1 - The Cheerleader And The Cage Fighter.... Are Dance Partners?

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This is a new story of mine and I just want to see what peoples reactions are to it, whether you all like it or not.



Paramore - Careful

I settled down

A twisted up frown disguised as a smile

Well, you would have never known

I had it all

But not what I wanted

Cos hope for me was a place uncharted

And overgrown.....


"We're so awesome, woahhhhhh.... We're so awesome, woahhhhh... gooooooo Tigers!"

The whistle blew and the second part of the game started. I ran with the other cheerleaders to the side of the pitch and stood dutifully watching the rest of the game; the crowd behind me cheered loudly every time our team the Thornton Tigers scored more points. It was obvious we were going to win, we were so far ahead points wise the other team would have been better off giving up there and then.

Sure enough we won and I ran back on to the pitch with the other girls in my squad to do our customary celebration cheer.

"Gooooooooo Tigers!" we finished the cheer, jumping up and down to spread the team spirit.

The crowd cheered appreciatively for us: my cheer squad the Thornton Allstars are just as popular at our school (Thornton High fyi) as the football team are - we always do well in competitions and we're hoping to win the upcoming cheerleading nationals in a couple of months.

"Alicia, you need to tighten up your routine or you're gone" I heard Candice whisper harshly to Alicia.

I frowned at Candice as she flipped her long jet black hair over her shoulder and strutted off towards where the football team were congratulating each other with the usual shouting and hard slaps on the back. Candice is a fantastic cheerleader and a real asset to the team but her people skills suck, I don't think she could go a whole day without criticising somebody. Poor Alicia looked like she was going to cry; her cheeks were bright red and she kept her head down. I'd noticed she was slightly out of sync from the rest of us but I'd planned to just take her aside and tell her - I knew once I'd mentioned it she'd make sure to be in time with the rest of us.

"Your high kicks were amazing Alicia" I said, giving her a reassuring smile.

She smiled back at me but it didn't reach her eyes.

Candice is my co-captain and to say we sometimes clash would be an understatement, neither of us had wanted to share the role. I thought Candice was too harsh and she described me as a "pansy who was out to destroy her". I wasn't sure how I could be a "pansy" and destroy her life at the same time.

"Ohmigosh Kaydie, look who's staring at you" the twins Lacey and Janey said, appearing either side of me. They freak me out sometimes with the way they speak simultaneously. The twins can be complete bimbos but they have hearts of gold, they're some of the loveliest people you could hope to meet. Add to that the fact that they're blonde, tall, tanned and gorgeous and you can see why they're a bit of a novelty for the boys at our school.

I looked across to where they were stood and let out a little sigh when I realised it was Brian Sykes. It had become public knowledge that Brian apparently had a "thing" for me and seeing as I was the cheerleader captain (well one of them) and he was the football captain people thought it was natural for us to become a big cliche couple.

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