Chapter 8: Trouble, Trouble, And More Trouble♪♪♪♪♪ ♥♪♪♪♪♪

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(Warning: Violence and some bloodshed is in this chapter

Also feels)

♪♪ ♥♪♪ [MAIN POV]♪♪ ♥♪♪

      Glaring at the strong-looking Koopa, I felt adrenaline pulse through my veins. Clutching my hands into fists, I removed the tiara off of my head, along with my gloves before planting my feet into a fighting stance. They both stared at me, the purple-shelled one with a look of anger and confusion while Ludwig bore an expression of pain, worry, and fear.

      "Now listen here, punk! Put Ludwig down or else!" The buff one began to laugh before snarling and leaning down to me, still keeping a hand wrapped around Ludwig's neck.

      "Who're you callin' a punk? And what'll ya do if I DON'T let him go?" Growling, I wrapped a hand around his throat and squeezed to the best of my abilities before answering coldly.

      "I'll make you wish you weren't born, you goddamned punk." He began to laugh once more before grabbing the hand that was around his throat and squeezed his large hand over it, sending a sheering, burning pain throughout my arm. Gasping, I bit my lip in order to keep the scream from erupting as he continued to practically crush my hand in his. As he does so, he removed his hand from Ludwig, and the blue-haired Koopaling fell to the floor, coughing and gasping for breath. Having only one idea come to mind, I swung my free hand at his face, punching him square in the nose and sending his stupid glasses onto the floor.

      His right eye was completely white and devoid of an iris, a small scar running across it while his left had a red iris. Widening his eyes, he quickly picked them up and inspected it, a grimace making its way onto his features as he noticed a small chink in the frame. Sliding them back on, he slowly turned back to me, anger radiating off of him.

      "You... I'LL KILL YOU!" Grabbing me by my throat, he slammed me into the wall, similar to what he did to Ludwig earlier. Clutching my throat tightly, he grinned as he watched me struggling to breathe, legs flailing and constantly kicking his stomach as I clawed at his hand. I began to feel lightheaded, but before it could go on for longer, the muscular Koopaling was ripped away from me, leaving me to fall onto the ground. Coughing and gasping as air rushed into my lungs, I looked up to see Ludwig slamming his fist repeatedly into the other's face, his nose beginning to drip blood. Weakly trying to stand up, I couldn't do anything at the moment and watched as Ludwig was pinned to the floor and was given the same treatment, blood showing from him much quicker. Finally regaining my strength, I grabbed the tiara that still lay upon the stone floor, stepped up behind the pink-headed male, and shoved the tiara's points into his arm, the tips quickly going through the skin as he howled in pain, quickly getting up due to reflexes and checking the damage. Blood poured from the injury as I helped Ludwig up and biting my lip. Grabbing my hand in his, we began to run away from the angered male, to somewhere only Ludwig knew. Reaching a wooden door with a grey star on it, he banged on the door, looking from the doorway to the hall. The door creaked open and there stood another buff Koopaling, this one being dark brown with a white head, a grey star over his left eye, and three strands of hair popping out from the top of his head.

      "Ludwig? What are you doing here? And who's-"

      "No time to explain! Roy's on the warpath again, and we're his targets! Let us hide in here, Morton!" The tall one, who I assumed to be Morton, sighed before quickly moving, allowing us to scurry in. Looking around, I tried to think of a spot to hide before seeing a large cabinet. Rushing over, I swung the doors open and stepped inside, Ludwig following suit. Morton came over and shut the door, encasing us both in darkness. I noticed just how cramped the cabinet was and cursed myself for not thinking it through. A sigh came from the male before he began to speak in a low, hushed voice. "Listen, (F/n), I'm sorry about getting you in this whole situation. If it wasn't for me and my boss, then-"

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