•Chapter Seventeen•

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"What? No! I need to get back-" I stutter. Just the thought of seeing Tobias' bedroom makes me nervous. I don't know why.

"Tris, calm down. I just want to talk to you in private for a bit." He opens the door and gestures for me to enter. "And I've seen where you live, it's only fair for you to see mine." He winks and I blush. He's doing it on purpose.

Fortunately, there wasn't as many stairs like at Will and Christina's apartment. In fact it was the forth door. He fishes another key out of his pocket as I stare at the silver '4' on the wooden door. That reminds me. Why was everyone calling him Four?

Before I can ask he opens the door and I follow him in. I look around taking it all in. I had images in my head but I still had no idea what to expect.

It is a bit bigger than Will and Christina's but also is more sparse of furniture- only the essentials. A sofa facing the side across from a TV sits on my left where as a open-plan kitchen sits on my right. Everything is black apart from some yellow pillows and some words painted in dark blue above the sofa. 'Fear God alone'.

He sits on the sofa and pats the spot next to him. I sit down hesitantly my hands clasped on my lap.

"Why do they call you Four?" I blurt after a couple seconds of silence.

He smiles at me before replying.

"Tobias is my real name." He clarifies. "When I first moved to Dauntless I was the best in a thing called the fear simulations. They basically test all of your fears." I shivered at the thought but I can't help but be curious as to what mine would be. . "Most people have from nine to fifteen. But I just had Four."

His eyes glaze over deep in thought as he remembers the event. "See when I joined I was still very much an abnegation- scared and shy. Weak. Everyone was astonished. So they started calling me Four. And it just stuck."

I nod my head understanding. I pick up one of the mustard pillows and hug it to my chest tightly.

"But you can't tell anyone about my real name." He states firmly. My head shoot up in confusion.

"Why?" I question. Tobias is a much nicer name than a number in my opinion.

"You just can't! Alright!?" He shouts, his relaxed demeanour disappearing right before my eyes.

I recoil a bit because I wasn't expecting it. He notices and immediately looks guilty for snapping. His shoulders hunch over and he puts his head in his hands.

"Sorry." He mumbles and lifts his head. "My anger has been getting worse. People are saying I can't keep a job because I lost that one in just a month and a half."

"It wasn't your fault." I comfort and put my hand on his shoulder and he smiles gratefully but I can tell he doesn't believe me.

We are silent for a minute before he reveals. "I did some bad things as Tobias. I just don't want to be associated with that life."

"Oh." I say quietly. "Should I call you Four then?"

"No. I like it when you say my name." He smirks and sits back on the sofa his hands behind his head. He looks so relaxed here, not like at the castle when he was always on guard.

"Okay then." I say leaning back following his moves. "What did you want to talk about, anyway?"

"Right!" He exclaims as if he just remembered. "I wanted to warn you about something." I sit forward, the pillow still clutched in my arms, interested as to what he needs to say.  "Somethings happening in Dauntless. I don't know what it is.... yet, but I know something is...off.

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