Chapter Eighteen

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Okay, so I know I said Sunday, Monday night for the update, but better late then never right? So, this chapter isn't the best in my opinion, but it's an intro into things that will come later. Anyways, next chapter will maybe be bringing Leila back into the picture or adding in Ashleigh's father. I have a couple of ideas, so I'm excited to get that started. Also, when you finish this, don't think it's unfinished. It is, it just ends a little weird I guess. It might even seem like a small filler. Eh, I'll update again soon. Be patient with me please, especially this week. My schedule is hella hectic. And sorry about this long stupid author's note, I'll stop being annoying and let you read now.


Shannon hasn't been pressuring me about the whole California thing. That was two days ago and by tomorrow morning I owe him an answer. If he doesn't get back to whoever it is this video will be with by then, I lose my chance. Now, of course I want to go to California. It's just the fact that we'll be there for nearly a month, it could even be longer. I'm so indecisive with things as big as this.

Tonight Shannon is forcing me to join him out on the town. I had plans to stay in, watch some Netflix movies, and eat the snacks that I bought. But no, Shannon wants to parade me around like a trophy instead of spending some indoor, quality time with me.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body before going into my room. I dialed Shannon's number, putting my phone on speaker, then dried off my body. I grabbed my citrus scented body butter right as he answered. "Talk to me." I rolled my eyes. He answers his phone like he's somebody's boss or something.

"You're ignorant, babe." I could hear the slight chuckling on his end.

"You like it mama. What's up?"

"What should I wear tonight? You won't even tell me where we're going." I whined, crossing my arms over my chest even though he couldn't see me.

"You don't have to get all dressed up. You can go casual if you want..."

"What are you wearing?"

"Black pants, white tee with the tan leather sleeves, and Timbs. Casual shit." I groaned, slipping into my underwear. "What's wrong?"

"You make things difficult. You won't tell me where we're going, then talking about dress casual when you stepping out thinking you French Montana." He laughed loud, and I could tell it was his laugh where he's holding his face with his head flung back. "And I bet you're wearing that stupid gold grill too." I rolled my eyes.

"You don't like it?" He asked when his laughing died down.

"It's sexy on you, but you have a lisp when you wear it. And I can't kiss you properly when you wear that thing."

"Aww, you want to be kissing on me tonight?" I smiled involuntarily. I didn't answer him and continued to dress. I put on my white skinny jeans that fit tight to my curves and put on my black leather Timbs. I was still undecided on a shirt. "I know you over there smiling. I am wearing it, but I'll still give you lovin with it in."

"I don't know what shirt to wear..." I whined.

"Come open the door, I got you." I hopped up before he even finished his sentence. I haven't seen Shannon all day, I've talked to him on the phone, but he's been in the studio since twelve last night.

Finally making it to the door, I opened it right away. Shannon was standing there, on his phone of course. I bit the inside of my lip trying to contain my excitement. Not only was I seeing him after nearly 24 hours, but he had the nerve to look sexy as fuck too. His waves were fresh, and his line up was crisp. He looked up at me and I fell in love with his soft caramel eyes for the hundredth time. He smiled showing his straight, white top row of teeth and his gold, diamond encrusted bottom row. This man... He is one of Earth's greatest gifts. "You gone let me in or stand there staring at my fine ass all night?" I sucked my teeth and turned around to go back to my room. Shannon shut and locked my door behind him, then caught up to me, clasping his hands around my bare waist. He placed his chin on my shoulder and leaned in to peck my cheek. We walked like that all the way to my room.

Shannon went into my closet searching for a shirt and I started on my hair. I had had it straightened earlier, so I just parted it down the middle and flipped my front bang pieces back. I touched up my roots, edges, and any parts that got wet while I was in the shower also. I put on eyeliner and mascara then curled my eye lashes and that was it.

I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes, waiting for Shannon to finish. It seems like as soon as my eyes closed, he was sitting beside me on the bed. I opened my eyes to see what he had chose. A royal blue tight fitting crop top and a Dodgers themed baseball jersey. I shrugged deciding it was okay. I laid there a minute, not in a rush to get dressed. "You should get this pierced." Shannon poked my belly button. I scrunched up my face, looking at him again.


"I don't know." He shrugged. "I think it'll be sexy."

"I think it'll be painful. You get yours done, then I'll do mine."

"You got me fucked up." He said while laughing. "Come on, we gone be late." I closed my eyes back briefly. I honestly was tired. "Ash for real. Get up and put your shirt on baby." I sighed and took the shirts from him. I slipped into the crop top then threw the jersey over my shoulders.

Grabbing my black leather oversized bag, I went over to my night stand and grabbed my phone, charger, wallet, and lip balms. I tossed them in and we headed out.

The car ride was long and I was fidgety and anxious. I must have got on Shannon's nerves because he just started to ignore me. He even turned the music up on me with his disrespectful ass. I eventually stopped asking him, I was starting to annoy my own self.

We pulled up outside of the movie theater and I almost smacked Shannon. "Shannon you had me doing all of that for us to have a movie date?" He stayed silent, opening his door and then climbing out of the car. "You hear me talking to you tramp." I rolled my eyes. He chuckled, causing me to reluctantly laugh too. He walked over to my side and opened to for for me, helping me out of his Benz and holding my hand all the way into the theater.

"I'm a tramp, Ash?"

