Chapter Twenty Three

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Leila called me a couple of days ago all over excited about something that Darien did for her. She claims she didn't want to talk about it over the phone because it was a lot. So, being that we're leaving for LA tonight, Leila is going to come and spend the day with me. It was my plan so I can hang out with her before I leave and have her help me pack. Pregnant or not, she can help me.

I locked the door after kissing Shannon goodbye until later and went to take a quick shower. I washed up in plain scented soap and washed my hair with a tea tree supplement. The tingling that the shampoo and conditioner gave had me feeling in heaven.

Shutting off the water, wrapping a towel around my freshly cleaned body, I made my way out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. I was now back at my apartment, so it was no surprise to me seeing Leila laying across my bed and rubbing her slowly growing belly. "You don't make noise when you come into a persons home?"

"I mean, I still have a key and a room. I must still live here." I rolled my eyes playfully and went over to my dresser. I grabbed a matching underwear set, black with hot pink lace trimmings. I slipped the underwear on after drying off my body and proceeded to lather my body in brown sugar oatmeal scented baby lotion. I wasn't trying to impress anyone today or even get dressed for that matter, but according to society I can't walk around naked. I slipped into a pair of boyfriend sweatpants and a loose, cropped hot pink hoodie. I then blow dried my hair and combed it out of its curls so I could put it up in a messy knot bun.

"So what'd you want to tell me about that asshole that you live with?" I plopped down on the bed next to Leila.

"He's changing, Ash..." She spoke quietly.

"We all know how those 'changes' turn out in abusive relationships..."

"Why do you always have to be so negative about everything? He's changing and I don't care if he's going to do something later, I'm worried about what he's doing now." I sighed. I'm really not trying to fight with her over Darien anymore. It's their fucked up thing and if she wants to continue with it I can't stop her. Leila is already stubborn and I know she's not going to suddenly give up now.

"So, what did he do?" I asked instead of saying something else that would tarnish our friendship.

"He asked me to sleep with him. Not like have sex, just lay there. He held me Ashleigh. We went on a date and he didn't once get mad at me. And when I went to lay with him that night, he was designing a house for us. A whole big ass house with five rooms and six bathrooms. There was a nursery, a master bedroom, two guest rooms, and a kids play room. Then there was a den, and next to that was a personal dance studio. I almost cried. I didn't think his ass cared about me that much to even listen when I talk about dancing." The smile she held, made me happy that she was happy. It made me happy that Darien was making an effort and a turn around, but if he messed up once who's to say he won't do it again? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for Leila, but it's all just seeming too good to be true. "He hasn't hit me in a whole week plus some. He doesn't yell and he asks me to do something instead of demanding it. I know it's all sudden, but I feel like it's real... I don't know... What do you think?" She gave me full on eye contact and awaited my answer. I didn't want to be the friend to put her down before she even got the chance to get up, but I also didn't want to be the friend to feed her lies and play the sympathetic 'I can't believe he did this' role if Darien was to ever start acting out again. I was torn between my bestfriend and being a good friend.

"I think this is a good start, but please be careful with him." Leila nodded and stood up from the bed. She went straight to my closet and started rummaging through everything. "What are you doing?"

"Looking to see what looks cute and will fit me when I get fat. I've been shopping for the baby so much that I haven't shopped for myself."

"I guess. You can take that huge makeup trunk, too. I don't need it." She twirled around looking at me, her smile bigger than before.

"Are you serious!? Don't joke with me, bitch. I'm not playing."

"Why would I joke? Take it off my hands please." Leila squealed causing me to cover my ears. Her loud ass could probably be heard through the walls. I shook my head not understanding the love she had for makeup. She experimented with so much of it and it always came out to perfection. Her skin was light so she could basically pull anything off. Black lipstick, she did it. Purple lipstick, she did it. Blue lipstick, she did it. One time she had a platinum-silver colored lipstick, she really did that. It was Halloween, so she got away with it, it was super cute too. "Lei, why don't you go into cosmetology or dance or even acting?"

"I thought about cosmetology and nails. I can dance, but that's mostly for fun. I don't see it professionally," She paused looking over a spaghetti strap, cross back flowing top. "Is this cute?" She held it up to her body.

"I like it... It looks better on me, but you'll look a little fly in it." She smacked her lips and threw the shirt at me, hitting my head.

"Jealousy, that's all it is. You jealous of me, Ash Bash?"

"Nah." I shook my head while shrugging my shoulders. I tried to hold in my small laugh, but I really couldn't. I giggled like a little school girl suddenly thinking about Shannon.

"What's funny?"

"Shannon called me that the night I had that anxiety attack. I was 'Ash Bash Got All the Cash' and he was 'Berry Bout A Buck'. I can't stand his corny ass." I laughed harder thinking about that time and all the others that he'd made me laugh with his corny comments and other things.

