Chapter 56: Icy Eyes and Foggy Minds

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(Hey what's up?! It's time for a brand new chapter!! I hope you all enjoy this next part [I'm pretty sure you will, tho]. The next chapter is currently in the works and should be done in a few days!)


"Excuse me, Prince Lemmy?" Me and Lemmy pause, turning to the door to see a Hammer Bro peeking in. We had reached the castle, and Lemmy was helping me to improve my magic before the next battle. The younger male goes over to the Hammer Bro and smiles up at him.

"What's up, Hank?" I can't help but giggle at hearing Lemmy say "what's up", and have to slap a hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing.

"Dinner is ready. Shall we bring it in or would you like to come to the dining hall?" Lemmy turns to me before turning back to Hank.

"We'll come down! Me and (F/n) will be down in a few. Thanks, Hank!" The Hammer Bro leaves as Lemmy walks over to me excitedly. "It's food time! Come on, (F/n)! Let's go eat!" I stand up and tuck my wand into the waistband of my outfit, smiling. He grabs my hand and, instead of pulling me over to the door, tugs me to a wall that's painted with a circus scene.

"...Lemmy? Don't we have to go downstairs?"

"I made a shortcut!" Picking up a marker, he draws a large star on the wall and steps back. The section of the wall he drew on fades, revealing an expansive area with slides marked to different areas. Lemmy cheers excitedly before rushing over to one labeled for the dining room. "You go first!"

"Alright, alright." I go over to the slide and sit down before looking up at him. "You sure you don't wanna go first or ride down with me?" He hums in thought before suddenly pushing me, sending me down. I let out a slight shriek, not having expected it, before laughing a little as I go down the slide. After a bit, a doorway opens up and I zoom out, landing on a pile of soft cushions. Standing up, I can't help but grin as I begin to fix my clothes.

"LOOK OUT BELOW!!" The warning comes too late and I feel Lemmy slam into me, knocking us both to the floor. He gasps and quickly gets up before helping me up worriedly. "I'm sorry! Are you okay?" I giggle and nod, beaming.

"That was fun!" I smooth my hair down before letting him lead me to the dining table. Sitting in front of two seats are the items needed to make tacos, and I can't help but feel my mouth water at both the sight and scent of the delicious food.

"Tacos?! Oh, you guys are the absolute best!! Do you like tacos, (F/n)?" I nod and sit at one of the seats. Lemmy hops into his chair and makes two tacos, filling them with tons of meat, cheese, and sour cream. Once he's done, I make myself two as well, putting meat and my favorite taco ingredients in them. We begin to eat, the sound of music filling the air from a large speaker setup located somewhere in the room. Lemmy devours his food and gets more, while I take my time eating the two that I made. Once I finish the last one, I sigh and slump in my seat, content and full. Lemmy finally finishes eating and beams. "That was AMAZING! Oh, I am so full."

"Same here. That was really good." I sit up before standing, stretching a little. "Let's head back to your room, yeah?" He nods and gets out of his seat before leading me back upstairs. As soon as we enter his room, the alarm goes off and I huff. "Oh, really? Now, of all times?"

"I know...they're really annoying! Come on, time for another shortcut!" He reopens the slide area and we go down the one marked "Battle Arena". Landing in the room, Lemmy opens the bay doors as Sandy leads Peach outside. The smaller male turns to me and grins, pulling out his wand. "You ready?" I nod, taking out my own scepter. "We got this! The Dream Team will beat the Mario Bros and save the day!" I grin and nod, kneeling to his height and holding my scepter to him.

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