•Chapter Twenty-Six•

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"Robert, I-" I start but I am stuck for words and look down in shame.

What on earth do I say? 'Sorry that you just saw me sneak out of the castle while I'm on lockdown and just saw me kiss my former bodyguard.' I don't think that would go down well.

"How much did you see?" I mumble, my heart thumping with panic at all the things that could happen to me or Tobias if Caleb or my parents found out.

"Enough." He grumbles angrily. "I saw you kiss that bastard." He spits and I gasp. This wasn't the Robert I knew. The Robert I knew was caring and...shy. You'd never hear him say such vulgar language as that.

"Don't you dare!" I snap walking down the stairs to come face to face with him. "You don't know anything about him!"

"I know more than you do." He says and I recoil with shock. He laughs deeply and almost evilly. I take a step back. "There are things he isn't telling you, Beatrice."

"What are you talking about?" I say, my eyes narrowing at him.

"He's dangerous!" He hisses. "He's not good for you and you need to break it off with him."

"Oh, now you can tell me what to do can you?" I snap. How dare he say I need to stop seeing Tobias? The only thing that keeps me sane are these meetings.

He laughs evilly once more and step closer to me. "Yes. You will break it off with him or I will tell Caleb."


The day went agonisingly slow. But not like normal.

Usually I would be wishing the day to go faster so I could see Tobias. But now it was like I was dreading it. I couldn't handle it.

Robert has no right but I knew he was serious about telling Caleb. He was such a kiss ass.

Everything was going so perfectly. I should of known it wouldn't last long and it would all come crashing down.

Whenever I think of seeing Tobias I got this feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. What would he think? What would he say?

I pull at my hair in frustration and my eyes glaze with tears but I don't let them fall. I can't. I wont be that weak princess. I wont be that woman who is weak without her man. I survived before I knew Tobias and I will survive now.

I am strong.


I bite my lip as I grab my torch and key and walk down to the ballroom. I remind myself to breath as I make my way down the stairs. I can do this. He deserves better than me anyway. I am doing him a favour.

I clench my teeth when I see Robert stood at the doors to the ballroom.

"What are doing here?" I hiss. I haven't seen him since last night and I was glad.

He ignores my question. "You know what you're doing, right?" He ask, roughly.

I sigh biting my lip before nodding.

"Good." He says and grabs his own set of keys out and unlocks the door. He jerks his head as if to say 'Get out there'. I glare at him before taking a hesitant step outside.

The door closes behind me and I turn my torch on to look around. I raise it to the distance and smile softly when I see Tobias running towards me with a brilliant smile on his face and a rucksack on his back.

I look down. This is gonna be harder than I thought.

"Hey." He says when he gets near and pulls me close before closing the gap with his lips.

My Body GuardTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon