sassy then serious!!

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Dedicated to the awesome SarahLynn111999

Today you were going to the concert of Justin Timberlake.

Guess with who?? With Cole Pendery!!!

Yup, you and Cole are best friends since primary school. He was your neighbour until 2th grade. He moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of becoming singer. During his stay at Los Angeles, he didn't call you at all. At a Time, you thought that he forgot you. But 7 years later when he returned, he first came to see you. Luckily you didn't move to another place. When you opened the door and saw him, you were shocked and in tears as after so long you saw him. He changed a lot; he had beard but still a sharp jawline, his hair turned more into brown but still was blond, he became way more muscular but still he was so cute..

He hugged you tightly with teary eyes while apologizing in your ears.

- *while crying* I'm so sorry that I left to LA but didn't call you from there. I was so busy everyday and worried if you would forgive me for my act. But now I'm gonna moved in here again near your house so it makes us neighbour once again. Will you please forgive me??

You nodded abs hugged him back. The feeling of being secured, loved and protected cane back after 7 years. He was 20 years old now as you were but in a few days he will be 21. During these days, you spent most of your time with him and listened to him who was telling you all about these 7 years. You learnt that now he was a famous singer in a boyband called im5. His band mates and him are on holidays so he came here and will always be here now which made you smiled.


As the show started at 20, you and Cole decided to spend some time at Starbuck as he forgot the taste of his Vanilla Frio. ^_^

After Cole parked the car, both got out of it when suddenly a group of girls rushed to you both which you assumed were Cole's fans. They hugged Cole and hugged you too. They were talking excitedly with Cole as he was Until one girl asked Cole

Girl- is she your girlfriend??

You and Cole were both shocked at the answer even if you wanted it to be true.

Cole- unfortunately no, she is my bestie since primary bit we hang out a lot...

The girls nodded while you were giving them a smile until Cole added

- but I would like her to be mine..

You turned to look at Cole who was smirking at you with the girls chuckling.

Girl- even if you two would be a thing or not, you both would be relationship and are friendship goals..

You and Cole- awww thank you..

Cole once again hugged them and you both left to Starbuck where he got two vanilla frio. Thy were delicious!!

Arriving 20, you both went to your seats which were luckily in the front row. Cole was excited all the time. After a few minutes, Justin appeared which made Cole fanboyed ( if it's even a word )

You were laughing at him so much that your cheeks were all red. Justin sang about 4-5 songs before doing a small work you asked him to do.

Yup, you knew Justin Timberlake as he was the one to reward you your reward as you were the winner of AGT.

Justin- so how are y'all doing tonight??

The crowd cheered loudly.

- so due one of my dear friend's request, I wanna say this

He turned to look at you and Cole who was frozen.

- Cole happy 20th birthday..
Sarah told me that you loved me a lot since childhood. So she asked me to wish you an Early happy birthday.

Cole stood up in shock yet happiness and replied thanks with shyness. Then he asked unexpectedly Justin if he could cone in stage for an announcement which Justin accepted. Cole went on stage, grabbed a mic and Started talking

- today I'm going to do something which I wanted since 7 years ago. But due to certain activities I couldn't.

He walked closer to you and then knelt before you

- Sarah I love you. Will you please be mine??

You were so in tears that it was hard for you to say yes. After a while, you nodded and hugged him, making everyone cheered wildly. Cole smiled and kissed you in front of Justin.

IM5 Imagines #2 {COMPLETED} ✔Where stories live. Discover now