"At the moment, yup!" I popped the p and looked away from him as we approached the concessions stand. "Hello." I smiled to the worker, looking over the list of snacks and food that they had. "Baby," I said softly, moving closer to Shannon. "I want that." I pointed to the picture of fried funnel sticks with powered sugar on them and frosting on the side. "And that," I pointed to a box of watermelon sour patch candy. "Oh, and one of tho-"

"Ashleigh!" Shannon spoke sternly, cutting me off. I looked at him crazy with my head tilted. "You tell the lady what you want, I just pay."

"I wanted you to tell her for me." I pouted. He sighed, shaking his head before ordering for me. I grinned the whole time he was ordering. "Thank you, love." I kissed his cheek before taking my slushy from his hands.

Shannon was looking around all over the place, for what? I wish I knew. He was being all weird and I just wanted to go and sit down to wait for our movie to start. A loud piercing scream from across the theater tore me out of my thoughts. A short, nicely plump girl came running our way and engulfed Shannon in a bear hug. She nearly knocked my baby over. I just stood there, Shannon had dropped my hand and was now hugging the girl back and whispering something in her ear.

Finally letting Shannon go, the girl turned to me. Her smile was big, and was a lot like Shannon's if I may add. I opened my mouth to speak, but she had already had me wrapped in a tight hug. She was rocking me back and forth and nearly squealing each time we moved into a different direction. "Oh my gosh! You're her! I thought big head over here was just making you up." She smiled, looking to Shannon then back at me. "I'm Raiona, Shannon's younger sister."

"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm-"

"Ashleigh." She finished for me. "I've heard so much about you. Shannon, she's prettier than you described." Shannon just shook his head, laughing at his sister. "So, shall we head to watch this movie?" She spoke still in a beaming tone. Shannon took it upon himself to grab my hand again and lead me in the direction of tall, tan, very handsome guy. Raiona had made her way in front of us, going towards the guy also. When she reached him, she grabbed his hand, so I assumed he was her boyfriend. They went into the darkness of the room out movie was playing in and I stopped Shannon a couple feet short of the door.

"You could have gave me a heads up, Shan."

"You wouldn't have come if I did."

"Why not? I'm happy that you actually want me to meet your sister. It was just awkward that she knew me, but I didn't know her." We talked for a short while, then went to find his sister and her date. The movie was just starting when we finally sat down. Tonight might actually be alright.

After the movie we all decided on dinner. It wasn't anything fancy, just KFC to be honest. It was quick easy and had a variety of things we could choose from.

We all ordered our food and headed to Shannon's place for a more comfortable environment. Once we got there, we sat in the living room having a peaceful silence between us as we all stuffed our faces.

"So..." Raiona broke the silence after a couple more minutes. "Brother, before you just flat out say no please think about it... Please."

"How much you need, Rai?" He said before stuffing a piece of his biscuit into his mouth.

"I don't need money..." She paused, laughing lightly. "I want to go to LA with you guys. You know Ty lives out there. She always comes here to visit me, I want to visit her. I want to go shopping on the boulevard, bathing in the sun, nude swimming in th-"

"Hold the hell up." Raiona's boyfriend spoke up. "If you're not in my bed you won't be nude anything." He glared at her. Shannon choked on his soda and I instantly fell into laughter. This white boy had barely said a word all night, so to see him getting defensive so quick was pure comedy to me. And the fact that he said it in front of her brother and made both of them awkward was even more funny to me. I patted Shannon's back as his coughing started to ease.

"She won't be nude at all. Thank you Dallas." Shannon said rolling his eyes.

"Stop being a baby, Shannon. That girl is grown, if she wants to get some she can."

"That girl is my nineteen year old sister. She one year out of high school, she ain't grown."

"She got her own place?" He nodded. "She got a job?" He nodded again. "Does she support herself? Buy her own clothes? Food?" He nodded to them all.

"But she still gets a thousand a month from me."

"You're choosing to give her that, though. Shannon that girl is grown, and if you still don't think so, she's old enough to make her own decisions. If getting in bed with that fine ass white boy is one of them, then so be it. You gone whoop her?"

"Her and him."

"But you tried to have sex with me. You gone get a whoopin, too?"

"That's different." He mumbled, then smirked. "And yeah. I'll get a whoopin, but only if you giving it too me." I looked at him and rolled my eyes before laughing.

"I really can't stand you." I rolled my eyes again, but the stupid smile I had on my face made it look like I was joking. "Let her come. Please baby?" I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso, looking up at him. He rubbed the bridge of his nose up and down with his index finger and thumb then sighed.

"She can come, damn. But only for two weeks. Not the whole time." Raiona squealed, jumping up and down in her seat.

"Thank you." I smiled, leaning up to him. I pecked his lips a few times, then he deepened it, turning it from innocent to hot in a matter of seconds. He pulled away from me and I laid back on his chest. "I love you."

Realizing what I said, the whole room seemed to stop. Raiona wasn't squealing anymore, the tv went silent. Shannon sat staring down at me with a shocked expression written across his face. I shocked myself, shit. I just told Shannon that I loved him. Crazy thing is, I might have meant it. I might have felt it all along, but I didn't want to admit it? Or maybe I'm just in the moment now? I don't know, but it felt good saying it to him. It felt right.

"You mean that, baby?" Shannon raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah... I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled leaning down to kiss me yet another time. Raiona's squealing returned, the music channel we were listening to on tv began to play again and Shannon was still there, holding me, pressing his lips to mine.

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