Chapter 46: Morton's Defeat

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(Hey guys!!! I'm so so sorry for not updating! I started college about 3 weeks ago (I'm in my 3rd week now) and things have been HECTIC. But I'm getting used to the flow of things, which means that I'll hopefully be able to start updating more frequently from now on! College is great so far, but stressful with homework. I'm just glad my schedule is as lax as it is, and I have good teachers and amazing people to be friends with. Anyways, without further ado, let's get right into the new chapter!)

Sitting quietly at a small table with Morton, I sip from my glass of (warm beverage) and softly sigh, holding the cup in my (s/c) hands. Noticing the gloomy, darkened look on his face as he looks at his cup of coffee, I place my hand on his and give him a soft smile.

"....Don't worry, bud. I...may not be Peach, but I'll do my best to try and help you all." His dark grey eyes look up at me before he manages a faint smile.

"...Thanks. We appreciate any help we can get." I smile and give his hand a gentle squeeze before finishing my drink. He does the same and sighs, pleased. "I didn't get to show you my library at my fortress, but I can show you the one here. If you would like, that is. I'm proud of my collection of literature and I just wish more people would read-"

"Morton, if you keep talking about it I'll never get a chance to see it." I offer him a warm, cheery smile. "Let's go ahead and see it, huh?" He nods, smiling widely, before standing and helping me up. We headed out of the large garden café and head upstairs to where the library was. Reaching the third floor, he leads me down a corridor before opening a door for me. I step inside after thanking him and pause, seeing the interior.

The library was enormous, and that's putting it mildly. The shelves towered way above our heads, and filled the room from top to bottom. There were tables and chairs for people to sit and read, and a small counter to note if you borrowed a book.

"So, uhhh....what do you think, (F/n)?" I slowly turn to the dark-skinned male before grinning.

"It's amazing! There's so many books here! Do you have a copy of (favorite book) by (favorite author)?!"

"It's sure I do. I have almost every book printed. Follow me, and I'll input it into the computer. It'll find it and deliver it right to the computer itself so we don't have to search." Before we can even take a step in the computer's direction, loud sirens begin to go off. Yelling in rage, Morton flips a table over before grabbing my wrist and storming out of the room. Reaching the fifth floor fairly quickly, he grabs Peach and drags us to the arena. Entering the room, he pushes Peach outside before putting me by her.



"But, Morton-"

"No buts. STAY." Before I could retaliate, he storms inside as the bay doors slam shut. Furrowing my brows, I step over to the doors and manage to pry one open, seeing how heavy they are. Looking in, I watch as the duo enters the room. "Well, well, well.... Seems like you two don't know when to give up, huh?!"

"Not until we rescue the princesses!" Luigi nods, attempting to be brave. "Now let them go!" The dark skinned male shakes his head, letting out a low growl.

"As. If. I've made it my job to keep them from you. And I'd rather die than to give up so easily!" A gasp escaped me as I heard that, my blood turning cold.

"Morton, no...!" Scowling, Mario adjusts his cap before tapping his boots against the floor.

"So, it's a fight you want, huh?...Well, it's a fight you'll get!" Tensing up as the red capped plumber charged at him, Morton quickly reached into his vest and roughly pulled on a string. Dark smoke surrounds him and fills the room, choking the two brothers up. As the smoke clears, I watch as his armor is revealed.

Morton now donned metal armor on his torso, which gleamed in the light. His khaki pants were now black tights for better movement, and they went into his combat boots. Metal gauntlets rest on his wrists, and on his head he wore a helmet reminiscent to that of ancient Sparta, with the feather plumes and all. His face paint had smeared, giving him a more lethal, dangerous look. Growling loudly, he cracked his neck before charging at the duo, a yell of anger erupting from his throat. The brothers quickly dodged before leaping into the air, landing behind the furious male. Reaching up to him, Mario quickly swipes the helmet off of his head before throwing it to where I was standing. The two jump out of the way as Morton swings around, attempting to smack them away.

"Luigi! Hand me that spare Fire Flower!" Nodding, Luigi quickly pulls it out of his pocket and tosses it to his older brother. Grabbing it, the red brother's outfit changes colors as he transforms into Fire Mario. He shoots red blasts of flames at Morton, running around him to avoid his attacks. While some of the fire balls bounced off of the metal armor, most of them hit Morton, burning him and his clothes. As his skin was singed and burnt, he howled in pain before going after him. Leaping in the air, Morton slammed his fists down into the stone floor, creating a large crater and shattering most of the ground. Mario continued to shoot fire at him, leaping from broken bit to broken bit to avoid the rampaging male. Tripping on a large crack, he lands on the ground with a loud thud, letting out a groan of pain. "NOW!" With that, the duo jumped high before landing on the injured male, knocking the wind out out of him. Mario jumped once more and landed on Morton's head, knocking him out.

"M-Morton!!!" I go to barge in, but am stopped as strong arms wrap around my waist. I struggle in the person's grip, trying to get free and help the wounded male. "Let me go!!"

"No can do, (pet name). There isn't much we can do. N-now, we should retreat back to my area before those two imbeciles attempt to get aboard my ship." Turning around at the sound of the voice, I shudder fearfully at the sight of Iggy, a dark look on his face as he stares inside of the arena. I let out a weak sigh before he lifts me up and slings me over his shoulder with ease, keeping me secure. He rushes to the waiting airship, where his crew waits worriedly. Hopping onto the ship, he places me down before gripping my wrist tightly. "Alright, guys! We've got (F/n)! We have no time to waste! Let's get going before those pesky plumbers get on board!" The crew cheers before sailing off, away from the rocky, red boneyard and heading towards a lush, green forest.

(Edit: Here's Morton’s battle armor. Merry Christmas 😂)

 Merry Christmas 😂)

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