Hy$n or Dayfaah???

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Dedicated to my sis IM5lover666

Today was a very hard day for you. So many unusual and bad things happen to you that you didn't know if it was the best thing to happen or not! For the time ever, you had your first heart break and that's not gonna heal any sooner.

------- Flashback -------

You were walking on the golden sandy beach, hand in hand with your beloved boyfriend Dy$n. You both met through your bestie's party. She and Cole, her boyfriend introduced you to Dy$n who very soon turned out to be your bestie. Time by time, you both started to get closer until you both ended up dating. It was very awkward at first as you know, some fans would always insult you. They would say that you weren't perfect for each other, Dy$n need a better girlfriend, etc... It did happened that you had cried, you both had conflicts and so on but later, time by time you both went on an agreed terms and dated happily. But as usual, in every relationship, there are always complications; one day during your shopping with your bestie at the mall, you both saw Dy$n. It was very weird as he said what he had to attend his singing repetition. Curious, you followed him to see that he was making out to the fullest with a blond chick. Of course at that moment, you heart break into small pieces. Immediately you ran to him and slapped him right there. Afterwards you broke you guys relation over and left with your bestie. Once at home, all your friends I.e the boys of IM5 and their girlfriends surrounded you to comfort you.

------- end of flashback -------

Wow what were you going to do now???

Then you remembered that you still had a small secret; a small little crush on him, Dana Vaughns

Yup to be honest, you had a crush on him while you were going out with Dy$n.  You only told your bestie about it, of course.

So you decided to tell him...

❇❇❇❇ At Dana's Place ❇❇❇❇

You knocked on his door and a while later, he opened the door. You smiled nervously at him before he led you to his living room. At first an awkward silence ruled over but you talked up and told him honestly.

- Dana I like you...

At first he was shock but later, he smiled genuinely and said

- I like you too Hayfaah!! Be my girl??

You couldn't help but smile big. Of course you nodded and then he spun you around while kissing you...


It's been 5 months since you started dating Dana and it was very ok. You both were loveable with each other so yeah. But you couldn't help but doubt that Something was wrong with Dana.

Anyways Dy$n would often come and apologized for his doing and asked you to take him back which you of course, refused.

You were at Body & Soul doing some shopping for school when suddenly you saw Dana making out with Keana, your cousin. Seriously!!!!!!!! Again cheating!!

This time, not a single tear fell down but instead you walked to Dana and broke up with him and walked away.

Wow your past history is very sad; your first and previous boyfriend cheated on you...

Maybe you were destined to be Mateless!! :(:(

IM5 Imagines #2 {COMPLETED} ✔Where stories live. Discover now