Chapter Four

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"Dude, you don't own flour or cooking oil!? What in the world..?" I shook my head. It's worse than I thought. I just knew he made french fries, chicken strips, something! But he really just eats whatever he can pop in the oven or microwave. He needs this meal I'm about to whip up bad. I'm surprised he looks as in shape as he does. The only healthy things I see in his house are fruits, some granola and yogurt bars, and some of those shakes that wrestlers drink. I mean he doesn't even own a can of vegetables. "I guess I have to run to the store again."

"No, I got it. You prepare that food." He laughed.

"I can't prepare anything without oil or flour."

"Anything else?" I went to his refrigerator and peeked inside. He didn't have anything to drink except sodas, beers, and those alcoholic lemonade drinks. I'm not drinking tonight and I don't drink soda. I turned back to him.

"Some... Peach tea?"

"That's what you drinking? Alright."

"And make sure the oil is extra virgin olive. Not that other stuff." He laughed at me. "Something funny?"

"You're a health nut. I'll be back." He walked out before I could say anything back. I'm not a health nut, I just like to be as healthy as I can. You can't keep a body like mine eating McDonald's and drinking soda all the time. I do eat some junk, I just don't eat a lot of it. I do drink pop every now and then, but that's like three times a year.

I went back to my cooking. I sliced the steaks thin and started to season them. I wrapped them in plastic wrap and set them in the fridge. Then I started to peel and cut my potatoes. I put a dash of salt and half teaspoon of butter into the already boiling water and then added the potatoes. I started to peel the peas and clean them. Yes, I'm making everything from scratch. Even the gravy, but I'm making that last. I finished cleaning the peas and put them in a pot with a little water to cook. I seasoned them with salt, pepper, and butter then left the kitchen.

I don't have anything better to do to pass the time until Berry gets back, so I decided to give myself a tour around his place. He had a pretty decent house. It wasn't big, but too big for one person. I started downstairs. It was a simple guys room. There was an attached bathroom, couple coaches, game systems, tv, stereo, speakers, a small basketball area, fireplace, and of course Sports Illustrated and Playboy magazines in there. I wasn't too much interested in that room, so I went back upstairs. On the main level, there was the kitchen, living room, another bathroom, and laundry room. Just normal stuff. I looked at couple pictures he had set up around the living room. There was one of him and a young girl, no older than three. She was so adorable and kind of resembled him. I looked at the other pictures in the room. There was a framed obituary sitting on top of the fire place. I looked at the picture and it was the same little girl that was in the other picture with him. She was so pretty and young. How could she have died? It says she died two years ago. Her name was Elexa Semaj Berry. I looked at the obituary one more time and headed for the second level of his house. It was one long wide hallway with three doors on each side and one door on the very back wall at the end of the hall. I feel nosy, but I'm bored. I'm not going to touch anything, just look. I opened the first door and it was a simple white room. A guest room I assumed. I closed that door and went to the room straight across from it.that room was the exact same, so I moved to the next one. The two center rooms were bathrooms. Nothing special there. I opened the door to the last room on the right side of the hall. Everything was so pink and girly. It was all made up and glittery. So glittery. I immediately thought of Elexa and shut the door. If that's her room, I wouldn't feel comfortable being in there. I went to the room right across from there and it was like a mini living room. The floors were wooden and the couches were leather. There were several cigar holding cases on the glass table and an entertainment system on the back wall. I walked in and opened the closet door in that room. There were so many shelves. They were filled with jars of different kinds of weed, tobacco, cigars, bongs and pipes. He's a smoker, a heavy smoker from the looks of things. He has a whole damn room dedicated to smoking. I shook my head and left that room. There was only one room left. It has to be his bedroom.

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