Chapter 1: Introducing the Stars! (EDIT)

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(Hi guys! I've decided to rewrite this chapter, since it's absolute garbage. Hope you guys enjoy!

[Ludwig's POV]

It's a normal night, here in the Koopa Kastle. As I sit at my desk with a piping hot cup of tea, I sigh in annoyance as I hear shouting from outside of my room. Ignoring it, knowing that it was merely my siblings doing their...usual antics, I pick up the fine China glass and take a sip. Delicious. Setting it back down, I pull out some paper and pick up a pen, feeling motivated enough to begin my newest masterpiece. Before I could even begin, however...

"LUDWIG! GET YOUR LAZY BUM OUT HERE!" Growling, I clench the wooden desk and dig my sharpened claws into the surface, keeping myself from pulling my luscious locks out from my head. Getting up from my seat, I storm over to the door and slam it open, only to see all six of my horrid - I mean, PRECIOUS siblings there, chatting their heads off.

"First off, Wendy, I know it was you that told me to come here. I am the least lazy out of all of you. I can actually say that I have a proper job that pays well, unlike you, you money-leeching daddy's girl. Second, what in the hell could be so important as to interrupt my time AWAY from you guys?!" Scowling, Wendy presses one of her golden bracelets to my throat, glaring up at me.

"Excuse me, PRINCESS, but Boss is the one who wants to see all of us. So suck it up, buttercup. The world doesn't revolve around you." Growling, I push her away and begin heading to the throne room, the others in tow.

"Did Boss say what he wanted with us, little sis?" Lemmy's voice piped up, breaking the unbearable silence.

"No...maybe he's finally deciding to pass the kingdom on to us!"

"But wouldn't he give it to Junior?..."

"Hes not old enough, Lemmy. At the young age of 8, it would be very difficult for him to run such a successful kingdom while trying to grow up." Morton, of course, explained it, acting as if he knows everything under the sun. And he still wonders as to why we call him Big Mouth.

"Ah?...Well, it betta come to me! This place needs to lighten up a bit, if ya ask me!" Roy, of course, is bragging. No surprise there.

"Roy, you must remember that he would pass it down to either the oldest or to his f-favorite. And you are neither of those." Iggy has a point there, despite how annoying his voice is.

"Why I oughta-!"

"Guys, that's enough!" Two slaps ring through the area, followed by two whines of pain. Wendy's back at it, slapping her bitchy attitude into everyone.

"Ludwig, big bro...who do you think it will be passed on to?"

"It'll be passed to me! I'm Boss's favorite! Everyone knows that." I immediately glare at the twerp named Larry, my gaze almost as icy as his stupid hair.

"Your name's not Ludwig, LAWRENCE. And it would not be passed down to you, since you are obviously incapable of taking care of yourself, let alone a whole kingdom. It would go to me, for not only am I the oldest, but I'm also the wisest and the most responsible."

"Yeah, and the lamest!" Hearing the others laugh, my face grew hot before I spit a bright blue flame at Larry, causing him to yelp and dodge. Reaching the throne room, we enter before bowing at Bowser's feet.

"Took you all long enough."

"Sorry, your majesty." Huffing, he stands and comes down from his throne, his hands behind his back.

"As you all may not have heard, there is going to be a ball tonight at the Mushroom Kingdom." We all grin, knowing where this is going. "However, Junior is sick. And I need someone to assist me in kidnapping Peach." Our eyes widen. "So, as much as I hate doing this...I am allowing you guys to choose among yourselves who gets to join me." Everyone begins arguing, and soon a giant fight breaks out  among them. Except for me, because I know what's best. As they drag me in on it, I hear Boss muttering about needing some aspirin.

[Main POV]

Today was the big day. Finishing my light makeup, I smile at my reflection before adjusting my hair. Placing the small, golden tiara upon my (h/c) locks, I grin before winking at the reflection.

"Looking good. Man, am I hot or what?" Hearing a knock at the door, I put on my ladylike facade and turn to it. "Come in?" Toadsworth steps in, adjusting his glasses.

"Oh my... I thought I had heard someone else in here just a moment before knocking on the door." I shake my head, smiling. "Ah, alright then...the ball will begin shortly. We shall be expecting your arrival."

"Okay. Thank you, Toadsworth." The elderly shroom nods before leaving, allowing me to relax. Today, there's going to be a ball here at my friend Peach’s kingdom, honoring my arrival and the partnership between the Mushroom Kingdom and my Kingdom, (Kingdom name).

However, I'm not exactly the best at being a proper princess, and my own citizens are to be there. GREAT. Now, don't get me wrong. I kinda like being a princess. But my kingdom needs some work. And by some I mean a lot. But that's another story for another time. Smoothing out my dress, I smile before deciding it was time to head to the dance floor and maybe meet a cutie or two.

Hey, what could possibly go wrong?

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