Chapter 7: Meeting Once Again♪♪♪♪♪ ♥♪♪♪♪♪

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♪♪ ♥♪♪ [LUDWIG'S POV]♪♪ ♥♪♪

We stared at each other for a few minutes, her (e/c) eyes roaming my normal form. Frowning slightly, I blushed lightly before going to stand up. Her eyes widened before she stepped over to me, worry clearly painted across her face.

"Wait. What if you almost fall over again?" Scoffing, I rolled my eyes before replying, a sneer making its way onto my face.

"You're acting like I'm made of glass. Calm yourself, princess." Hooking off of the bed, I teetered over, trying to regain balance before falling forward. Gasping, I shut my eyes and anticipated the fall, stretching my arms out as a way to brace myself until I landed into something warm and soft, hearing a small "oomph!" come from (F/n). Wrapping my fingers around the arms that had caught me, I looked up and opened my eyes to find myself staring into her face once more, a bright red flush upon her cheeks. Looking at her suspiciously, I glanced down to see what was embarrassing her so much.

Once again, I had ended up straddling her on accident, but due to my normal size being so much smaller than my human form, my hips were merely on her legs, on her thighs to be more specific. However, also due to my size decrease, I... ended up falling into her chest and knocked the both of us other. Realizing this, my face grew hot as I moved off of her, my breath quickening. Standing up, I was still a bit off balance, but I disregarded it as I leant down and offered her my hand. Staring at it for a few moments, I scowled before speaking.

"Well? Do you want me to help you up or not?" Looking up towards my face, she nodded quickly before sitting up and placing her gloved hand in mine. Wrapping it in mine easily, I gave a quick tug upwards and, forgetting my surprising but obvious strength, sent her flying into me. We both fell over once more, but this time I took the fall. Landing in a sitting position and hitting my shell against the bed frame, I gasped before groaning in pain. (F/n) quickly followed suit, her hips landing on my lap as she caught herself on the bed, her body landing on mine and a small yet sharp inhale left her as her breath hitched. This, however, left me in an embarrassing, compromising position. Instead of me falling onto her chest, she had now fallen on me, and my face somehow ended up in between the two (small/medium/large) covered mounds. Feeling my face grow as hot as the lava surrounding the castle, I shakily placed my hands on her stomach before gently pushing, making her slowly move away from me. She suddenly pulled away and stared down at me, a hand covering her mouth as the other clutched the fabric on her upper stomach. Fearing that I had done something wrong, even though I rarely do, I gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "S-sorry about all that... it was an accident, honest to god it-"

"Y-you're fine. I know it was an accident, and I'm sorry too. It's just that..." She looked away, causing anxiousness, like what I felt when I KNEW I was in trouble, to spread through me.

"It's just what?...." She glanced back at me and removed the hand from her mouth, revealing a cocky grin. Oh god, here it comes.

"I NEVER knew, despite knowing you for the few hours I have, that you were a breast man!" My eyes widened like saucers as my face greatly regained more heat. "I thought that you'd be more into legs or a woman's voice, but not her chest!" She began to laugh, her eyes squinching shut. Feeling embarrassment wash over me, I tried to think of something to make her quiet while holding my anger back, and quickly placed my free hand over her mouth. She quickly quieted down as her eyes widened at my actions before chuckling, the sound being muffled by my hand. Feeling something warm and wet touch my palm, my brows furrowed as she stared arrogantly at me, until her strange behaviour clicked in my mind. Pulling my hand away, I stared at the area she had licked almost in horror. She began to laugh once more, her form now shaking from it. Suddenly being reminded of our position, I squirmed underneath of her in an attempt to get her off of me when her gasps were cut off by a small but noticeable gasp from the both of us. My heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest at any moment as shame washed over me, the same expression being on (F/n)'s face as she stared down at me, her cheeks quickly darkening. Gulping slightly, she quickly pulled herself off of me before helping me up. As a quick form to pull my mind away from the indescribable feeling I was experiencing from that, I tried to see the spot where my shell had hit the frame.

"Hey, help me really quickly. Can you check my shell and see if there's anything wrong with it?" Nodding, she knelt down to my height as I turned, letting her inspect my shell. Humming slightly, she soon stood up and watched as I turned around. "Well?"

"Your shell is fine." Letting out a sigh of relief, I quickly remembered when she licked my hand and looked back at my palm, only to notice that it had virtually disappeared and left the area feeling cool. Shrugging, I looked back up at her to see her looking away shamefully, wringing her hands together. "Listen, Ludwig. I apologize for what just happened... I got out of hand again, didn't I?" Sighing, I brought Wendy's words comeback to me as I spoke.

"It... It wasn't all your fault. I also kinda played a big role in what just transpired between the two of us. So I, too, am apologizing for my actions." She bit her lip before nodding and letting out a sigh of relief, her body relaxing slightly. "Now, let's actually go now." Grabbing her hand in mine, I gently pulled her along until she joined me, stepping up beside me fairly quickly. Letting go of her hand once she had caught up, I ignored the twang my heart gave off as I lost the gentle feeling of her covered hand resting in mine. Pushing open the door, I held it open for her. Giving me a small thanks, she stepped out into the hallway as I shut the door. "Next time, you're holding it open." We laughed a little before I gave her a stern look. "No, but seriously." We laughed once more before heading down to the female bathrooms, making small talk from time to time. Upon reaching our destination, I stood outside of it and waited for her, my mind drifting off. I was pulled from them when I saw Roy approaching, a large grin on his face as he saw me.

"Yo, Ludwig!" Coming closer, Roy gently punched my shoulder as he stared down at me, his barely visible brows raising. "Congrats on the capture!"

"Thanks." Leaning against the wall, I began to impatiently tap my foot against the floor. I didn't hate Roy, it's just.... He's not the brightest. Anyone could tell you that once they got to know him. And I prefer to avoid people like that when possible.

"Say, aren't'cha s'posed to be watching her right now? What are you doing by the girls' bathroom?" I rolled my eyes before responding, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh, I don't know. Guess I'm just waiting for a girl I've taken a liking to recently." My heart jumped up in my throat as an image of (F/n) flashed in my mind, making me frown slightly. Like I said before, we haven't known each other for over a day yet! This was seeming to look like those stupid books Wendy reads when she's bored.

"Really? 'Bout time you grew a pair and finally got interested in a woman! Who's the lucky girl?" Thinking for a moment, I recalled a joke that I have overheard from the troops multiple times before speaking.

"Your mom." A smirk free on my face as the my shades wearing brother seemed confused, thinking it over as a snicker left my lips. Finally getting the joke, he growled slightly before speaking.

"But she's your mom too!" The snicker turned into a chuckle now. "Where's the punchline?!" More chuckles followed before he growled. "This is SUPER hard!"

"That's not the only thing that's hard." He stared at me, a neutral expression on the visible parts of his face. "You know, your mom also said that a certain something was super hard last night." Snarling, Roy grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall, the bricks shattering as the spikes penetrated it. Letting out a choked gasp of pain, I clawed at his hand, which was keeping me pinned to the wall as I struggled for breath. Drawing a fist back, Roy growled and swung it towards my face. Shutting my eyes, I waited for the blow, but it never came. Slowly and cautiously opening an eye, they both grew as I saw, of all people, (F/n), glaring at Roy. He was clutching his side, and I figured that she had somehow hurt him.

"Just what in the HELL do you think you're doing to Ludwig?!"

Oh no.

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