Valentine's Day

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to sweetrebel2002 thank you for supporting this new version The Agreement as well as the old. Thank you for supporting me with all the books I've written on here as well as commenting and voting. It means a lot to me that you enjoy my books. :-)

I wake up to someone cursing in the kitchen. I rub my eyes and look at the clock on my bedside table. My eyes are still foggy from sleep. I rub then again and the red digits come into view. 8.05am, the time read.

I climb out of bed and slip my feet into a pair of tweety bird slippers. I shuffle to the bathroom and do my business. I wash my hands and dry them with the hand towel.

I look in the mirror and my hair is sticking up in all directions and the ponytail I had my hair in has come out.

Agh! I look hideous this morning.

I pick up my hairbrush and run it through my blonde hair. I tie my hair in a ponytail and exit the bathroom.

In the bedroom I see Landon sitting on the bed. He has a tray of pancakes, a cup of orange juice, honey and Strawberries on the tray.

What is he doing? It's not my Birthday.

I sit on the bed and look at the food. "What's the occasion, Landon?"

He scrunches up his face. "It's Valentine's Day."

I forgot that was today.

Landon rises and he looks out the door. "I'll be right back." He exits the room.

I move the tray to the bedside table and I look at all the food he put on the plate for me.

I can't believe he's changed his mind about Valentine's Day. He always told me it was a load of crap. 'Why would you need to spend money on chocolate and flowers to show the woman that you love her? You can show them every day your love for free.'

I sigh.

Landon enters the room with something behind his back. He looks at me. "Which hand, Mikayla."

I point to his right hand and he pulls out a bunch of red roses.

Landon gives me the roses. "Happy Valentine's Day." He kisses my cheek. "I'm sorry, for being a stubborn arsehole all those Valentine's Days. I wasn't into showing you how I felt. When I lost you I knew I had to change if I got my second chance with you."

I smile. "This second chance is forced, Landon. Next year will be different. We won't have the agreement over our heads."

Landon nods. "I still have more things to give you. Which hand?"

I point to the opposite one and it was envelope. I open the card and it says.

I beg for your understanding.

I plea for your forgiveness.

I am ashamed and scared

Of these words I'm about to say.

These words have been used by others

Words that have been spoken

Loosely, abusively and selfishly by

So many before me on this very day

But alas I know of no other words,

For I am a mere mortal of flesh and bones.

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