"Yo in love ass, stop." Leila mugged me from the closet as I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes.

"I can't help it. I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love!" I sang after shrugging. I thought about what was coming out of my mouth. I basically just admitted to being in love with Shannon, it was playful but I was finding it to become more and more true everyday. I couldn't put a finger on it because I had never been in love before. I loved Landyn... A lot, I loved a couple of my previous boyfriends. I had never been in love though. I'm still too young to truly know love and to be in love, but Shannon... He just does something to me. I'd be a fool to let this man slip through the cracks. I had done that once already, overreacting over a small incident, but now I'm glad I didn't stop talking to him all together. That's my baby, I don't care what anybody has to say.


Shannon finally walked through the door. He had been gone for hours, Leila had left forever ago. I was tired of being alone in this apartment. More than ever, I was anxious as hell. Our flight was going to be leaving in two and a half hours and I couldn't wait.

Flipping through more channels, I settled for a Lifetime movie. I didn't know the name, plot, anything, but it was Lifetime. I could deal with that. Shannon had finally made it to me on the couch. He plopped down and placed his head in my lap. It was then that I noticed his bare chest with small beads of sweat in various places. I mentally rolled my eyes. This man was too sexy for his own good. I was a sucker for a deep V and his just happened to get more defined each time I peeked at him. I sighed, rolling my eyes mentally one more time. "I missed you. How was the studio?"

"Boring. I went to the workout room for most the time. They was on bullshit..." He groaned. "I don't know how much longer I can deal with this new group." I ran my fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp as I did so.

"Why don't you take a break from some of it, baby? You direct, you produce, and now you're trying for this record label. Stop putting so much stress on yourself."

"I earned everything I got. Three house, foreign cars that ain't even got ten miles on 'em. Giving up don't get me that. "

"You don't need all that shit though, you just want it. And you're not giving up by choosing to not worry about so much..."

"I feel you." He flipped on his side and pulled my body down to him by my torso. "Give me some loving." He puckered up his lips and made kissing noises getting a loud laugh out of me. I pecked his lips one time and sat back up straight. He smacked his lips and then bit my thigh hard making me jump. I looked at him like he was crazy and pushed him off of me onto the floor. Once I realized how hard I pushed him and how hard he fell, I busted out laughing. He jumped up off the floor so quick and on instinct I leaped over the back of the couch. I almost tripped in the process.

"I didn't mean to push you that hard, babe! I'm serious! I'm sorry!" I yelled over my laughter as Shannon caught up to me. I had ran all the way from downstairs to my room. I didn't have anywhere else to run and I was too tired to attempt running anyways.

Shannon shook his head, walking slowly towards me. He was smirking slightly. As he came closer, I moved back. "Babe, stop. I quit. Game over." I don't know why, but I was actually nervous. I didn't think Shannon would hit me or anything crazy like that, but the way he was looking and walking towards me was just scaring me. I backed up until the back of my knees hit the bed and Shannon was standing right in front of me. He grabbed my waist and peered down at me. His face still held the same very intense, very sexy look and I was nearly about to loose it. Being a virgin doesn't mean you don't have sexual urges or horniness. Let me be the first to tell you, virgin heat is probably the worst heat. "I'm sorry." I said again lowly. Instead of staying quiet like he had the whole time, Shannon burst into laughter.

"I scared yo ass, didn't I?" I smacked my lips and sat on the bed.


"Yeah I did. Your eyes told it all, you was about to piss on yoself just now." He laughed some more.

"It's not funny!" I folded my arms over my chest and pouted.

"You so cute when you sad." He pinched my cheeks and proceeded to push me back on the bed. He laid on top of me applying all of his body weight. "You pushed me hard as hell mama. I might have to make you kiss my ass. That shit hurt."

"You bit the shit out of my thigh. It was an instinct. This the second time you done did something like that to me, abusive ass. "

"And I ain't never seen you run so fast, you was gone!" He laughed into my ear.

"Okay, okay. Get off of me now. You stink and you're heavy." I whined.

"Give me some for real loving first." I smiled and playfully rolled my eyes before wrapping my arms around his body and placing my hands on his lower back. He closed his eyes and puckered out his lips. I kissed him slowly and bit his bottom lip hard. Payback, my thigh still hurt from that bite. He let out a small chuckle before pulling his lip from between my teeth and shaking his head. "I'm going to take a shower. Make sure you ready to go to the airport when I'm done." He stood up and walked away still chuckling. I laid on the bed for a short time afterwards just marveling in the bliss of our relationship. Oh Shannon, my Shannon.


