again it was well worth it? I don't know.

Let's talk about Raiona's ass though. She's a bitch. She's annoying and I hope she gets hit by a stray car at the outside restaurant, chilling with Jaz like that's her ex girlfriend, baby momma, whatever. And she plottin, plottin like it ain't nothing. Hmm, Shannon family is full of shadesters... Shaking my head... Poor him.

And let me not forget, I wrote the first chapter to a new story I'm going to be starting. It's called Behind Closed Doors. I won't be focusing on that until I start getting to the end of this story, but check it out? I want to know what people think about it before I start. If no one is going to like it, I won't waste my time writing it... So, yeah. Long stupid words over now. PEACE AND HAIR GREESE CUH! (Yes, that was a strange mix of an eighties/nineties and gang reference even though I'm not a part of anything gang related and I was born at the end of the nineties... Awkward... Bye.)

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