Chapter Fourteen

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I sat in the passenger seat of Shannon's truck slowly falling asleep. We had been riding for at least an hour now and he wouldn't even tell me the destination. I felt like we were riding to go nowhere, plus it was cold and this nigga wouldn't even roll the damn windows up. That night air was not being my friend and the fact that I was wearing minimal clothing was no help either.

I could feel Shannon rubbing his hand up and down my bare thigh slowly. I accepted the warmth of his palm, but I was still a slight bit upset at him for this long, cold ride. I put my hand on top of his and held it still. "Shit, Ash. I thought you were sleep."

"I'm sure you did. Can you please roll the windows up?" I pouted with my eyes still clamped shut.

"I told you to put on more clothes, babe."

"You already know I'm hardheaded." He chuckled, thinking what I said was funny. In reality I was being dead serious. I never listen, well I do, but that doesn't mean I'm going to follow what I hear. Everyone should know that about me. I do what I please.

"We're here." He tapped my thigh lightly, stopping the car. When I opened my eyes I was confused. We were sitting in an empty parking lot outside of a park. A park... At nine o'clock at night... When we were supposed to be at dinner. Plus it's chilly tonight. I don't mean to complain, but Shannon's date decision might have just pissed me off.

"Um, where are we exactly?" I scrunched up my eyebrows and nose.

"Fix your face, cutie." He tapped the tip of my nose with his index finger. I swatted his hand away and scrunched up my face again.

"Stop that. I'm too old."

"Well bring your old ass on." He opened his door and stepped out before coming to my side and opening my door for me. He had to help me down because his Mercedes-Benz truck was far too big for me and I couldn't get down with heels on. "You do look amazing tonight though." He let me walk in front of him, still holding on to my hand. "Especially that ass."

"You can't whisper Shannon." I rolled my eyes. "Why are we here anyways? I can't walk around a park in these shoes."

"Just relax and let me lead you. It'll be a okay, beautiful."

"Stop with the pet names."

"Why? You feeling some type of way or what?" I rolled my eyes once again and giggled.

"Just lead me to our destination, please." With that Shannon stepped in front of me and lead us onto the long path that surrounded the park. Five minutes into the path, you could see several tall cabins lining the path. They weren't like dirty camping cabins, but were really pretty almost house like cabins. The cabins were made of logs, of course, but the design was more elegant. Some of the cabins were even white or red opposed to the normal brown ones that also lined the path.

Shannon stopped us at the steps of one of the white cabins. It was lit up with small aisle lights and had a pretty little fountain that overflowed into a small in ground "pond". It was so pretty that literally all I could do was stare in awe of what was in front of me. I was almost speechless at the view.

I felt Shannon tugging on my arm and snapped out of my thought. He led the way into the cabin which was cozily furnished. The fire place was lit, giving heat into the somewhat chilly room. It was dimly lit with a side standing lamp and had a comforting smell that was close to apple and spice. I don't know why, but I started connecting to this place more than I should. The suede and oak couches were even comforting to me, just the look of them in the living room. "This is beautiful, Shannon. How'd you find out about this place?"

"Recommended by I friend that lives right down the way. Like four houses." He shrugged. "I bought this for when I need to escape, I just thought I'd share my sanity with you." He smiled, as did I. This place was truly a space of peace, like surreal nirvana. I just took in the surroundings. "Come on. I have something to show you."

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