We arrived to the airport thirty minutes before it was time to board our plane. Our flight was early and I was ready to jump on it right now. But no, Raiona just had to up and be hungry. She went to nearly all of the places and still came up undecided. We left her alone with Dallas to decide and went to the nearby bar. I ordered myself a glass of wine and Shannon ordered a Hennessy on the rocks.

The bartender poured our drinks and went to help someone at the other end of the bar. "Why'd she pour me so much wine?" I asked before putting the glass to my lips. When I think of a glass of wine I think of the cup being 1/3 of the way filled, this was passed the halfway mark. I sipped the wine and looked at Shannon as he sipped on his liquor.

"They tryna get you drunk, Ash. It makes the plane ride more relaxed."

"Oh," I nodded in understanding. "That means that Rai-" I was cut off by the loud smacking of Shannon's teeth.

"No, she don't get no alcoholic nothing. She better eat that food and go to sleep." I smiled at Shannon's twisted up face. I loved how protective he was over his little sister, he reminded me so much of Chris.

Thinking about my brother made me a little sad. I was still excited about this trip to LA, but it was hitting me how long it had been since I last talked to my brother and his family. My niece could barely form words, but I would always talk to her and make small talk out of the words she could say. I loved them and really missed them. I made a mental note to call once we had made it to LA.

Raiona came to us at the bar letting us know she was done eating. The whole getting me drunk thing was definitely in full affect. The wine had settled and I was buzzed. I wasn't sloppy or anything, but I could feel the alcohol in my system. Shannon knocked off what was left of his Hennessy, paid for the drinks plus tipped the bartender and stood from the stool. He pulled his hood over his head and dropped his phone into his sweatpants pocket. I picked up the Louis Vuitton bag that Shannon brought as a carry on and stood after him. He grabbed my hand and we started to walk towards the gates. Raiona followed behind talking to Dallas. Dallas was staying here in Atlanta while Rai accompanied us for a week.

On the plane I sat in the middle of Rai and Shannon. Shannon on the edge, Rai by the window. Worst possible decision ever. Rai snored while she slept and Shannon was all over me. I enjoyed the heat his body gave off, but his body weight and constant shifting was getting annoying. We had already been on the plane for an hour and I had yet to fall asleep. Just knowing that I had three and half more hours of this was agonizing to me.

Thirty more minutes passed before Rai finally decided to wake up. She yawned, stretched her arms and then looked around the plane like she didn't know where she was at. "How long was I sleep?"

"An hour and a half..." I shrugged. Her eyes went to the back of her head as she positioned herself on my free shoulder and groaned.

"I can never sleep long," Rai yawned again and closed her eyes. "What's going on with you and my brother? You pregnant?" My eyes nearly bulged out of my head as I contemplated on smacking her head off my shoulder. I barely knew Raiona, but here she was getting too comfortable with my personal life. I liked the girl, but I ain't like her that much.

"No. You think that's the only reason he would be with me?" I asked offended. She just shrugged her shoulders before sitting up straight and looking me dead in the eyes.

"I don't know. You're cool, I like you. But my momma," She shook her head, "my momma hate yo ass and Shannon chooses you over her. I just thoug-"

"You thought wrong, baby." I looked at Shannon who rested peacefully on my stomach. I just knew his big ass had to be uncomfortable like that. I smiled down at him, rubbing my thumb over his jaw slightly. "I love your brother and that's all that matters."

"He must gave you some... Don't nobody willingly admit they love Shannon Berry." She laughed and this time I did pop her. I slapped her arm in a playful way.

"I'll have you know that I am very much a virgin and not having sex with your brother, even though it's non of your business. Shannon is temptation in a pair of Jordan's though. Mmh." I shook my head looking down at him again and back at Rai as she gagged. I shrugged, she brought my personal thoughts on to herself. "So, why's your mom so in love with Jazlyn?"

"She was Shannon's first everything basically. My mom liked her when they were just friends, hated her when they started dating, and loved her when she had Elexa..."

"Where is Jazlyn?" I let my curiosity get the best of me yet another time. Raiona stayed quiet for too long. I looked over to see her staring down at her fingers, picking the invisible dirt from underneath her nails. "Rai?" She raised her head slowly, looking into my eyes again.

"She's in LA."


Finally I finished this chapter. *Wipes sweat off forehead* Whew! I don't know why I'm in a 'happy-go-lucky' mood right now at 2:19 in the morning, buuttt I am. Anyways, I don't know if I'm going to be updating again before Christmas comes up, but I'll try. that gives me two days, today and Tuesday, to work my fingers to the bone. But if I don't update by then, MERRY CHRISTMAS BABES! I LOVE YOU! TURN UP! *gets ratchet for no reason at all* Okay, I'm embarrassed... Peace out loves ✌️

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