•Chapter Five•

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I knock timidly on the door waiting for a sign I can come in. I'm never the one doing this. I'm always the one receiving, never giving. I don't know what to do.

Do I wait for him to say I can go in or do I wait?

What if he's asleep and I need to wake him up?

What if he's naked!?

I blush at the thought.

I should've thought this through and not just think I can make breakfast for him! Stupid, stupid Beatrice!

"Come in." A deep voice rumbles from inside pulling me from my thoughts. It's now or never.

I twist the knob, the door opening with a loud creak.

He is sat in bed, obviously just woken up. He has ruffled hair and his eyes are squinting from the sunlight flooding through the dark blood red curtains.

"Tris?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing. I must've been the last person he expected to come through the door. I smile at the nickname but I suddenly get very embarrassed. I look down, fiddling with my dress which has large noticeable stains on.

"I, um, made you some breakfast." I mumble walking to put the tray on his bedside table.

I sneak a glance upward and see he is extremely surprised. I smile slightly back before turning to leave.

"Wait!" He calls as I reach the door.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Thank you Tris." He smiles. "This means a lot."

"It's alright," I reply. "I actually enjoyed it."

"Well, it looks delicious." He says, politely.

It better! I think to myself. I spent ages to perfect it!

"Bye Tobias." I say as I leave his room. With a big grin on my face.


It's been two hours since I saw Tobias. I hope he's okay.

I flop down on my big, velvet bed, my limbs spread out like a starfish, my body sinking into the soft mattress.

And once again, I am bored.

After a long time of thinking, I decide on: 'The floor is lava' game.

I pull all my bedding off my giant bad and dump it on the floor. I push my bed to the side of my room and all the other furniture next to it. I spread the plumped cushions, soft blankets and cozy pillows all around my room.

When I'm happy with the layout out start at my bed that's been stripped of comfort, and start jumping around, trying not to touch the floor.

A smile forms on my face as I start to have lots of fun. A few giggles escape as I nearly fall on to the lava. I wave my hands in the air, letting myself loose.

I am having so much fun I don't notice the door opening and someone entering until a deep cough interrupts my hilarity and I fall flat on my butt, screaming.

I look up and see Tobias trying to hold back a laugh. I look down, embarrassed.

"Go ahead, laugh." I say and as soon as the words leave my mouth he burst into a fit of deep laughter. It's music to my ears as I've never heard him laugh before.

"What-are- you-doing?!" He manages to get out, still laughing at me.

"'The floor is lava' game." I say, simply. I stand up, brushing my dress down even though the floor was spotless. "Wanna join?" I ask, hopefully.

"What's that?" He asks, confused and my mouth drops open.

"You've never played, the floor is lava game?" I gape.

He shakes he head, amused.

"Look I'll show you," I grab his hand and pull him into my bedroom. My bedroom is much too posh for my liking. It is a mixture of cream, gold and pink. I walk over to my bed, which I decided was the starting point, and stand on it.

"You have to imagine that the floor is lava and you can't touch it." I explain, jumping onto one of the cushions near by. "Come on, you try!" I say, continuing to jump across my room.

He looks unsure. I jump over to him, like a frog on lily pads and reach out to grab his hand from where I'm standing.

I pull it so he comes and stands on the same pillow I am. We are so close I can feel his warm breath against my face. I look into his magical eyes and get lost. They are dark, dreaming blue and I can't help but stare at them. He is so handsome.

His eyes flicker to my lips then back up to my eyes. We were both entranced.

Suddenly, as if he remembered where he was he was, he jumped apart from me.

I imagine a flash of hurt crosses on my face because that's how I'm feeling.

Not that he would notice.

The ocean eyes I was looking into just a few moments ago were now glued to the floor.

Avoiding my eyes, he mumbled an excuse and made himself scares

I stare at the door, going over what just happened over and over in my mind.

What did just happen?


Hello everyone!

The picture above is how I imagine Tris/Beatrice's bedroom but you can imagine it different instead if you want.

I also added a cast by the way. It's just the cast from the film but I'm looking for actors to play Susan and Robert. If you have any suggestions tell me.

Tell me what you think of chapter five! I worked hard on this one because I couldn't get it how I wanted. I hope this is good :)

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