Chapter 39: Ka-BOOM

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(I'M SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!! I know I keep saying I'll update more, but I keep getting wrapped up in life and not having time to do so. However, spring break starts today so I will DEFINITELY have time to write more things for all you lovely people! Thank you soooooo much for being so patient, and I'm so sorry again. I hope you enjoy this next chapter, and don't forget to vote, follow me, and comment for more (if you wanna!))

Getting out of the water, I dry myself off with a towel a Shy Guy had brought in before stretching. Wringing out my clothes, I crumple up the towel into a ball before tossing it towards the clothes hamper. As it goes in, I cheer, before doing something quite odd and throwing my arms across my face, my elbows by my face.

“What in th’ hell are ya doin’?” I look at Roy and shrug, grinning.

“I have no clue...but my towel made it into the basket!” He shakes his head, chuckling slightly, before drying off and repeating the same throwing procedure. As his goes in, he turns to me and grins.

“Now, girly, lemme show ya what a REAL dab looks like.” He stretches and grins before jumping up in the air. Doing a flip, he lands on his feet before doing what I had done with my arms. I begin laughing at what he did, and he joins in as well. As we regain our breath, sirens begin to go off, alerting us that Mario had finally arrived.

“That was...really quick…” Roy huffs, all of the previous joy and humor wiped away from his face.

“He musta used a shortcut. Come on, let's get goin’!” I nod and follow him as we rush upstairs, passing by many windows and unexplored corridors and rooms. I can't help but look around as I rush with him, my curiosity swelling a bit as I wonder what exactly is behind all of the doors here. Finally reaching the top floor, he grabs Peach and hurries to the arena before shoving her onto the airship. “(F/n), are ya gonna stay in dere while I kick their stupid plumba asses?” I nod, determination and hope filling me. He nods, grinning, before turning to the entrance as footsteps are heard rushing towards us. He turns his wand into the Blaster and watches as Mario and Luigi enter the room, still having the power of the blazing Fire Flowers.

“Roy! You know you can't beat us!”

“Y-yeah! We're gonna b-beat you!...right, big bro?” Mario nods, his blue eyes vehemently glaring at the pink haired male.

“Well, bring it on, chumps! I'm gonna have a blast with dis!” He laughs as he fires a Bullet Bill at the two, and I immediately cover my ears. He hops up onto one of the floating platforms and fires at them again, laughing at they run around to avoid being hit. Luigi manages to hop up onto a platform, but screams as Roy jumps down, nearly crushing him under his feet. Rolling out of the way, Luigi throws a green fireball at him, which burns Roy and singes his clothes. Growling, he whacks Luigi with the Blaster, sending him into a wall.

“Luigi! You okay?”

“O-okie dokie, Mario….” He slides down and pulls himself back up, no longer having the Fire Flower equipped.

“Ya idiots can't defeat me!” He throws open his vest and pulls on a string, and laughs as armor forms on him. His chest becomes covered with gold chest plates, and a jagged purple cape flows down from spiked, black shoulder pads. Dark, plum colored armor surrounds his legs and arms, and spikes form on the back of his cloak. Grinning, he fires multiple Bullet Bills at the two, causing them to scramble out of the way. Mario throws a fireball at him, which hits him and causes Roy to stumble. Swaying a little, he grunts in pain and fires again.

“Luigi! Go for his head!”

“Alright, bro!” Hopping up, Mario distracts Roy, allowing Luigi to get in place. I gasp, panicking, and call out to him.

“ROY! BEHIND YOU!!” He turns, but it's too late for him to defend himself. Luigi springs up and stomps on top of his skull, causing him to fall to the stone floor. I rush over and try to help him, worry filling me at the sound of his agonized groan. “Roy, I'm sorry, I should've warned you sooner-”

“It's fine...just get goin’, girly. Before they getcha.” Giving me a weak smile, he slowly falls unconscious, his breathing labored. Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I gasp as I'm pulled up to my feet. I try to pull away, and gasp as the person begins dragging me down the hall.

“Hey! Let me go! GET OFF OF ME!!” I squirm before finally managing to pry myself free. Turning to Mario, who had been tugging me away from the arena, I growl before kicking his shin and darting to the bay doors. Ignoring the Brooklyn brothers, I hurry out and leap onto the airship, stumbling a bit as I land. Looking back at the castle as we sail off, I notice Mario watching with a bit of frustration, while Luigi stares forlornly. Sighing, I turn and softly smile at Wendy, who's watching the scenery. Looking at me, she forces a smile before patting my shoulder.

“You okay? You don't look so good…” I nod,forcing a wide smile on my face.

“Yeah! Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. I'm just….” I sigh, letting the smile fall. “I'm just worried about everyone…”

“It's okay, (F/n). We'll protect you, so don't worry. Besides…” She grins, her aqua blue eyes twinkling mischievously. “It's hard to fight underwater.” Understanding what she was saying, I nod and smile.

“You got this.”

“Trust me, I do. I got quite a few tricks up my sleeve.” She winks, grinning, before patting my shoulder. “Now, let's go ahead and rest until we arrive in Beach World.” I nod and follow her into her quarters, dread filling me.

And now, we check in on our dear love interest....

Picking up his wand, Ludwig casts a spell on an extravagant hand mirror, his hair a mess and the blue color beginning to fade. Staring into the shimmering glass, he grins before speaking, his voice a couple octaves higher than normal.

“Show me my dear, sweet (F/n).” It glows before projecting a holographic image of you, still in the outfit you wore while in Roy’s realm. His eyes roam your figure before he grins, staring at your face. “My sweet, sweet (F/n)....Oh, how I love you~” He giggles, his voice crooning with a sweet and yet possessive lilt as he speaks to the projection. “I cannot wait to see you again...To make you mine and mine alone~”

(Also, here is an image of Roy in his battle armor from this chapter!)

(Also, here is an image of Roy in his battle armor from this chapter!)

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