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Dedicated to mrsjackgilinsky96

Today was yours and Cole's 4 years anniversary. Normally you should be happy as you arrived so far in your relation with him but you weren't since you doubt he remembered it. He was abroad for his vacations in London and also for work. He was there since 3 month and since he left, he didn't phone you at all. You weren't in mood at all since he didn't call you. All his band mates called you but not him. To be honest, you thought it was time for you both to break up even of it melted your heart. But tonight, your besties told you that you will be taken by them to your favorite restaurant in the vicinity. All day you were watching TV while sometimes checking your notifications on Twitter and Instagram. Thousands of people were wishing you as you were known as Cole's girlfriend so yeah..

As they told you that they would come to fetch you at 6:30 pm, around 5:40 pm you went to get dressed in your red dress that your mom gave you before leaving to Australia. After choosing your clothes, you went to take a bath then tried yourself and your hair then you did your make up and then you put on your dress. Just when you finished, you heard a honk which naturally meant that you friends were here. You grabbed your purse, phone and keys and left the house.

During the car ride, you all were talking about girly things. After 15 mins, you finally arrived there. You and your friends got out of the car and headed inside. Once in, one of your friends went to the reception and told them a table reserved under the name of someone which you couldn't hear. The man nodded and led you all to you a huge room reserved for you all only. The room was in colour blue with a bit of green, there was a chimney, a piano and couches. The table was set for only two person!?? You a d your friends were at 5 and 2 persons only!?

Just when you were about to ask your friends, they all weren't here. 'what the hell' you thought to yourself. Skelly you walked towards the table and started thinking what was actually happening when suddenly you felt a pair of hands around your waist. You turned around to see.. COLE!!!!!!!!!

Yesssss, it was Cole!!!! He is back!!!! After 3 while freaking months!!!!!

You immediately hugged him with your teary eyes. You missed him so much. You missed his embrace, earth ad voice soooooo much!!

He hugged you back while patting your head gently.

- I miss you so much Monica!! I wanted to call you everyday but I couldn't as my phone got lost plus I was so busy with concerts and everything. I always loved you and I will always also!!

You didn't say anything, you just rested you head on his chest. After a while, you pulled away from him and then he kissed you on the lips and said happy anniversary babe!!

You wished him back and both of you went to take your seat and had dinner. The food was amazing but being with Cole was more than perfect!!

While having dinner you both were talking about your lives when then you asked him how come you here before your tour ends?

- well the girls phoned me 2 weeks ago and told me that you were so down and if I could at least for our anniversary but I wasn't sure due to the pressure. But this morning you friends told me that you were so upset and if i am coming and luckily Jill gave us vacations so here I am near you celebrating..

You smiled sightly and continued eating while still talking. After eating, a slow music started to play leading Cole to stand up and dragged you on the dance floor where you both slow danced. Your hands were on his chest while his were around your waist. Suddenly the music stopped and Cole knelt down. Afterwards someone played the piano; it was Will!!!!!!!! He was playing marry you by BM

- Monica my life is weird, boring and worthless without you but as i have to each time, do world tours... Will you please marry me and accompany me on the whole world as Mrs.Pendery??

You managed to reply yes with super teary eyes. He smiled and kissed you deeply but were interrupted by thousands of claps; it was all the guys and the girls. You hugged each of them and finally came back to Cole. Then you all started talking.

2 weeks later, Cole and you got married and later you found out you were pregnant of twins.

IM5 Imagines #2 {COMPLETED} ✔Where stories live. Discover now