•Chapter Thirteen•

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"Oh my god! She just fainted! What do we do, Chris?! We-" A frantic voice wakes me from my slumber. But I don't remember falling asleep. In fact, I don't remember my last thought at all.

"Will, shut up! Weren't you looking at the TV?" A female voice interrupts. Will! He took me to his apartment, I remember now. The female must be Christina. I try to open my eyes but they resist and stay firmly closed.

"No?" He says confused. I gain control of my fingers and move them across the smooth fabric. It's different to the silk at the castle, it is fluffy like a dog's fur-not that I've ever felt such an animal.

"That was obviously her!" They know!


"Shh! She's waking up!"

I wrinkle my nose and carefully open one eye to see Christina peering down at me. Once my eyes adjusted I see that  I'm lied down on the sofa I was eating dinner on what felt like just a minute ago.

"What happened?" I mumble, rubbing a fist in my eye, trying to expel my eyelids of the drowsiness.

"I think you fainted...or had some sort of panic attack..." Will says slowly, looking worriedly down at me.

I sit up and put my shaking hand on my throbbing head. The memories hit me like a smack in the face. Tobias was fired because of me, the whole kingdom is looking for me, thinking I've been kidnapped.

"Tris?" Christina says softly and I look her way. I take a shaky breath as I shuffle so they can sit next to me. Will sits on my right while Christina sits on my left. "That was you on the Tv wasn't it?" She asks gently placing a hand on my arm as a sign of comfort.

I nod and look down. I'm ashamed and I'm not really sure why.

"Wait...Y-you're the princess?" Will says his eyes wide.

I nod.

"Wow!" Christina says.

I take a big breath out, my cheeks puffing out full of air. I should be glad and relieved that I'll be able to go home soon. But I'm not.

Home is where I was trapped.

Home is where I do nothing all day. Where no one gives me the time of day.

No one except Tobias. He isn't there any more. He was the only one keeping me sane. Now he's lost his job. Because of me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Christina says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I snap out of my reverie to see Christina and Will still sat by to me with anxious faces, like thay are expecting a explanation.

"I-I" I stutter. I throat turns dry and I suddenly don't know what to say.

"Listen, Tris...-Can I call you Tris?" Will says nervously. I nod looking down. This is wrong. I'm a human just like them, but for some reason I have a rank that makes me higher than them. So I get certain privileges that they don't. That's not right.

"You can tell us when you're ready but for now, I think you should get some rest. You must be exhausted." He says gently and he's right. I am exhausted. "You can take my spot on our bed with Christina of you want. I'll take the sofa and-"

"No." I interrupt firmly. I freeze when I see the shock on their faces from the order. I want to be friends with them. So, I can't treat them like I treated people or servants back home. I take a breath in and put a fake smile on my face. "I've already disrupted you. I'm the guest here, I'll sleep here and you two can sleep on your own bed."

He opens his mouth to reply but I glare playfully at him so he shuts up.

"Do you have a blanket I can borrow?" I mutter and Christina goes to fetch one.

She returns with a black fluffy blanket and a gray cushion. "Here." She hands it to me and I thank her.

"We'll leave you to get some sleep," Christina says and pulls Will by the arm to their bedroom. Will smiles tightly before following his girlfriend.

I bite my lip to stop me from crying out in anger, sadness and frustration. He's scared of me now. He thinks because I'm princess he'll be executed for 'hiding' me. He had no problem a few hours ago when he was dragging me into an alley. That's because he thought I was normal.

I place the pillow on the arm of the sofa and pull the blanket over my body, curling up in a ball, trying to find comfort.

I'll never be normal.'Was my last thought before I fell into a deep sleep.


"Tris," A shoulder nudge and a voice wakes me up. I groan. "Tris, wake up."

"Five more minutes." I mumble to Christina, my eyes still closed.

"No, its already 9:30! And Tris, I want answers." She demands and I sit up with a huff. "I may have only known you a few hours but I already care about you."  She smiles at me and I smile back.

"What do you want to know?" I ask fiddling with my fingers.

"Everything your comfortable telling me."

I take a breath in before letting everything out. I tell her about how Mother and Father never let me join in. How I feel like Caleb is turning into them. About the death threats. When Tobias came and how rude he was to me at first. When we became friends. When I was threatened and kept inside. I said about how Tobias took me outside and I persuaded him to take me to the gardens. And when Tobias fought all the men and I just watched hopelessly. Then I told her about running. And how my met Will.

I look up shyly once I finish my story to see Christina looking at me quizzically.

"Well?" I say nervously.

She looks up and sends me a heartwarming smile. "Thank you for telling me all that Tris." She says and I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know what to say apart from this 'Tobyus dude'-"

"It's Tobias!" I laugh at her pronunciation.

"Oh whatever!" She flips her hands. "Anyway, whatever his name is he seems to care a lot about you."

I smile to myself. "I care a lot about him too."


Sorry this is such a late chapter but I had a hard time getting this chapter right.

I hope this is good. Leave a comment or a vote to re-assure me if you liked it.

You are all amazing <3

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